A Playlist of D&D-inspired Songs

Sometimes, I will pop in my CD of these and sing along, waiting for ... I don't know, inspiration or at least a sense of escape. There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, more but these are some of my go-to tracks. Enjoy!

Never Split the Party - I always enjoy the El Dorado, Last Airbender, and Mummy clips...

So many versions of this on YouTube, decided to go with the one from the album...

My four year old son lives this. He obviously doesn't get the double extended but he keeps asking for the "loud song".

Grim but upbeat!

No real commentary here but I like the clip from Dorkness Rising at the end.

I feel the pain here... so many dead PCs over the years...


If you think your group doesn't have a "George", you may be him...


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