Sentient Pizza Dough Monster

A sentient pizza dough monster is only mentally cognizant enough to recognize its creator and even then, just barely. In nearly all cases where one has been encountered, it has sought out its maker to exact some sort of revenge but in a passive-aggressive manner, like an unwanted roommate. It will move in to its creator's residence and lay around, raid the fridge, knock breakable objects off of shelves, and otherwise make a nuisance of itself.

* (I checked both books and while there were creatures that were close, none were close enough).

Sentient Pizza Dough Monster

CR: 5    Large Ooze     HD: 8d10+40 plus 3     Hp: 86
Init: -4     Spd: 10'
AC: 15 (-1 size, -4 Dec, +10 natural), t: 5, ff: 15

BAB +6/Grap +18
Attacks: +9 Slam: 1d6+6 plus Improved Grab

SA: Constrict, Improved Grab
SQ: Amorphous, Blindsight 30', Immune to Bludgeoning Damage, Ooze Traits, Slowed by Cold and Heat effects

Align: N (Evil tendencies)

Saves: Fort +7, Ref -2, Will -3

Skills: Escape Artist +6, Survival +1, Swim +9
Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Toughness

Amorphous (Ex): A sentient pizza dough monster has no defined shape, being able to twist and bend its mass at will. As such, it gains a +4 racial bonus on Grapple checks (included above) and a +10 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks (also included above). As a full round action, it can squeeze through an opening as small as 12" square. In the case of an enclosed space, such as a drain pipe or airshaft, it moves at one-third its normal speed but can take no other actions until more tham half of it's bulk has emerged from thr enclosure. It can rear up to a height equal to one-half of its diameter without additional support.

Blindsight (Ex): The sentient pizza dough monster can sense movement in any direction through its doughy hide. In water, this ability is largely negated as only the portion of the creature that is not submerged is capable of sensing its surroundings, limiting the range of this ability to only 5'.

Slowed by Cold and Heat Effects (Ex): If exposed to am attack that deals cold or fire damage, the Sentient Pizza Dough Monster is slowed for 1 round per 5 damage it would have suffered.


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