Things I Wish I'd Remembered Before Posting the End of the Fight with Loki

There were two things I wanted to be sure I included in the fight with Loki.

I wrote them down so I wouldn't forget.

I wrote them down in a notebook.

But I wrote the post from my phone.

So, I forgot.

The first thing was that I knew Loki was going to turn someone to stone. But, as a nod to DiscordDiscord, I planned on having the draconequus help that victim avoid that fate so that character could then attack from an unexpected quarter.

The second thing was that Hildr the Valkyrie was supposed to arrive a couple of rounds Before Thor. She has an ability (usable once per day) that confers great combat prowess upon its recipient by channeling the power of Odin. Bonuses to attack, damage, and so on for ten rounds. At the end of that time, the power causes the blessed warrior to "burn out", killing them and guaranteeing their place in Valhalla. The rest of the party would be able to intervene to prevent that part but I think it would have been pretty cool. 


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