Abominable Snow Mollusk

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and came upon a screenshot of Spongebob, Patrick, Sandy, Karen, and Squidward in a sleigh being pulled by Gary. I was intrigued and Googled. What I discovered was an episode of Spongebob Squarepants that I had never seen before and it featured the creature I present to you today...

The abominable snow mollusk has a grayish-white body with tentacles serving as arms and legs and fur around her neck, fin-like ears, sharp teeth, and yellow eyes. The creature is always angry, a state stemming from its perpetual hunger. It typically walks on four of its tentacles, standing roughly 9' tall while doing so, and uses the other four to grasp or manipulate objects.

Abominable Snow Mollusk

CR: 8     Large Aberration (Aquatic)
HD: 8d8+8 plus 3     Hp:47
Init: +2     Spd: 20', swim 30'

AC: 18 (-1 size, +2 Dec, +7 natural), t: 11, ff: 16

BAB/Grap +6/+15

Attacks: +10 4 Tentacles: 1d4+5 (15' reach) and +5 Bite: 1d8+2 or +5 4 Mouth Tentacles: Improved Grab (15' reach) or +7 Icicle Spray: 1d4/icicle

SA: Constrict, Icicle Spray, Improved Grab, Mouth Tentacles, Swallow Whole

SQ: Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Scent

Align: N     Saves: Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6

Str: 20, Dex: 15, Con: 13, Int: 7, Wis: 12, Cha: 5

Skills: Speak Common, Listen +7, Spot +7, Survival +5, Swim +13

Feats: Alertness, Aquatic Tracking (see below), Toughness

Environment: Warm Aquatic (Or Frozen Waste of Bikini Bottom)
Organization: Solitary (possibly Unique)
Advancement: 9-12 HD (Large), 13-24 HD (Huge)

Aquatic Tracking (feat): The Abominable Snow Mollusk can follow a trail underwater. Even though such terrain cannot hold tracks, but the creature uses faint scent traces and lingering disturbances in the water to follow the recent passage of his quarry. Since water (especially if moving) quickly washes away the trail, the Survival DC modifier for tracking in water is +10. For each minute that passes since the trail was made, the DC also increases by 1 (or by 5 in flowing water). Tracking through rushing or stormy water is impossible, except to a character under the effect of a wake trailing spell.

Constrict (Ex): The Abominable Snow Mollusk deals 2d8+6 damage on a successful Grapple check with its tentacles.

Icicle Spray (Ex): By swallowing a mouthful of snow and/or ice, the Abominable Snow Mollusk is able to spray a cone of razor sharp icicles from its mouth. The spray is 20' long and 10' wide at its terminal end. Each creature in the area of effect is targeted by 1d4 icicles. Each deals 1d4 points of piercing damage.

Mouth Tentacles (Ex): Attacks made with the mouth tentacles deal no damage but allow the Abominable Snow Mollusk to swallow its opponents whole on a successful Grapple check.

Swallow Whole (Ex): The Abominable Snow Mollusk is capable of swallowing Small or smaller creatures whole on a successful Grapple check. Swallowed creatures can attempt to cut their way free with with a light slashing or piercing weapon by dealing 8 damage. Muscular action causes the opening to close and other swallowed creatures must cut their own way out. The monster's stomach can hold 1 Small, 4 Tiny, 16 Diminutive, or 64 Fine creatures at a time.
     Being swallowed does not seem to have any deleterious effect on the Abominable Snow Mollusk's prey. Swallowed creatures simply pass through its digestive system in 1d4+2 hours as nature takes its course. This means that no matter how much the Abominable Snow Mollusk eats, its is perpetually hungry (see below). Despite this, the creature suffers no penalties arising from lack of food and it cannot doe of starvation. Sweets, such as gelatin treats and candied beans however, can safe the monster's unrelenting hunger.

AD&D stats:

Climate/Terrain: Any Salt Water (Frozen Wastes near Bikini Bottom)
Organization: Solitary (possibly Unique)
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Omnivore (prefers sugar)
Intelligence: Low (7)
Treasure: Nil
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 7
Movement: 3, Sw12
HD: 8
THAC0: 13
No. of Attacks: 5
Dmg/Att: 1d4 Or Nil (tentacles or mouth-tentacles), 2d6 (bite)
Special Attack: Constrict, Icicle Spray, Swallow Whole
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (9' tall)
Morale: Elite (13)
Xp Value: 2,000

Most of the Abominable Snow Mollusk's abilities remain as described except for the following:

The Icicle Spray affects all creatures in its area (Save vs Breath Weapon to avoid).

A natural 20 with a mouth-tentacle means the Abominable Snow Mollusk swallows its target whole.


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