
Showing posts from May, 2019

Adventure Seed: Decoy Babies

Adventure Seed: A young child dies in an accident in a small farming community. While tragic, this event would otherwise be unnoteworthy except for the fact that the child's body turned into that of a lamb when it died. A call has gone out for adventurers to solve this mystery. What is going on: "X" years ago, a supernatural entity ( witch / fairy /etc) kidnapped a baby (or perhaps multiple babies) from the town and replaced them with newborn animals polymorphed into human shapes (in AD&D, this spell is permanent - under most circumstances - and the affected subject has a chance to take on the mentality of the shape it is transformed into, as long as that form is not more intelligent than the original shape (and I would be willing to argue that gamewise at least, an infant human and barnyard animal are close enough for purposes of our story). These decoy babies grow up, believing that they are human and their "parents" raise them normall...


Snapshot is a shapechanging robot developed by the Q Branch of MI-6 in the 1950s.   He was lost while on assignment in Singapore by Agent 0011 and was presumed destroyed.   Despite his “vintage” appearance, Snapshot is a highly advanced piece of electronic and photographic technology.   He continually upgrades his components (through human intermediaries – often paid actors who do not know his true identity) to remain on the cutting edge of covert surveillance. Snapshot “male” Biomorph Robot Rogue 4 N Diminutive Construct Init: +3, Senses: Listen +1, Search+8, Spot +1, Darkvision 60’, Low-Light Vision Languages: Read/Write and Speak English, Malay, Mongolian and Russian AC: 18 (+4 size, +3 Dex, +1 Natural); t: 17, ff: 15 Hp: 16 Immune: as construct Fort +1, Ref   +7, Will   +2 Spd: 20’ Melee +9 Garrote: 1d2-4 (20/x2) Melee Touch +9 touch: Cutting Torch 1d10 fire (20/x2) Combat Gear: - - Str: 3, Dex: 16, Con: - -, Int...

Hansuke: The Legend Continues - A Purpose Perhaps?

16 Feb 1371 02:00:00 (2621 Shou calendar) As the monk with his hands in the birdcage lies down to sleep, Hansuke responds, “That light was me arriving.”   The blue-armored samurai unbuckles the strap holding his helmet and sets the protective headwear to the side, revealing a fairly handsome face with a largish nose and thin lips.   “Yes, you said you came from a place called ‘Asgard’, that you knew gods beyond those of the Celestial Court.   How is this so?   And why have you come here?   If I had a chance to fight along Chan Cheng or Fa Kuan, I would humbly devote myself to their service.” Hansuke scowls, “How dare you ask ‘how this is so’!   They are powerful gods and they have sent me here to fight and win a battle that is coming.” Nanuen Nanjunge Jug-Inda, known as “Jug” to his companions, holds up one hand, palm toward the shapeshifting monk, “You misunderstand.   No offense is intended.   I am meaning to ask ‘how is it that th...

Day Five of the Odinsleep (Does Anyone Know the Way?)

My apologies for the long delay in this post.  If any of you want to go back and refresh yourself on what is happening, this will take you back to the previous post. - - - - - - - - - Day Five of the Odinsleep (5 am, 2 hours until sunrise) Cedron holds up his hands to forestall any further argument, “Raven I would be an imbecile not to heed your insight on facing an enemy.   Let’s say we do bring the fight to Loki’s door, then the question still remains, how do we find him?” He pauses for a moment, and turns to Idunn. “We are mere interlopers here m’lady. Please excuse our lack of familiarity, but where might you suggest we find the Sly One’s domicile? No doubt it entails a long treacherous journey that only the foolish would attempt.” Kysek shakes his head briefly before adding. “Whether we take the fight to him or wait for him to come here is of no matter. If we wait here, he is just sending wave after miserable wave of minions to wear us down. Th...

The Ghoul General - Establish Dominance

18th Day of the Month of Sunsebb 573 CY calendar The Ghoul General takes a step toward his lieutenants and glowers down at them.   “How about this, since you want to lead so badly, I’ll give you a chance.   If you can defeat me, then you can lead but if you can’t…, well, it won’t matter, you won’t be here anyway.” The ghast stares up at Jamaros.   If it is at all afraid, it does not show.   A wide grin splits its face, revealing razor sharp, blood-stained teeth.   “We killed you no problem the first time, can’t see as doing it again would be so hard.”   The one pacing behind the speaker slows a step and glances at his companion and, seeing him unfazed by the general’s looming presence, sneers back at the undead barbarian and moves further out to the left, putting it in a position to strike from the side.   .   The gargoyle guarding the frost-rimed eastern door shifts its weight and flexes it claws, eager for a fight to begin. The company of ...

The Integrity Airship

I have been giving serious consideration to running a 1920s campaign as a sequel to the Western I am currently running.  The 1920s would be followed up with adventures set during World War II to round out the trilogy of Earth-218 's backstory, establishing the history of the world for the players before my other campaign crosses over with it. Using the Integrity in your campaign For those of you who have no interest in running campaigns with more modern or futuristic elements, the Integrity could be the result of Tinker Gnome experimentation.  Just replace the references to diesel engines and electrical generations with air elementals of lightning quasi-elementals.  Or, perhaps this is a Lantanese version of a Halruaan airships, a flying temple of Akadi (in which case the hangar deck could be changed into a chapel or aviary for flying mounts), or the spiritual successor to the Princess Ark of Mystara.  Or maybe, it is a wrecked hulk, crashed into...