Hansuke: The Legend Continues - A Purpose Perhaps?

16 Feb 1371 02:00:00 (2621 Shou calendar)

As the monk with his hands in the birdcage lies down to sleep, Hansuke responds, “That light was me arriving.”  The blue-armored samurai unbuckles the strap holding his helmet and sets the protective headwear to the side, revealing a fairly handsome face with a largish nose and thin lips.  “Yes, you said you came from a place called ‘Asgard’, that you knew gods beyond those of the Celestial Court.  How is this so?  And why have you come here?  If I had a chance to fight along Chan Cheng or Fa Kuan, I would humbly devote myself to their service.”
Hansuke scowls, “How dare you ask ‘how this is so’!  They are powerful gods and they have sent me here to fight and win a battle that is coming.”

Nanuen Nanjunge Jug-Inda, known as “Jug” to his companions, holds up one hand, palm toward the shapeshifting monk, “You misunderstand.  No offense is intended.  I am meaning to ask ‘how is it that there are gods who exist outside of the Celestial Court?’  I have no doubt that they are powerful and while I am sure you are a fine fighter, you are also a mortal.  How is it that you came to fight amongst the gods?”

Hansuke shrugs, “I was part of a larger group that passed through a vortex that took us to several different worlds – each with its own gods.  We finally arrived in a land where the gods were at war.  I was there for a few days and as I was taking rest this evening, a voice caused me to awaken and led to the light that brought me here.  Hopefully, your king will be able to tell me why.”

Jug shakes his head, “Your tale is astonishing if it is true.  However, my companions and I answer to no king.  Instead, we act as the guardians of this mountain valley in exchange for access to a certain library that may hold the key to my friend’s permanent release from that birdcage.  The nearest land to have a king is Koryo to the south of here.  Perhaps that is where you are destined to travel.  But, for now, we will travel to the area where you arrived and then back to our monastery.  Rest well, traveler.”

Hansuke closes his eyes and lays his head down.  He remains like that for a few moments before sitting up, "It may be that I am destined to help you find this 'key' you for your friend."

The samurai nods, "It may be at that."


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