Day Five of the Odinsleep (Cold Iron)

Day Five of the Odinsleep; (12:06 pm)

Ra'ziir shakes his head and concentrates on the telepathic bond he has with Raven, “Finish off that Jotun and get up here.  I've found something special for you....”  The bladesinger focuses his magic and utters the words, “Speculum Imaginum”.  As the Elf-Emental rushes forward, seven identical images appear around him.  Malekith's eyes dart back and forth, rapidly assessing and thrusts with his gleaming spear.  The spear's point obliterates one of the illusions as Ra'ziir calls upon the crystalline heart he was gifted by Yag-Kosha at the Tower of the Elephant in Shadizar, empowering his strike as he slashes at the Svartaelf.  Malekith bends backwards at the waist to avoid the blow, his hair sweeping the floor as the obsidian blade passes by overhead but it isn't quite enough to slip the strike.  The Gift of the Blood and the Jewel surges, sending a pulse of arcane energy down Ra'ziir's arm and through his blade to draw a long slice along Malekith's abdomen.

Niklas drops unseen to one knee and slips his enchanted arrow onto the bowstring.  He pulls back, aiming for the Svartaelf's back and releases.  The arrow bends its course in flight, swooping around the open portal and zig-zagging to avoid hellhounds and sinks in the King of the Dark Elves' calf.  A portal appears in the ground beneath Malekith's feet and he falls into it just as another portal appears in the air beside Niklas, where Malekith lands in a crouch.

Drax curses the his target's unexpected move but remains unfazed by the shift in circumstances.  The assassin nimbly crawls across the ceiling in pursuit of his mark.  As he moves, his perception shifts and he gains perfect clarity of focus.  Time slows.  He whispers, “رايثسترايك” and his blades become translucent and ghostly.  

Grotto drags himself backwards, leaving a trail of blood behind him and calls out to Hanseath, “My Lord!  Heal your faithful servant that I man continue this battle!'  Life flows through the mangled dwarf's hands and into his wounds.  They begin to close, slowing the flow of blood to a more manageable rate and steadies his breathing.

Kysek shifts his stance slightly to his right.  With the magic from his boots still in effect, he kicks off from the floor to skim along the ceiling and cries out, “Цветной спрей!”  A wedge of brilliant color flashes from his outstretched hand and washes over Malekith and two of his hounds.  One of the dogs drops to the floor, dazed by the blast of light but Malekith and the other fire-breathing mastiff remain on their feet.

Cedron sees Malekith reappear in the corner across the room and then glances over at the wounded dwarf and the hellhounds that surround him.  The minstrel leaps, diving across the open space vacated by the Svartaelf and engulfs Grotto in the folds of his cloak once more.  Inside the extra-dimensional space, the bard lays hands upon the dwarf, “Don't die! I need you to help me heal the others!”  Grotto's bleeding stops as his wound closes.

More hounds continue to pour out of Malekith's open portal.  The newly arriving dogs howl their arrival.  Several breathe fire, sweeping the room with flames.  Two leap at he Ra'ziir-shaped hole in the flames but the bladesinger manages to dodge aside from both blows.  Niklas is also attacked by two of the fiery hounds.  Jaws tear his left arm and right leg and flames lick at his skin but his armor's enchantments protect him from the heat.  Malekith snarls, “Sporting with you mortals grows tiresome.  I will tear all of you limb from limb!”  With that he spins and stabs Niklas, pinning him to the wall and then slaps him with a powerful backhand that instantly bruises the entire left side of the ranger's face.

“RAVEN!” Shadow screams, hoping to clear his friend's head of the blood fog Thorgrim imparts upon its wielder.  “I fear our friends are in danger.  Quick, like a bunny”  The dark elf speaks the words to a spell, “Πέτρινο δέρμα” as he swoops down to slip his arms under Raven's and carries the swordsman up to the window.  Raven rolls through the open window.  Malekith rips his spear out of Niklas and thrusts at the elf with it but the point is swatted aside.  Raven bursts into action, slashing left and right, up and down, stabbing and leaping.  The Svartaelf's eyes go wide as the adamantite blade batters its way past his defenses.  Several wounds, all of them shallow are opened on Malekith's chest and forearms and he is pushed back before the relentless assault.  Then Thorgrim strikes.  As the cold iron hits the Svartaelf, Malekith's blood bursts into flames and the Lord of the Wild Hunt screams.
= = = = = =
• Bubo: 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 2 rounds remaining),
• Cedron: 65% health; Bless (12 minutes, 2 rounds remaining), True Seeing (11 minutes, 3 rounds remaining), Bear's Endurance (11 minutes, 6 rounds remaining), Divine Flames (1 round remaining)
• Drax: 100% health; Nondection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am); Spider Climb (99 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Wraithstrike (1 round remaining)
• Grotto: 50% health; Bless (12 minutes, 2 rounds remaining),  Protection from Evil (8 minutes, 2 rounds), Fly (8 minutes, 2 rounds remaining)
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read, Bless (12 minutes, 2 rounds remaining)
• Niklas: 2% health; Barkskin (49 minutes, 7 rounds remaining)
• Raven: 94% health; Bless (12 minutes, 2 rounds remaining), Bull's Strength (14 minutes, 6 rounds remaining)
• Ra’ziir: 65% health; Find the Path (118 minutes, 6 rounds remaining), Greater Invisibility (9 rounds remaining), Fly (16 minutes, 2 rounds remaining), Stoneskin (120 hp/169 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Mirror Image (6 images/16 minutes, 9 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 97% health; Fly (15 min, 0 rounds remaining), Bless (12 minutes, 2 rounds remaining), 
• Spewer: 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 3 rounds remaining), Mass Invisibility (16 minutes, 2 rounds remaining)


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