"Typical" Giant of Jotunheim

Typical Giant of Jotunheim

These giants tower some 50’ tall and have pale blue skin, white or blue hair, and red eyes.  They wear furs and carry massive two-handed axes.

CR: 31
Gargantuan Outsider (Cold, Quasi-deity) Barbarian 20     
HD: 14d8+126 plus 20d12+180     Hp: 658
Init: +2     Spd: 130’

AC: 24 (-4 size, -1 Dex, +16 Natural, Hide Armor); t: 5; ff: 24 (never flat-footed) – DR10/epic or DR5/- - (whichever is better)

Attacks: (BAB +20/Epic +5; Grap +54)+37/+32/27/+22 Masterwork Gargantuan Greataxe: 6d6+25 (19-20/x3, additional +1d6 damage on Critical Hit plus Fort save DC37 or die) or +23 Rock: 3d8+17 (20/x2, 120’)

SA: Rock Throwing; Mighty Rage 6/day;
SQ: DR5/- -; Fast Movement; Giant Blood; Immunity to Cold; Improved Uncanny Dodge (can’t be flanked by a Rogue of less than 24th level); Low-Light Vision; Quasi-Divine traits; Rock Catching; Tireless Rage; Trap Sense +6, Uncanny Dodge; Vulnerability to Fire; 

Align: CE     Saves: Fort +30    Ref +12     Will +14 (additional +4 to resist enchantments)

Str: 45 (+17)     Dex: 7 (-2)     Con: 29 (+9)     Int: 10 (+0)     Wis: 14 (+2)     Cha: 11 (+0)

Languages: Speak Common and Giant
Skills: Appraise +0 (+2 w/ items related to Craft skill); Climb +30; Craft (any one) +17; Handle Animal +10; Intimidate +13; Jump +30; Knowledge (Nature) +2; Listen +14; Ride +0; Spot +6; Survival +12; Swim +27
Feats: Alertness; Cleave; Devastating Critical (Greataxe);  Epic Weapon Focus (Greataxe); Great Cleave; Improved Critical (Greataxe); Improved Initiative; Lightning Reflexes; Overwhelming Critical (Greataxe); Power Attack; Weapon Focus (Greataxe); 

Gear*: Masterwork Gargantuan Greataxe; Hide Armor; Satchel w/ 4 boulders

* Named giants will have magical items appropriate for their level.

• Giant Blood: For all effects related to race, a Giant of Jotunheim is treated as a giant instead of an outsider.  They can use magical items that are only usable by giants and are affected by items that target giants specifically.
• Quasi-Deity Traits: Immune to Transmutation effects, energy drain, ability drain, ability damage, and mind-affecting effects; Fire Resistance 5; DR10/epic; SR32; Immortal
• Effects of Mighty Rage: for 16 rounds: Str 53 (+21), Con: 37 (+13), +136 hp, -2 penalty to AC, +4 bonus to Will saves
+41/+36/+31/+26 MW Gargantuan Greataxe: 6d6+31 (19-20/x3, additional +1d6 damage on Critical Hit plus Fort save DC41 or die), not fatigued after Rage ends
• In battle, these giants will be leading companies of 1d3+1 trolls (troll hunters, pg 247 Monster Manual) and 1d4+5 ogres (treat as Hill Giants, pg 123 Monster Manual)

• Some giants will be armed with Gargantuan Warhammers: 4d6+17(20/x3) or Gargantuan Shortspear: 3d6+17 (20/x2) instead and carry a Large Wooden Shield (+2 AC) – in these cases, substitute the appropriate feats for hammer or spear use

Sample Names: Brimer, Ghar, Grondar, Hrungnir, Kagger, Nedra, Skagg, Skoll


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