Yipes the Zebra

Those of you who have been following my page for awhile know that I have a penchant for weird NPCs. Today's offering is no exception. 

Yipes is an anthropomorphic zebra with red, green, and yellow stripes instead of black ones. He is able to use human speech, is fond of sports, and works as an advertising mascot for Fruit Stripe Gum.

Standard Zebra (as light horse with the following change)

SQ: Stripes

Stripes (Ex): A zebra's stripes help regulate its body temperature, granting it a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against hot environments. Additionally, they serve to confuse biting flies, reducing the zebra's chance of being targeted by them by 50%.

Yipes the Zebra

CR: 1     Large Animal (Upright)      HD: 3d8+6     Hp: 19
Init +1     Spd: 60' (all all fours), 30' (walking upright)
AC: 13 (-1 size, +1 Dec, +3 natural), t: 10, ff: 12

BAB/Grap: +2/+8
Attacks: -2 2 Hooves: 1d4+1*

SQ: Low-Light Vision, Scent, Stripes

Align: N     Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2

Str: 14, Dex: 13, Con: 15, Int: 13, Wis: 12, Cha: 10

Languages: Read/Write and Speak English
Skills: Climb +4, Listen +4, Profession (Advertising Spokesperson) +3, Sport** (Baseball) +3, Sport (Basketball) +3, Sport (Soccer) +3, Sport (Tennis) +3, Spot +4, Swim +4

Feats: Athletic, Run (b)

Gear: various sporting equipment ranging from baseball bats and gloves to surfboards and hang gliders

* Noncombative herbivores use their natural weapons as a secondary attack. Such attacks are made with a -5 penalty on the attack roll and only add half of the Strength bonus to damage.
** Sport, like Craft, Perform, and Profession, covers a variety of different activities. Most of these use Dexterity. Recalling information about rules or trivia for an individual sport uses the Intelligence modifier.

Upright Animal (Ex): Yipes' front legs are functional arms, allowing him to manipulate objects. He also has the ability to speak.

AD&D Stats

Int: High (13)
Align: Neutral
AC: 7
MV: 24
HD: 2 (11 hp)
THAC0: 19
#att: 1
Dmg/Att: 1d3
ML: Ave (10)
Languages: Common
Nonweapon Prof: Diplomacy, Gaming
Xp Value: 65


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