Malekith the Accursed of the Black Bile Clan, Lord of the Wild Hunt, ruler of the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim

Malekith the Accursed*
CR: 25     Align: CE     Race: Svartaflar
Class: Sorcerer 14/Vitki 6
Family/Clan Name: Black Bile Clan    Homeland: Svartalfheim
Patron Deity: Allied (occasionally) w/ Loki and Surtur
Sex: Male     Age: 1,050 (Immortal)
Birthrank: 6 of 6; born Uktar 15th, 320 DR     # of Siblings: 5 brothers (all deceased)
Height: 6’9”     Weight: 185 lbs.     Hair: White     Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Malekith is tall and fit.  The right side of his body is white and the left side is black.  He has long, flowing white hair and dresses in red and black finery.  While in the Armor of the Wild Hunt, Malekith towers 9' tall, his eyes glow green and his head is crowned by a set of stag antlers.

Str: 55 (+27)/63 (+31) in armor Fortitude: +17 (+19 in armor)
Dex: 33 (+11)/31 (+10) in armor Reflex: +19 (+18 in armor)
Con: 28 (+9)/32 (+11) in armor Will: +17
Int: 17 (+3)                 Initiative: +15 (+14 in armor)
Wis: 17 (+3)                 Speed: 30’, fly 180' (good)
Cha: 17 (+3)

Armor Class: 32 (Bracers of Armor +6; Ring of Protection +5; +11 Dex; ); t: 32; ff: 21
- or – 26 (+11 Armor of the Wild Hunt, Ring of Protection +5; +1 Dex, -1 size); t: 15; ff: 25, -5 ACP

Hit Points: 242: (14d8+126: Sorcerer) plus (6d8+54: Vitki); gains an additional 40 hit points while in armor
Energy Points: 55

Attacks: (BAB +12; Grap +39); +26/+21/+16 Spear of Bitter Mercy: 1d8+43 (20/x3, 10' reach - Used two-handed only; Suffers -2 hit but gains additional +6 dmg in armor)
+24/+19/+14 Masterwork Dagger: 1d4+27 (19-20/x2, 10' - Suffers -2 hit but gains additional +6 dmg in armor)
+23/+18/+13 Gore (in armor only): 1d6+16 (20/x2 - Using the Gore reduces all other attacks made in the same round by -2 hit)

Racial Abilities: Gains Craft Magic Arms and Armor as a bonus feat; Darkvision 60'; Spell-like Abilities (at will - Detect Magic; 3/day – Darkness, 1/day – Daze); Rogue is favored class for multiclass purposes; +5 CR

Class Abilities: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and light armor and shields
Sorcerer: Spontaneously cast Arcane Spells (CL14, DC13 + spell level for Enchantment and Evocation; 6/6/6/6/6/6/5/3);
Vitki: Rune-Casting (7 known, cast 4/day; DC19 – runes are not affected by anti-magic shields, Dispel Magic or any other force that impedes magic); Runic Lore; Portents (4/day, gain a +2 circumstance bonus (divided between attack, damage and AC for 8 rounds) vs a single opponent or Take 20 on a skill check when it wouldn't normally be possible or gain a minor vision about the future);

Languages and Skills: Read/Write and Speak Alfar, Asgardian, Dwarven and Giant; Appraise +3 (additional +2 w/ weapons), Bluff +20, Concentration +26 (additional +4 to cast defensively), Craft (Weaponsmith) +20, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +3 (additional +10 w/ Improved Imitation, additional +2 to act in character); Gather Information +12, Hide +11 (additional +5 w/ Cloak), Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +20, Move Silently +11 (additional +5 w/ Boots), Runecraft +12 (additional +5 to interpret a reading), Scry +10, Spellcraft +22, Use Magic Device +3 (additional +2 to decipher scrolls)

Feats: Combat Casting; Combat Reflexes; Craft Construct; Craft Magic Arms and Armor (b); Improved Counterspell; Improved Initiative; Spell Focus (Enchantment); Spell Focus (Evocation);

• Ultra Brawn: (+30 Str/DR6 vs kinetic attacks); Uses Dex instead of Str to determine attack bonus, Carrying Capacity: 17,024 lbs (about 8.5 tons)/34,112 lbs (about 17 tons)/51,200 lbs (about 25 tons); push/drag: roughly 128 tons
• Standard Damage Resistance: damage from all attacks reduced by 1/6th (damage is applied after saving throws and damage reduction)
• Improved Imitation: Energy Cost: 1, duration: 3 minute/level (D, continuous) – is able to alter his appearance to resemble other humanoid creatures, including altering his gender and mass by up to half in either direction so up to 278 lbs or down to 93 lbs; gains a +10 bonus to Disguise while using this ability
Amplifier: Alter Clothes (can create imitations of physical objects weighing up to 18 lbs as part of his disguise)
• Improved Flight: Energy Cost: 1, duration: 10 minutes/level (D, continuous) – gains a base fly speed of 90' with Good maneuverability, is able to hover
Amplifier: Hyperflight (doubles flight speed)
• Improved Meta-Dexterity: Gains a +6 bonus to Dexterity, Reflex is a favored save, regardless of class
• Improved Meta-Constitution: Gains a +8 bonus to Constitution, Fortitude is a favored save, regardless of class
• Immortal: Malekith is immortal and cannot die from natural causes.  He only ages 1 year for every 100 that pass and has no need to sleep.  Unlike other immortals, he still needs to eat and drink.

• Irrational Aversion: Asgardians – Malekith despises the Æsir and Vanir and devotes his attention to causing trouble for them, he will ignore everything else, short of immediate physical danger to carry out his plans against them.
• Weakness: Susceptible to Cold Iron - If bound in cold iron, loses the benefits of all of his powers and spellcasting abilities; cold iron weapons bypass his damage reduction

Clothing: Noble's Outfit (Red and Black Silk Doublet w/ black and white star symbol on chest, Red and Black Pleated Kilt w/ black and red leggings, Yellow Leather Belt and Spell Component Pouches); Boots of Elvenkind; Cloak of Elvenkind; 4 Silver Bracelets (5 gp value each), Silver Necklace (20 gp value)
Armor: Bracers of Armor +6; Ring of Protection +5;
Weapons: Spear of Bitter Mercy (see below); Masterwork Dagger
Gear: Hunting Horn of Faerie (summons the Wild Hunt – 1d10+10 Hounds arrive each round for 10 rounds and remain until slain or dismissed); Ring of Mind Shielding; Pale Lavender Ioun Stone; Pouch of Runestones; Ring of Freedom of Movement; Ice Paraelemental Gem (as standard Elemental Gem but summons an Ice Paraelemental); 
Wealth: As ruler of Dark Elves of Svartalfheim, Malekith has access to the entire realm's riches and can acquire nearly any item, given time.

Spear of Bitter Mercy (+3 Everbright Impaling Longspear)
• on a critical hit, wielder may start a grapple as a free action; each round, wielder may inflict damage on a successful grapple
• 2/day, weapon flashes with a brilliant light, all within 20' must make a Ref (DC14) save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds
• can be used to summon the Armor and Horned Helmet of the Wild Hunt (+3 Heavy Fortification Full Plate) which appears on the wielder's body
• Armor increases Malekith's height to 8' (increasing size to Large, gains +8 Str/-2 Dex/+4 Con) and gains a Gore attack (at -5 on the attack roll).  The armor does not interfere with Malekith's spell-casting abilities.

• Arcane Spells Known:
0th: Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic
1st: Charm Person, Color Spray, Hypnotism, Identify, Sleep
2nd: Daze Monster, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Touch of Idiocy
3rd: Dispel Magic, Haste, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt
4th: Crushing Despair, Dimension Door, Phantasmal Killer, Shout
5th: Baleful Polymorph, Cone of Cold, Dominate Person
6th: Chain Lightning, Contingency 
7th: Mordenkainen's Sword
* Contingency is already cast with Dimension Door tied to it to be triggered if he is attacked from behind.  The spell is set to move him 15' backwards, placing him behind his attacker.

• Runes Known: 
Daeg (Beneficial: immune to fear/+4 to all Will saves; Baneful: blast of light that stuns 1 creature/level, those of lower level are KO'ed for 1d6 rounds, equal level or higher are stunned 1 round only)
Eoh (Beneficial – Movement rate is doubled; Baneful – slowed as if carrying one level higher of encumbrance)
Eolh (Beneficial - +3 AC and Protection from Evil; Baneful – attacker suffers as much damage as they deal every time they hit a target)
Ethel (Beneficial – creates a force field that absorbs 1d4 hit points of damage per caster level, caster may only make ranged attacks through the shield; Baneful – target is treated as if under the effects of extreme heat or cold)
Hegal (Beneficial – surrounding by ring of whirling hailstones that provide +4 plus Wisdom bonus to AC, Baneful – Heavy rain and hail falls in a one mile radius, caster can direct a number of hailstones equal to their level to strike targets for 2d6+2 damage)
Lagu (Beneficial – target gains 2d8+Wis bonus as temporary hit points; Baneful – Target takes double damage from all attacks)
Ur (Beneficial – target gains 1d6+2 Str for 1 round/caster level; Baneful – target loses 1d6+2 Str for 1 round/caster level)

Hounds of the Wild Hunt
• As Nesian Warhound - pg. 152 MM plus fly 30' (average)

*Malekith's stats are based on those appearing in the Marvel Superhero Role-Playing Game and converted to d20 using guidelines provided by d20 Paragon.


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