Head in a Freezer

My toddler is obsessed with "Pinkfong and Little Shark's Space Adventure". Like, seriously obsessed. We limit his screen time because we don't want him addicted to electronics but when he gets to watch something, this animated musical is his #1 go-to choice. Hands down.

I have seen this show SO Many Times.

To avoid spoilers for those of you who may choose to watch the show on your own, I will say that a series of events leads Pinkfong and Baby Shark to a Halloween-themed world. During one of the songs, a background character is a blue refrigerator with a human head inside of it. That is the basis for this Weird NPC. 

I have been internally debating whether this creature should be Undead or a Construct but given the context I discovered it in, I went with undead.

Head in a Freezer
CR: 4     Large Undead
HD: 5d12 plus 3     Hp: 40
Init: -1     Spd: 10'     AC: 13 (-1 size, -1 Dex, +5 Natural); t: 8, ff: 13
Attacks: (BAB +2; Grap +9); +4 Slam: 1d8+3 plus Improved Grab
SA: Crush, Improved Grab, Steal Head
SQ: Darkvision 60', DR5/--, Obscuring Mist, Undead Traits, Wheels
Align: Always Evil    Saves: Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +4
Str: 16, Dex: 8, Con: - -, Int: 8, Wis: 12, Cha: 8
Skills: Listen +7, Move Silently +8, Search +8, Spot +7
Feats: Alertness, Toughness

Crush (Ex): The Head in a Freezer deals 1d8+3 damage every round with a successful Grapple check.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a Head in a Freezer hits with its Slam attack, it can start a Grapple without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. If it wins, it establishes a hold and can Crush each round on its action.
Obscuring Mist (Su): A Head in a Freezer radiates a cloud of fog identical to an Obscuring Mist spell (caster level equal to HD) as long as at least one of its doors are open.
Steal Head (Ex): A Head in a Freezer that kills its opponent will replace its current Head with that of its slain foe (any Large to Tiny creature with an Intelligence score of 2 or greater is eligible). The new Head retains its personality but loses its skills and feats and it's alignment becomes Evil. It can communicate in any languages it knew while alive.
Wheels: Because the Head in a Freezer relies on small caster wheels for locomotion, its speed is reduced by half on very soft or soft surfaces such as mud or thick lawns. It can’t negotiate stairs, although it can hop up or down a curb without difficulty.

Headless Head in a Freezer:

The Head itself can be specifically attacked by grappling with it directly. The attacker suffers a -8 penalty to its Grapple check and is automatically subjected to the Head in a Freezer's slam attack. However, if the attacker wins the opposed Grapple check, the Head is pulled free, rendering the Freezer inert for 2d6 days. After this period, the Freezer remains immobile, cannot speak, or use its skills but it does retain its Crush, Improved Grab, and Steal Head attacks. Once it acquires a new head, it returns to full functionality.

Using the Head in a Freezer in a campaign:

The Head in a Freezer works best in a Modern setting although a Head in an Icebox would be an acceptable substitution in a Victorian Era game. Perhaps it could be teamed with a Demonic Fryer to wreak restaurant horror havoc on a small town. For example, a refrigerator that was used by a serial killer to store the heads of his victims is seized and placed in the evidence locker at a police station. A grizzled sergeant decides to spook the naive rookie by sending him down to get "something from that old fridge in the basement". The novice goes down into the basement, finds the Freezer with its door open, and gets "got", or, if you prefer, the sergeant follows the rookie down and gets "got" instead, setting into motion the events of the adventure.

- or -

A group of teens decide to trespass in an abandoned apartment building. One of them notices a refrigerator with its freezer door slightly open. Curious, the teen goes to explore, pulls the door open the rest of the way to look inside and BAM! BAM...BAM...BAM! The Freezer door animates and pulps him and claims his head. The rest of the adventure centers around the newly reanimated Head in a Freezer stalking its former friends through the building and picking them off one-by-one until it's destroyed or all of the teens have been slain.


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