DM Notes for "A Horse by Any Other Name"

"Perhaps the most powerful lesson I learned from comics was that if you kept a straight face, you could do anything. The wildest stories were possible if you invited the readers to come along on the journey without breaking faith with them. No nudges in the ribs or sly winks to let them know we were all in on the joke, that we were too hip for our own good. The essence of a good story is to bind the reader with a spell broken only at the story's conclusion and perhaps not even then."

 - Walt Simonson 

I think a good Dungeon Master should be able to write an adventure for any setting. While working on notes for the campaign, I learned that three of my players were "Bronies". I had heard some fairly derogatory things about that particular Fandom so I asked what the deal was and they walked me through the points of view on both sides and it got me thinking. I ended up writing an adventure that's a...bit out there but I took it's crafting as seriously as I have everything else for our campaign and I think it is well done, capturing the feel of the setting and its lore. That said, the players who fit the "target demographic" aren't really active anymore. 

Not using it would not have detracted from our story. Using it could be really entertaining but does add quite a bit of game time, especially using the play-by-post format (what would be a single afternoon at a table can take months to complete after all). 

This brought us to the question at hand: 

Play it or Skip it?

They decided to go for it. Feel free to mine it for ideas or run it for your kids if they are into this sort of thing.  

This adventure was intended to take place immediately after the events of S1:E2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.


After three days of constant fighting on the fields outside of Asgard and a pitched battle against Malekith the Accursed, you finally face the God of Mischief. At the heart of Loki’s domain and with swords in hand and the words of spells on your lips, you rushed in to do battle. Loki turned his head and shouted, “Puny mortals, I am a god! I will not have my plans disrupted when I am so close to victory!  BEGONE WITH THE LOT OF YOU!” Loki waved his hand in a short arc as the we rushed to engage him in combat. There was a blinding flash of light and then everything went dark.

When your vision returns, you find yourselves in a land of soft, pastel colors. The whole place looks too perfect to be real. A gently rolling meadow stretches as far as you can see, dotted with occasional, beautiful trees. The road you are standing on stretches to a distant little village that looks adorably quaint.  The sky is the lightest shade of blue imaginable with the clouds floating high and fluffy above the ground. The radiant yellow sun shines warmly on your flanks. The air smells like blown sugar and wildflowers. A cool breeze gently ruffles the long hair of your mane and tail. The … “Wait!  Flanks?  Mane and Tail?” You turn your long face to look at yourself.  Instead of hands and arms you see the front legs of a horse. Instead of a lean muscled torso, you see the flanks of a mighty warhorse. Thick, sharp hooves paw the ground impatiently, digging furrows in the soft, fertile soil.

Sounds are clearer, sharper and with a flick of your ears, you can easily determine the direction from which they come.  You turn and see several other horses and a smattering of unicorns with looks of confusion written plainly across broad equine faces.

Realization dawns upon you. The gravity of what the God of Mischief has done begins to set in. Loki has transmogrified you and every one of your companions into horses! Even now you can hear the god’s fading laughter echo across the planes.


- Act One -

Considering their lack of choices, the “herd” will most likely head toward the village.  As the group reaches the edge of the town, they see dozens of other horses going about the business common to any small settlement.  A wide stream crossed by numerous bridges encircles the village.  Most of the homes in the village are one or two story white wooden affairs with thatched roofs although there are several fancifully painted houses and shops.  Most of the homes have small vegetable gardens growing in their yards.  

Near the center of the town, in the village square, there is a three story round building with numerous windows and balconies that wrap all of the way around each level.  The number of ponies coming and going from the building indicates that it is some sort of official structure, possibly a town hall or something similar.  To the west of the town hall, there is a fountain with a statue of a rearing horse.  Small ponies splash in the water at the base of the statue, laughing and giggling with delight.  The smell of freshly baked pastries wafts toward the group on the light breeze blowing through the town.

It is like the entire town is perfectly normal except that all people have been replaced by ponies.  The overall effect is fairly surreal, even for a seasoned party of adventurers like our own.  Looks of confusion (and perhaps horror) must be plain on our faces since one of the unicorns begins walking toward us with an exaggerated tip-toed gait.  A thin sheet of shiny silver metal covers most of his head although wisps of wild white hair poke out from beneath the edges of the improvised cap.
The pony addresses the group once he draws close enough to speak in a “hoarse” whisper, “Hey, I’ve never seen any of you around here before.  Who are you?”

After (or if) the party introduces itself, the white-haired pony replies, “My name is Foil Hat.  I know EVERYTHING that goes on around here … Everything.  Even the stuff “THEY” don’t want me to know.”  He points with one of his hooves toward the thin sheet of metal covering his head. “It’s why I wear this” he says, “so they can’t steal my thoughts.”  The strange (and possibly paranoid and/or delusional) pony giggles quietly to himself, “What brings you here?”

If the adventurers give any indication that they are lost travelers, then Foil Hat gets excited and asks for the group to follow him because he “knows just the pony for the job!”

Foil Hat leads the group to the edge of town and a modest, square tower that looks more like a single large stone block made from many smaller stone blocks than a home.  The very odd pony doesn’t even knock on the door.  He just walks up and pushes it open with one foot and boldly strides inside.

The inside of the squat block of a building is scrupulously clean and organized.  The entry chamber is a small kitchen.  A fairly large fireplace is built into the east wall.  Cabinets and countertops for the storage of flatware, cleaning gear, and food preparation line the walls at both eye and waist (or would it be “chest” considering everyone has been ponified?) level.  A niche carved into the wall beside the fireplace holds an ample supply of firewood.  A stairway built against the west wall leads up to the second floor.  An archway in the back of the room leads into a bedroom with a small privy.

Foil Hat heads directly for the stairs, bidding everyone to follow him.  The second floor is made up of one single room.  A single massive bookshelf runs along the entire north wall.  A brass chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the northeast corner of the room directly above a table made of polished cherry wood.  Rough hewed workbenches abound in various locations of the room and are used for the storage of research equipment.  An engraved 10’ Circle of Protection against Evil is located in the center of the floor.  Several blackboards hang from various spots along the remaining walls.  Each of these is covered in arcane formulae and notes.

A yellowish unicorn pony wearing a black tie and long white lab coat is standing in front of one of the blackboards.  There is a red “∑” symbol on his flank.  His horn is glowing with a light blue aura and a piece of chalk levitating in front of him is surrounded in an energy field of the same color.  A quick glance at the board reveals that the unicorn is writing something about spell components.  

Components – Are they really necessary?
Theory: No.  Components serve as a mnemonic link between the caster’s mind and the effect he wishes to achieve.  The energy itself does not require these components but allow the caster to ensure that he maintains the proper flow and pattern of the energy he is shaping with his mind.
Proof? Unknown.  All Unicorns are able to use telekinesis with minimal concentration and Pegasi are able to physically manipulate clouds and walk on them without falling through, even when asleep (again, probably a form of telekinesis).  More research needed.

Note: Abacus will offer to train spellcasters his methods. Any character who casts five spells under his tutelage gains either a.) Eschew Materials or b.) Still Spell as a bonus feat. 

The unicorn looks up as the group begins to pile into the room, confusion written plainly across his face.  “Foil Hat, what the hay is meaning of this?”

The party’s unusual guide smiles and replies, “Abacus, I have brought some guests who need our help….”  At this point, introductions are made and (hopefully) the party tells the unicorn mage what has happened.  The wizard explains the differences between the tribes of ponies and gives a brief overview of this world.  Afterward, Abacus walks over to one of the bookshelves.  His horn begins to glow, as does a thick tome on one of the upper shelves.  The book floats over to the table in the corner and the unicorn speaks the words “Flickum Bickum” and the candles in the chandelier burst into light.

The unicorn eyes the party, “There is an old mare’s tale, some say it is only that, but I believe that there is something more to it.  This is the history of Equestria.  These pages contain, among other things, a story about a portal our princess once used to travel between worlds.  I have been meaning to search for this portal for a long time and it looks like we’re going to do it together.  Foil Hat, fetch Compass Rose and Honey Bucket.  We may need their help on this too.  I’m going to gather my things.”

Foil Hat tilts his head quizzically to one side, “Why?  Where are we going?”

The wizard looks at him and replies, “Isn’t it obvious?  We’re going to the Castle of the Two Sisters, at the heart of the Everfree Forest.”

Foil Hat stares back at his friend and gulps.

- Act Two -

After a short while, Foil Hat returns with two other equines.  Both are Earth Ponies.  The first pony is female with a brown coat and green hair.  A stylized cartographic symbol adorns her flank.  The second is a large male, easily the largest the group has seen since their arrival.  He has a yellow coat with an orange mane.  He has the image of a large wrench on his hindquarters.  He wears a red hardhat with a light of some sort strapped to the front on his head.  Both ponies are carrying a satchel over their front shoulder.

The girl pony speaks first, “Foil Hat said we’re going to the ruined castle in the forest?  Are you sure

that’s….wow, there are a lot of new faces around here.  Hello everypony, I’m Compass Rose!  And, my friend over here is Honey Bucket.”  

Note: Honey Bucket is the name of a port-a-potty company back home. I thought it made sense for a plumber-based character.

The yellow stallion nods to the group before turning to face the unicorn pony.  “I don’t get why we just don’t go find Twilight Sparkle.  No offense, Abacus, but she is way more powerful than…”

Foil Hat interrupts the stallion before he can finish his sentence.  “No way!  We are not getting the Element Bearers involved.  I don’t have a problem with any of them as ponies but they report directly to Princess Celestia and I’m fairly certain Her Majesty isn’t going to be overly pleased with the idea of a bunch of strangers traipsing around in the ruins of her old home.  We can handle this problem ourselves.  Nopony else needs to get involved.”

Honey Bucket nods, bringing one hoof up to rub his chin.  “I suppose you’re right.  There are probably some pretty painful memories for her back in that castle.”  The yellow stallion takes a deep breath, “Well, if we’re gonna do this, let’s do this.  I have a lot of wells to check to make sure that there will be enough water for the winter before the Running of the Leaves next week.”

Note: I wanted to avoid using established characters as NPCs. They have a whole TV series and line of comic books and whatever else. This story is about the characters from My campaign. 

The group sets out from Abacus’ tower at the edge of town and heads down the path that leads to the Everfree Forest.  Foil Hat, Abacus and Honey Bucket all seem very nervous as the woods come into sight and, admittedly, the trees ahead do carry an aura of menace compared to the soft and lush places the adventurers have seen since their arrival in Equestria.  Compass Rose is the only one of the natives who doesn’t seem afraid and begins talking, “Forgive my friends, please.  It’s not very often that anypony willingly enters the Everfree Forest.  It can be a pretty scary place.”  

If anypony asks what she means she replies “The woods are unnatural – they don’t work the same as the rest of Equestria.  The plants grow on their own, the animals take care of themselves and the clouds move without anypony’s intervention.  The forest is much too dangerous for most ponies and filled with far many strange and dangerous creatures.  There are timberwolves, hydras, cockatrices, Ursas and vampire fruit bats and… depending on who’s doing the talkin’, there’s also DRAGONS.”

The party travels for several miles through the shadowed forest.  In addition to the trees, which are twisted and stunted and hung with creeping moss, there are numerous ferns, spotted mushrooms, exposed roots that seem to reach out for hooves and low-hanging branches that grasp at long-haired manes and tails.  A faint odor of...rot...permeates the air and only the monotonous drone of biting insects breaks the oppressive silence.

The group is passing through yet another area of fallen branches and other debris when they attract the attention of a band of predators.  A pack of Timberwolves has caught their scent and is on the prowl, moving to surround the herd of adventurers.  Half of the pack races ahead and settles down on the ground so they look like fallen branches and leaves and waits for the group to come to them.

Timberwolves (1 per PC/NPC in party)
CR: 1     Medium Plant     HD: 2d8+4     Hp: 13
Init: +2     Spd: 50'     AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural); ff: 12; t: 12
Attacks: (BAB +1; Grap +2); +3 Bite: 1d6+1 plus Trip
SA: Improved Trip
SQ: Low-Light Vision; Plant Traits; Reassemble; Regeneration 5; Scent; Sensitive to Noise
Str: 13 (+1)     Dex: 15 (+2)     Con: 15 (+2)     Int: 2 (-4)     Wis: 12 (+1)     Cha: 6 (-2)
Align: NE     Saves: Fort +5     Ref +3     Will +1
Skills: Hide +2*; Listen +7; Move Silently +3; Spot +3; Survival +1*
Feats: Track (b); Weapon Focus (Bite)

These creatures look like piles of sticks and branches somehow brought to life; they are nearly twice the size of an adult pony. Their long wooden snouts are filled with lines of sharp teeth which resemble small palisades inside their mouth, and right above them is a pair of sinister, dark yellow glowing eyes. 

• Plant Traits – Immune to mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, polymorph and stunning; not subject to critical hits
• Reassemble (Su): If a timberwolf is reduced to zero or fewer hit points and not burned, it will continue to regenerate and reassemble when it reaches greater than zero hit points.  If multiple timberwolves are present in an area, they will combine to form a larger, more powerful version.  Each timberwolf beyond the first adds 1 HD to the combined creature's total.  At 4 HD, the timberwolf becomes a large creature and a Huge creature at 9 HD or more to a maximum of 12 HD.
• Regeneration (Su): Only fire does permanent damage to a timberwolf
• Sensitive to Noise (Ex): Timberwolves have excellent hearing and if confronted with loud noises, must make a Will save (DC12) or retreat to a distance of 200' (-10'/additional wolf if in combined form)
• Skills – Timberwolves gain a +10 bonus to hide in forested areas and a +4 bonus to survival when tracking by scent; they have a +4 racial bonus to Listen checks

After driving off or defeating the Timberwolves, the group continues toward the Castle of the Two Sisters.  Before long, they reach a steep precipice.  Honey Bucket stares out over the edge, “The Cliff of Honesty…this is where the First Element was revealed, even though the Bearers didn’t know it at the time.”

Note: The party may ask about the Element Bearers at this point.  Honey Bucket will explain to the group that there are six Elements of Harmony – Honesty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty and Magic.  The Elements were originally used to defeat Discord, Lord of Chaos and then to banish Princess Luna when she went mad and became Nightmare Moon.  When her banishment ended, the Element Bearers used their power to restore her sanity and reunite her with Princess Celestia.

The party descends a steep trail that runs along the precipice and enters a particularly dark stretch of forest.  The trees here are even more twisted and gnarled than before and leering faces seem to stare out of the wood with undisguised menace.  

Note: I skipped the next encounter for the sake of moving the story along but had we been playing in person, I would have left it in.

Once the herd of adventurers draws within reach, the trees come to life and reach out to attack the party.  Unlike the ones faced by the Elements Bearers, these corrupted forest spirits will not be defeated by laughter in the face of the danger they pose.

Corrupted Treants (1 per five PCs/NPCs in party)
CR: 11    Huge Plant     HD: 7d8+49     Hp: 80
Init: -2     Spd: 30'     AC: 27 (-2 size, -2 Dex, +21 natural); t: 6, ff: 28
Attacks: (BAB +5; Grap +24); +14 2 Slams: 2d8+11 plus 3 vile damage
SA: Animate Trees; Disruptive Attack; Double Damage vs. objects; Enhanced Power; Trample 2d8+16
SQ: Darkvision 60'; DR 10/slashing and magic; Fast Healing; Immunity to Acid; Low-Light Vision; Plant Traits; Vulnerability to Fire
Align: NE     Saves: Fort +10     Ref +0     Will +6
Str: 33 (+11)     Dex: 6 (-2)     Con: 21 (+7)     Int: 12 (+1)     Wis: 14 (+2)     Cha: 10 (+0)
Skills: Diplomacy +2; Hide -10*; Intimidate +5; Knowledge (Nature) +6; Listen +7; Sense Motive +7; Spot +7; Survival +7 (+9 aboveground)
Feats: Improved Sunder; Iron Will; Power Attack

These beings look much like animated trees, only with twisted countenances and gnarled branches for arms.  Their bark is mottled and looks diseased and their eyes have a hellish red gleam.

• Animate Trees (Su): A treant can animate trees within 180' at will, controlling up to two trees at a time.  It takes one round for a tree to uproot itself.  Thereafter, it moves at a speed of 10' and fights as a treant in all respects
• Disruptive Attack (Su): A corrupted creature deals an additional amount of vile damage equal to half of its HD when it touches uncorrupted, living, corporeal non-outsiders.
• Double Damage against Objects (Ex): A treant or animated tree that makes a full attack against an object or structure causes double damage.
• Enhanced Power (Su): The save DCs of any and all of the corrupted creature's special attacks increases by +4 (included in stats)
• Fast Healing (Ex): Each round, the corrupted creature heals damage equal to half of its HD (maximum 10/round)
• Trample (Ex): Ref ½ DC26
• Skills: * Treants have a +16 racial bonus to Hide in forested areas.
• Vile Damage, like regular damage, results in the loss of hit points or ability score points. Unlike regular damage, vile damage can only be healed by magic cast within the area of a Consecrate or Hallow spell. Vile damage represents such an evil violation to a character's body or soul that only in a holy place can healing magic repair the damage.

After the battle with the corrupted treants, the party reaches a flat stretch of ground leading to a river.  The river is wide, perhaps 50' across and the current appears to be fairly swift given the amount of swirls and ripples that can be seen in the water.  It is difficult to judge the depth of the water from the shore but it does appear to drop off quickly once you get away from the bank.  A short distance up the shoreline, there is a wooden pier extending out into the river.  A ferry is tied to the mooring.  The boat is large enough to accommodate a score of ponies (or several ponies and a few carts or wagons) at once.  There is a pair of treadmills that looks like they are attached to a capstan that will pull the boat across the river and back.

A brown earth pony with a dark gray mane and a fouled anchor cutie mark on his haunch is sanding the railing of the boat.  He looks up as the party approaches, “Ahoy!” he cries out.  “Name is Shackleford Shore.  You tryin' to get to the other side?  I just might be able to help ya.”
Shackleford is not what he appears to be.  He is actually a changeling named Echo Aper.  He moved into the area to pave the way for the return of his queen.  To that end, he has established a business running this ferry service.  He has allowed himself to be seen by ponies living in the area (and has been secretly feeding on travelers).  His mission is to observe Ponyville from a distance and assess the threat posed by the Element Bearers.  (His observations will lead to the postponement of the Changlings’ return for several years).  He will be shocked by the power radiating off of the adventurers.  If he is drastically outnumbered, he won't try anything overt so give the characters a chance to notice a crate or barrel that seems out of place. The real Shackleford Shore will be inside, unconscious and drooling, having been fed upon by the emotionvore. If there is a chance that he will be discovered, he will avoid feeding to prevent anyone from discovering that Queen Chrysalis has returned.  If he attempts to feed and is discovered feeding on a party member, “Shackleford”/Echo will revert to his original form and fly away as quickly as possible.  

Echo Aper (a.k.a. Shackleford Shore): male Changeling Pony Expert 5
CR: 5     Medium Magical Beast      HD: 5d6+5     Hp: 26
Init: +3     Spd: 30’, fly 30’ (average)     AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +4 Natural); t: 13; ff: 14
Attacks: (BAB +3; Grap +4); +4 Bite: 1d4+1 (20/x2) or +4 Hooves: 1d6+1 (20/x2) +6 Touch: 1d4 Wisdom (Will DC17) plus Fatigue
SA: Emotionvore; 
SQ: Change Shape; Darkvision 60’; Passive Magic; Rippling Mind; 
Align: NE     Saves: Fort +2     Ref +4     Will +7
Str: 13 (+1)     Dex: 16 (+3)     Con: 13 (+1)     Int: 10     Wis: 13 (+1)     Cha: 16 (+3)
Skills: Read/Write and Speak Common, Changeling and Equine; Bluff +13 (+23 to pose as somepony else); Diplomacy +9; Escape Artist +7; Gather Information +7; Intimidate +5; Knowledge (Arcana) +4; Knowledge (History) +4; Listen +5; Perform (Acting) +10; Search +4; Sense Motive +7; Sleight of Hand +5
Feats: Ability Focus (Emotionvore); Weapon Finesse (Touch); 

• Change Shape (Su): Changelings can alter their physical form to take on the appearance of any Medium equine, including a unique individual. They retain their statistics in their new form, and clothing, armor, and possessions do not change and are not absorbed into the new form. The new form lasts until it is changed or the Changeling is killed.
Other creatures can attempt a Sense Motive or Spot check (opposed by your Bluff check) to pierce the disguise. You must have seen the individual you are imitating and gain a +10 bonus to your Bluff check (increases to +15 at 11th Level and +20 at 15th Level)
• Emotionvore (Su): Changelings feed on powerful emotions. The best emotion for feeding is love, but any will do in a pinch.  Anypony within 10' of the Changeling must make a Will save or suffer 1 point of Cha damage (Will DC 10 + ½ Changeling's HD + Cha modifier negates the Charisma damage).  Targets who fail their save become fatigued and susceptible to a Suggestion (as the spell) cast by the Changeling.  
The Changeling can also try to absorb emotions more quickly by making a touch attack against its target to deal 1d4 Cha damage.  This is usually disguised as a form of physical affection (i.e. a hoofshake, hug, or kiss).
• Rippling Mind (Ex): Changelings gain +2 bonus to Will saves.
• Passive Magic (Su): You can manipulate inanimate objects via your magic. You can lift objects that weigh less than or equal to your own weight, and cannot lift living creatures, except for non-sentient plants. You can sustain the lift while using other powers but can only lift two objects or your weight in objects at once, whichever is less. You can also only carry one object of half your weight or less when flying.
• Skills: Gains a +2 racial bonus to Bluff and Sense Motive; Echo's chosen Expert class skills are: Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Acting) (Cha), Search (Int), and Sense Motive (Wis).

- Act Three -

Once the group has crossed the river, they make their way up a stony path to a ruined castle.  The castle stands on the far side of a narrow but deep chasm spanned by a relatively new-looking rope and plank bridge. The grounds surrounding the ruins are lush and green with willow trees hung with creeping vines encroaching upon the shattered walls.

The bridge creaks alarmingly as the group crosses but it holds under their weight.  A colony of Fruit Bats bursts from within the ruins as the party approaches the massive double doors.  Hundreds of flapping wings and high-pitched screeches fill the air for a matter of seconds before the tiny red-bodied animals disappear into the night sky.

The party must make their way through the castle and find Star Swirl the Bearded’s laboratory and library and the portal that is located there.  The mirror portal will react to the otherworldly energy that clings to the party members and open for them, taking the adventurers back to Asgard where they revert to their normal forms and can continue their battle with the god of mischief.

Note: In the interest of getting back to the actual planned storyline, I (and I hate to use the term) "railroaded" the group past most of the dungeon crawl to the room where the mirror is located. I felt like enough time had been spent on this adventure already but I would have run it "as is" at the table.

Description of Castle Interior

1. Foyer: The party pushes past the heavy double doors and enters the foyer.  The holes in the ceiling where castle defenders would have dropped stones, sharpened objects and poured flaming oil onto invaders are a testament to the days when this land was not quite so idyllic.  Thick cobwebs festoon the walls and debris litters the corners or lies pushed up against the walls.  Spiders scurry for cover as the party's hoofsteps echo through the empty chamber and the smell of mildew hangs thickly in the air.
One door lies straight ahead and there is another in the north wall.  Six sets of hoof prints and one set of tiny three-toed clawed tracks in the thick dust lead through the north door.

2. Guard Post: This small room has one door in the center of the south wall.

3. Stairwell to Broken Tower: A spiral staircase occupies much of this room.  The corkscrew steps lead up about 15' before emerging into open air outside as the upper level of the tower has collapsed.

4. Guard Ready Room: This location has a series of long benches against the north wall, a rack for spears and swords and several to hang cloaks from.  There is a table in the center of the room, large enough for up to six ponies to be seated at comfortably.  Several old, faded playing cards are scattered across the table.

5. Guard Mess: There is a small fireplace in this room.  Wood, dry-rotted and crumbling, is stacked beside the hearth.  There are two tables in the center of the room and several cabinets cling precariously to their mountings in the wall.  Broken crockery and smashed flatware lie scattered about the chamber.

6. Guard Sleeping Quarters: Four sleeping pallets line the walls of this room.  There is a single web-filled arrow slit in the south wall overlooking the chasm outside the castle.

7. Captain of the Guard's Office: This is where citizens of the area come to report sightings of potentially hostile creatures, small crimes, or other problems.  Also, a ledger containing charges to be filed in civil matters before the princesses is kept here.  Mostly, the charges concern individual complaints of the citizenry against their neighbors.

8. Armory: A cache of weapons is stored here to include longswords, spears, longbows, daggers and literally hundreds of arrows.  

9. Stairwell to Barbican: This stairwell leads up to the room above the main entrance to the castle.

10. Stairwell to Dungeon Level: This stairwell leads down to the castle’s dungeon and storage areas.

11. Grand Hall: The grand hall is a massive chamber, fully 110’ long x 40’ wide.  Its ceiling rises beyond what was once the second floor of the castle.  A stairway at the beginning of the hall leads down to a lower level of the ruined castle.  There is a pair of stained glass windows set into the north wall.  One shows a white, winged unicorn with a flowing rainbow mane and tail while the other displays a midnight blue winged unicorn set against the night sky. A double door is placed in the center of the wall directly across from the windows.  Once upon a time, there was a constant flow of traffic through this area as ponies rushed about on their errands.

12. Guest Quarters: This chamber is filled with comfortable furniture imported from the Crystal Kingdom.  A futon with a thick mattress stands against the east wall.  A writing desk and padded chair are located against the south wall, just to the right of the bed.  A cedar chest stands at the foot of the bed.

13. Kitchen: This is where meals for the entirety of the castles’ forces were prepared.  A team of five cooks once prepared meals for the castle’s guests and staff.  The kitchen has a baking oven, a large fireplace, several tables and cabinets and a wide variety of pots and pans.  

14. Parlor: The room is furnished with enough white-upholstered couches and chairs to host a small party with room to sit for everyone although the furniture is threadbare and has been vandalized by wildlife over the centuries since the castle’s abandonment.  Picture frames with the canvas rotted away adorns the walls.  The floor is covered with a thick layer of dirt and leaves that have blown in through the shattered window in the south wall.  A murder of crows takes flight as the party enters the room, fleeing through the broken window.

15. Library: Rotted couches and chairs fill the room along with beautifully wrought cast iron tables topped with thick panes of rock quartz.  The west wall is made up of a carved wood bookshelf that contains books on subjects ranging from art to engineering.  The entire room is decorated in pastel greens, darker greens and browns.  Long dead plants are everywhere, hanging from pots suspended from the ceiling.

16. Private Reading Room: This small room is located behind a secret door (Search DC20) in the north wall of the library.   The room is furnished with a desk, chair, and a cabinet that contains crumbling yellowed writing paper, ink and quills as well as materials used in bookbinding.  

17. Corridor of Armor: Suits of equine armor line the walls on either side of this hallway.  The armor would have been considered antique even when the castle was occupied.  The stylish designs clearly indicate that the armor was ceremonial, being too heavy and ornate for actual use in combat.

18. Banquet Hall: The dining hall is located on the north side of the grand hall.  Massive tables form a “U”-shaped dining area.  The open end of the “U” faces north and often served as a performing area for traveling bards, jugglers, dancers and other entertainers and provided a view through the massive window that takes up most of the north wall.  There is room at the tables for over 40 ponies to dine comfortably.

19. Castellan's Office: Several large, mismatched and overstuffed chairs, a table, and a bookshelf (generally filled with ledgers, logbooks, and watchbills) are found within this room.  
This chamber served as castellan’s office in matters that concern the day-to-day management of the castle.  This is where the castle’s provisions were tracked and tallied, disputes between servants were settled, and was the office where ponies came to get paid.  There are a handful of bits scattered throughout the room.

20. Throne Room: Two thrones, one golden and the other blue, stand atop a dais at the far end of this room.  The wall behind the thrones has been smashed into rubble but what remains standing holds a pair of tattered tapestries.  The floor has a mosaic made from red and yellow marble tiles that form the image of a sun in the center of the room.  

21. Stairwell up to Main Floor: This stairwell leads up to the castle’s main floor.

22. Lower Hall: This wide hallway has four doors in the south wall and one in the eastern wall.  A dangerous beast lurks in the darkness of this passageway.  A bugbear made its way down here several years ago and claimed the lower level of the castle as its den.  The Element Bearers did not venture into the castle’s dungeon when they came to the castle on the Solstice and therefore, did not encounter the deadly monster.  The creature objects to the party’s presence and attacks mercilessly until it has slain everypony or driven them off.
    This beast looks like a large, six-limbed black and white bear with translucent insect wings sprouting from its shoulders and glowing red eyes.  Its fur has colored striations like that of a bee and a wicked stinger in place of a tail.

CR: 10     Huge Magical Beast     HD: 12d8+72 plus 3     Hp: 129
Init: +0     Spd: 40’, fly 60’ (average)     AC: 18 (-2 size, +10 natural); t: 8; ff: 18
Attacks: (BAB +9; Grap +32); +23 4 Claws: 2d8+10, +17 Bite: 2d6+5, +17 Sting: 1d8+5 plus Poison
SA: Improved Grab; Poison
SQ: Low-Light Vision; Scent
Str: 39 (+15)     Dex: 11 (+0)     Con: 23 (+6)     Int: 2 (-4)     Wis: 14 (+2)     Cha: 10
Align: N     Saves: Fort +14     Ref +9     Will +10
Skills: Listen +11; Spot 11; Swim +17
Feats: Alertness; Endurance; Run; Toughness; Weapon Focus (Claw)

• Improved Grab (Ex): A bugbear that hits with its claw attack may start a grapple as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.  If it gets a hold, it may automatically inflict claw damage each round with a successful grapple check.
• Poison (Ex): If the Bugbear hits with its stinger, it injects poison into its opponent.  Injury, Fort DC20, initial and secondary damage is 1d6 Con.

23. Cistern: The water tower that once stood on the on the roof of the keep drains to the cistern in this room.  The huge tank here would hold 500 gallons of water if it were not cracked along the bottom seam.

24. Storage: Nothing remains to give any indication of what was once stored in this chamber.  Various insects and rodents have ruined anything of value that was once kept within these walls.

25. Storage: Nothing remains to give any indication of what was once stored in this chamber.  Various insects and rodents have ruined anything of value that was once kept within these walls.

26. Organ to Outside: A massive pipe organ stands at the far end of this room.  The room in cloaked in darkness and everything within is gloomy.  The organ is massive and is flanked by a pair of unicorn statues.  A ten-step stairway leads up the platform the organ is mounted upon.  Huge brass pipes extend up into the darkness.  Playing the organ is a fairly simple matter but what the pianist may not realize is that the organ, in addition to being a musical instrument, controls the traps and secret doors throughout the castle. 

27. Star Swirl the Bearded's Laboratory, Workshop and Personal Library: The objective of the party’s quest lies within this room.  Stacks of moldy books fill most of this chamber.  There are tables with smashed alchemical equipment, sheafs of loose paper, and other antique arcane paraphernalia filling the remainder.  There is a gilded mirror hidden beneath a rotted white sheet in the far corner of the room behind partially packed wooden crates containing more refuse from the laboratory.
    If any of the party members touches the mirror, it attunes itself to the last plane they were on and opens a portal to that location.  As they look through the pane, they can see themselves rushing to engage Loki in combat, just moments before being banished to Equestria.  The group needs only walk into the mirror pane to leave this world behind and return to their normal forms.  As they depart, Compass Rose, Foil Hat, Abacus and Honey Bucket bid them good luck and invite them to return whenever they wish.

Note: I added the entire conversation between Loki, Q, and DiscordLoki, Q, and Discord pretty much at the last minute because I thought it would be cool.

A moment later, there is a bright flash of light and the restored adventurers find themselves facing Loki once more. 

- END -

Appendix I: Traits of Equestria
Equestria is located on Amoria, the topmost layer of the Blessed Fields of Elysium.
• Normal Gravity
• Normal Time
• Divinely Morphic: Equestria is easily altered by deities.  Other creatures find that their spells and physical effects work normally here.
• No Elemental Traits
• Minor Positive Dominant: Characters in Equestria gain Fast Healing 2.
• Strongly Good-Aligned: Non-good characters suffer a -2 penalty on all Int-, Wis, and Cha-based checks.
• Entrapping: A non-outsider in Equestria experiences increasing joy and satisfaction while there.  Colors are brighter and more vivid than on the Material Plane, sounds more melodious and soft, and the nature of others seems more pleasant and understanding.  At the conclusion of every week, any non-outsider must make a Will save (DC10 +1/the number of consecutive weeks in Equestria).  Failure indicates that the individual has fallen under the control of the plane, becoming a resident of Equestria.  Travelers entrapped by the inherent tranquility and good of the plane cannot leave the place of their own volition and have no desire to do so.

Appendix II: New Races (based on this board from Giant in the Playground)
Earth Pony (Magical Beast) but treated as Humanoid for purposes of spells such as Charm Person or Hold Person
• +2 Dex, -2 Str 
• Small: As a Small creature, an Earth Pony gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, attack rolls and +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but uses smaller weapons than humans use and carrying limits are ¾ of those of a Medium creature (but doubled for being a quadruped).
• +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen and Move Silently checks
• Stability: An Earth Pony gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground)
• Bonus feat at 1st level
• Automatic languages: Common and Equine
• Even though they lack hands, Earth Ponies are able to use their hooves to manipulate items and equipment in the exact same way that humanoids can.
• Favored Class: Any, when determining whether a multiclass Earth Pony takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest level class does not count.

Unicorn (Magical Beast) but treated as Humanoid for purposes of spells such as Charm Person or Hold Person
• +2 Int or Cha, -2 Str 
• Small: As a Small creature, a Unicorn gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, attack rolls and +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but uses smaller weapons than humans use and carrying limits are ¾ of those of a Medium creature (but doubled for being a quadruped).
• +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen and Move Silently checks
• Stability: A Unicorn gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground)
• Bonus feat at 1st level
• Unicorns with Intelligence or Charisma scores of 10 or higher can cast cantrips as a racial ability.  They may choose one 0th level spell per +1 modifier on Int or Cha (whichever is higher) and cast that spell at-will.  They are always treated as a Level 1 caster for these spells and are subject to arcane spell failure, but do not need to prepare them.  These spells are handled separately from any other spell-casting the unicorn may be capable of.
• Increased Caster Level: Unicorns are considered to have +1 caster level for purposes of spell range, duration and damage.  They do not gain any other features such as spells known or spells per day from this ability.
• Empowered Magic (Su): 1/day, may apply the Empower Spell feat to any spell as it is cast without incurring the normal spell slot penalty
• Automatic languages: Common and Equine
• Even though they lack hands, Unicorns are able to use their hooves to manipulate items and equipment in the exact same way that humanoids can.
• Favored Class: Wizard or Sorcerer, as soon as a level in either is taken, the player must decide which will be permanently be considered favored; +1 ECL

Pegasus (Magical Beast) but treated as Humanoid for purposes of spells such as Charm Person or Hold Person
• +2 Str or Dex, -2 Con 
• Small: As a Small creature, a Pegasi gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, attack rolls and +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but uses smaller weapons than humans use and carrying limits are ¾ of those of a Medium creature (but doubled for being a quadruped).
• +2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen and Move Silently checks
• Stability: An Pegasi gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground)
• Bonus feat at 1st level
• Gliding: A Pegasus can use its wings to glide, negating damage from a fall from any height and allowing 20' of forward travel for every 5' of descent (average maneuverability).  Even if its maneuverability improves, it can't hover while flying.  A pegasus can't glide while carrying a medium or heavy load.  If a winged creature becomes unconscious or helpless while in mid-air, its wings naturally and unfurl and powerful ligaments stiffen the wings.  The creature descends in a tight corkscrew and takes only 1d6 falling damage, no matter the distance of the fall.
• Flight: When a pegasus reaches 5 HD, it becomes able to fly at a speed of 40' (average maneuverability).  A pegasus can't fly fly while carrying a medium or heavy load or while fatigued or exhausted.  Pegasi can safely fly for a number of rounds equal to double their Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round).  They can exert themselves to fly for up to twice as long, but they are fatiguted at the end of the flight.  They are likewise fatigued after spelling more than 10 minutes per day flying.   When they reach 10HD, pegasi have enough prowess to fly for longer periods.  They can fly at speed of 60' (average maneuverability), and flying requires no more exertion than walking or running.  A pegasus with flight can make a dive attack that works just like a charge, but the pegasus must move at least 30' and descend at least 10'.  A pegasi can make a dive attack only when wielding a piercing weapon; if the attack hits, it deals double damage.
• Wing Buffet: A pegasus has two wing attack as secondary natural weapons (damage 1d4) and may make a special bull rush-attack with a range of 25' +5'/two character levels once per two rounds.  
• Shielding Wing: A pegasus may encase itself in its own wings, gaining a +4 bonus to AC when they take the total defense action.  They gain an additional +1/3 character levels.
• Automatic languages: Common and Equine
• Even though they lack hands, Pegasi are able to use their hooves to manipulate items and equipment in the exact same way that humanoids can.
• Favored Class:  Any, when determining whether a multiclass Pegasus takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest level class does not count. +1 ECL

Appendix III: NPC statistics 

Abacus: male Unicorn Pony Sorcerer 7
CR: 7     Small Magical Beast     HD: 7d4+7     Hp: 24
Init: +2     Spd: 20’     AC: 17 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +4 Natural); t: 13; ff: 15
Attacks: (BAB +3; Grap -3); +6 Bite: 1d4-2 (20/x2) or +6 Hooves: 1d3-2 (20/x2) or +6 Horn: 1d4-2 (20/x2)
SA: Spontaneously cast Arcane Spells (CL8; DC13 + spell level): 6/7/7/5; Improved Caster Level (included in text)
SQ: Stability, Arcane Ability, Empowered Magic
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +3     Ref +4     Will +6
Str: 6 (-2)     Dex: 14 (+2)     Con: 13 (+1)     Int: 14 (+2)     Wis: 12 (+1)     Cha: 16 (+3)
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common and Equine
Skills: Appraise (+2 w/ books); Concentration +11; Craft (Bookbinding) +7; Knowledge (Arcana) +15; Profession (Scribe) +6; Spellcraft +12
Feats: Run; Scribe Scroll; Skill Focus (Knowledge – Arcana); Weapon Finesse;
Gear: White Lab Coat, Black Tie, 4 Ink Pens and 5 vials of black ink; Spell Component Pouch; 

• Arcane Spells Known: 0th: Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Mending, Open/Close, Ray of Fatigue, Read Magic; 1st: Color Spray, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Shield, Sleep; 2nd: Levitate, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image;3rd: Dispel Magic, Lightning Bolt
• Arcane Ability (CL1; can cast Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Message at will)
• Empowered Magic (Su): 1/day, may apply the Empower Spell feat to any spell as it is cast without incurring the normal spell slot penalty
• Increased Caster Level (Ex): Unicorns are considered to have +1 caster level for purposes of spell range, duration and damage.  They do not gain any other features such as spells known or spells per day from this ability.
• Stability (Ex): Gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing firmly on the ground
• Treated as Humanoid for purposes of spells such as Charm Person or Hold Person

Compass Rose: female Earth Pony Ranger 7
CR: 7     Small Magical Beast     HD: 7d8+14     Hp: 48
Init: +3     Spd: 20’     AC: 18 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +4 Natural); t: 14; ff: 15
Attacks: (BAB +7; Grap +4); +9 Bite: 1d4+1 (20/x2) or +9 Hooves: 1d3 (20/x2) or +13 Small Longbow: 1d6+1 (20/x3, 110’)
SA: Favored Enemy (+4 vs. Plants, +2 vs. Magical Beasts); Improved Combat Style (Archery); Divine Spells (CL3; DC11 + spell level, 2)
SQ: Animal Companion (none chosen); Stability; Wild Empathy (+12); Woodland Stride
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +7     Ref +8     Will +2
Str: 12 (+1)     Dex: 17 (+3)     Con: 14 (+2)     Int: 10 (+0)     Wis: 12 (+1)     Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common and Equine
Skills: Climb +6; Handle Animal +3; Heal +3; Hide +12; Jump +11; Knowledge (Nature) +10; Move Silently +13; Ride +5; Search +5; Survival +13
Feats: Animal Affinity (b); Diehard; Endurance (b); Self-Sufficient; Track (b); Point Blank Shot; Precise Shot
Gear: Composite Longbow (+1 Str) and quiver of 20 arrows; Saddlebags; Chalk (2 pieces); Flint and Steel; 2 Torches; Waterskin; 50’ Hemp Rope

• Stability (Ex): Gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing firmly on the ground
• Treated as Humanoid for purposes of spells such as Charm Person or Hold Person
• Typically Prepared Spells: 1st  - Endure Elements, Entangle

Foil Hat: male Unicorn Pony Rogue 7
CR: 7     Small Magical Beast     HD: 7d6+7     Hp: 30
Init: +7     Spd: 20’     AC: 18 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +4 Natural); t: 14; ff: 18 (Uncanny Dodge)
Attacks: (BAB +5; Grap +1); +6 Bite: 1d4+1 (20/x2) or +1 Hooves: 1d3 (20/x2) or +6 Horn: 1d4+1 (20/x2)
SA: Improved Caster Level (spellcasting class only); Sneak Attack +4d6
SQ: Arcane Ability; Empowered Magic; Evasion; Stability; Trapfinding; Trap Sense +2; Uncanny Dodge
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +3     Ref +8     Will +3
Str: 10 (+0)     Dex: 16 (+3)     Con: 13 (+1)     Int: 14 (+2)     Wis: 12 (+1)     Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common and Equine
Skills: Bluff +10; Decipher Script +12; Disable Device +13; Disguise (+2 to act in character); Gather Information +10; Hide +19; Intimidate +2; Listen +11; Move Silently +15; Open Lock +13; Search +12; Sense Motive +10; Sleight of Hand +5; Use Magic Device (+2 w/ scrolls); 
Feats: Improved Initiative (b); Dodge; Mobility; Stealthy;
• Arcane Ability (CL1; can cast Mage Hand at will)
• Empowered Magic (Su): 1/day, may apply the Empower Spell feat to any spell as it is cast without incurring the normal spell slot penalty
• Increased Caster Level (Ex): Unicorns are considered to have +1 caster level for purposes of spell range, duration and damage.  They do not gain any other features such as spells known or spells per day from this ability.
• Stability (Ex): Gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing firmly on the ground
• Treated as Humanoid for purposes of spells such as Charm Person or Hold Person

Honey Bucket: male Earth Pony Expert 8
CR: 7     Medium Magical Beast     HD: 8d6+16     Hp: 49
Init: +1     Spd: 30’     AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Natural); t: 11; ff: 14
Attacks: (BAB +6; Grap +10); +10 Bite: 1d6+4 (20/x2) or +10 Hooves: 1d4+2 (20/x2)
SA: - -
SQ: Chosen Skills; Stability
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +6     Ref +5     Will +6
Str: 18 (+4)     Dex: 13 (+1)     Con: 14 (+2)     Int: 14 (+2)     Wis: 10 (+0)     Cha: 10 (+0)
Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common and Equine
Skills: Appraise (+2 w/ worked metal items); Climb +15 (additional +2 w/ ropes); Craft (Blacksmithing) +12; Escape Artist (+2 from bindings); Gather Information (+2 in Ponyville); Jump +9; Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +13; Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +13; Knowledge – Local (Ponyville) +13; Profession (Plumber) +14; Search +9 (additional +2 to find secret doors/compartments); Survival (+2 underground); Swim +4; Tumble +3; Use Rope +6
Feats: Great Fortitude; Lightning Reflexes; Run (b); Skill Focus (Profession – Plumber); 
Gear: Wooden Miner’s Helmet (w/ Continual Flame stone set inside of a shuttered, mirrored lens); Light Pick; Assorted Tools (claw hammer, 2 screwdrivers; wrench, pliers, file, hacksaw); 

• Chosen Skills – Climb, Craft, Jump, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Local), Profession, Search, Swim, and Use Rope are all Class Skills.
• Stability (Ex): Gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing firmly on the ground
• Treated as Humanoid for purposes of spells such as Charm Person or Hold Person


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