
Norman Babcock: Human male Child*

CR: 1/2     Medium Humanoid (Human)
HD: 1d4     Hp: 4
Init: +1     Spd: 30'
AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +0, Grap -1); -1 Unarmed Strike: 1d3-1 (nonlethal)
SA: - -
SQ: Spirit Sense
Str: 8, Dex: 12, Con: 10, Int: 12, Wis: 13, Cha: 10
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +1
Skills: Read/Write and Speak English; Diplomacy +2; Investigate +5; Knowledge (Local - Blithe Hollow, Massachusetts) +5; Knowledge (Popular Culture) +5; Listen +3, Sense Motive +5; Spot +3
Feats: None
Gear: Casual Clothing, Backpack, Horror-themed movie posters and action figures

Height: 4'8"     Weight: 77 lbs.
Hair: Brown (stands upright)     Eyes: Blue
Age: 11

* Children (newborns to age 11) are handled differently from other characters. They do not have classes or levels. They have no skills or feats. When a child turns 12, he or she is considered a young adult and takes his or her first level in one of the six basic classes. Since Norman is the protagonist of the movie he appears in, I am granting him skills as if he were a 1st-level character (Dedicated Ordinary from d20 Modern).

• Spirit Sense (Su): Norman is capable of seeing the spirits of the deceased and communicating with them.

Norman Babcock is an average 11-year old boy living in Blithe Hallow, Massachusetts except for one small detail. He can see and speak with spirits of the dead. For years, his insistence in this ability led him to be mocked, ostracized, and bullied. No one believed him except for his friend, Neil Downe until a witch's curse caused the town's founding city council to rise from the Graves as zombies. Despite several setbacks, Norman was eventually able to communicate with the spirit of the witch, a medium named Agatha Prenderghast, allowing her to find peace and cross over into the afterlife, thus ending the curse and saving the town.

Norman as an AD&D character: as above with the following changes: THAC0: 20, no weapon or nonweapon  proficiencies, saving throws as a 0th-level character.

Using Norman in your campaign: after the curse is lifted, one of Norman's former bullies, a boy named Alvin announces that he and Norman are "inseparable best buds and do a lot of psychic investigations together".  Perhaps your party is passing through a town where these children are conducting one of these investigations. Maybe they are drawn into a scenario where children are disappearing from an old country home. Maybe, they meet Norman as an adult and find that he is in the business of "exorcising" unwanted spirits a la The Frighteners.


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