Memorable Combat

A big part of Dungeons and Dragons is combat.  But let’s face it, combat can get boring sometimes. 

DM: Roll to hit.

Player: I rolled a 12 to hit.  I deal 4 damage.

DM: Your opponent swings and misses.

Player: I roll to hit again…13…4 more damage.


But, every once in awhile, something truly memorable happens - something that your players will talk about for years to follow.

I once handled a fight between a Fighter 8/Rogue 4 and a Fighter 4/Rogue 4.  The lower level character was facing the curbstomp battle of his life until he whipped off his cloak and threw it over his opponent’s head (ranged touch attack followed by opposed Dexterity checks).  The higher level character rolled poorly and was blinded, losing his AC bonus and setting him up for Sneak Attacks.

The lower level fighter/thief bore his higher level foe to the ground and began beating on him, punching him in the head and stomach with the hilts of his weapons.  The first attack in each round scored extra damage due to the Sneak Attacks.  It was like watching a hockey player pull an opponent’s jersey up over his face and start punching the snot out of him.

Not only was it an epic move, it made the fight way more interesting.  Have any of you been part of a battle like this?  What happened?  Did your unexpected tactics work?  Let me know in the comments below.


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