Demonic Fryer

Demonic Fryer

CR: 4     Large Construct     HD: 4d10 plus 20     Hp: 45
Init: -2     Spd: 20’     AC: 15 (-1 size, -2 Dex, +8 Natural); t: 7, ff: 15
Attacks: (BAB +3; Grap +11); +6 Slam: 1d8+4 or +1 Bite: 1d6+2
SA: Breath Weapon
SQ: Aura of Despair; Construct Traits, DR5/- -; Wheels

Align: CE     Saves: Fort +1     Ref -1     Will +1

Str: 18 (+4)    Dex: 6 (-2)    Con: - -    Int: - -    Wis: 10    Cha: 1 (-5)

Skills: - -
Feats: - -

Advancement: 5-10 HD (Large, 5-vat)

The Demonic Fryer uses the rules presented in the d20 Modern core rulebook but is compatible with all d20 systems with minor modifications.

Demonic fryers resemble normal commercial fryers with several deep vats of grease, caster wheels and an assortment of buttons.  Most of the time, the creature is dormant but every few weeks it needs to feed.  It does so by spraying its victim with scalding hot grease from one of its vats and then slurping up the liquefied remains with its long forked tongue.

• Aura of Despair (Su): 30’ radius, Will negates DC12; The mere sight of a Demonic Fryer is so disheartening that anyone who has ever worked in the Food Service Industry (has any ranks in any type of cooking skill) begins experiencing flashbacks of their worst days at work.  This imposes a -2 morale penalty on all attack rolls, skill checks and saving throws for 1d4+4 rounds.
• Breath Weapon (Su): 30’ line of superheated grease: 4d8 fire damage (Ref ½ DC12)
• Construct Traits: Low-light vision, Darkvision 60’, Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects, Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain, Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless), Not at risk of death from massive damage.
• Wheels: Because the demonic fryer relies on small caster wheels for locomotion, its speed is reduced by half on very soft or soft surfaces such as mud or thick lawns. It can’t negotiate stairs, although it can hop up or down a curb without difficulty.

Demonic Fryers in your campaign:

The adventurers work for a clandestine organization that hunts monsters or seeks to suppress knowledge of the supernatural from the rest of mankind.  While following up on a string of missing person reports from a small town, they learn that all of the missing people were last seen at their place a work – a small local restaurant.  The business is doing very well now but up until a few months ago, it was on the verge of closing down and filing bankruptcy.  The owner or manager, who dabbled in the occult, summoned a demon and bound it to one of the fryers in the store.  The monster has been feeding on the people who have gone missing and using their liquefied remains as shortening to give the food prepared within its vats a superior taste.


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