A Horse By Any Other Name (Restoration)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon 1000 ALB) / Day Five of the Odinsleep (12:06 pm) 

The arrival of Thor and Hildr and the threat levied by the Thunder God are enough to make Loki back off. 

Niklas, not entirely believing the sudden reversal of fortune, stares intently at the newcomers and at Loki, searching for out-of-place details that may indicate some sort of illusion or trickery. 

Raven scowls, annoyed by the rescue but sheaths his swords and walks over to Drax. He looks at Ra’ziir and mutters, "Just like Algar back in the Sunless City after we defeated the Great Shaboath. 

The bladesinger nods curtly before using one of his most potent spells to restore Drax to flesh and bone.
Shadow beams at the Valkyrie before turning to Spewer, "I think I am in love." 

“By the gods…” Ced says in awe as a gasp of words escapes. The divinity is nearly overwhelming for man who has surrendered his life and devotion to a god. “The path of progress has revealed itself once more! By the glory of Malazzarr!” declares the minstrel-priest in reverence of the great power of Malazzarr, who shines the light of greater good and progress on even the darkest of situations. “Some would balk at facing a god, but faith in Malazzarr shows that even mere mortals can face the divine when their heart follows the path of progress!” 

Grotto is confused as to what has just happened but to be under the direct protection of a god in their realm is most welcome! Knowing he has these newest friends joining the battle on his side, Grotto feels very self assured! "You are most lucky that they came to your rescue trickster! Things were just starting to go our way!" 

Kysek shakes his head in disbelief, "Recognition for our deeds. How unusual." 

Abacus and Foil Hat, for their part, stare in open-mouthed confusion at all of these gods, their minds blown by the majestic beings.
- - - - -
• Cedron: 95% health; Light (79 minutes, 3 rounds remaining), Displacement (7 rounds), Prayer (8 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 8 rounds), Mass Haste (16 rounds),
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow), Prayer (8 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 8 rounds), Mass Haste (16 rounds),
• Grotto: 94% health; Prayer (8 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 8 rounds), Mass Haste (16 rounds),
• Kysek: 95% health; Half of the Tome has been read; Prayer (8 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 8 rounds), Mass Haste (16 rounds),
• Niklas: 100% health; Prayer (8 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 8 rounds), Mass Haste (16 rounds),
• Raven: 78% health; Protection from Evil (11 minutes, 8 rounds), Prayer (8 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 8 rounds), Mass Haste (16 rounds),
• Ra’ziir: 88% health; Prayer (8 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 8 rounds), Mass Haste (16 rounds),
• Shadow: 97% health; Overland Flight (18 hours, 57 minutes, 2 rounds remaining), Prayer (8 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 8 rounds), Mass Haste (16 rounds),


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