Day Five of the Odinsleep (Return to Valhalla)

Day Five of the Odinsleep (12:06 pm) 

Ra’ziir nods to Raven, “I could never forget Longschnozz” for a moment Ra’ziir is transported back to a different place and time, but his reverue is brief given the company he finds himself in. 

Sheathing Grumbar’s Razor, the Elf-emental slaps Drax on the back cordially, checking to make sure the assassin is whole and hale. 

Drax takes a second to process everything. To him, he stabbed Loki and in the blink of an eye everyone has moved,  a new diety has arrived,  Raz is seemingly congratulating him, and yet Loki is still alive. Drax stays very still, nodding at Raz carefully but trying to figure out if this is yet another of Loki's tricks. 

Raven asks what will happen to Loki now. 

Ra’ziir finally turns to survey the rest of the scene, giving the ponies a reassuring glance. He then waits to hear what the deities have to say. 

Thor produces a pair of manacles and claps them shut around Loki's wrists. The restraints completely encase the god’s forearms from wrist to elbow. "Odin will decide Loki’s fate." The red-haired thunder god looks meaningfully at Loki and adds, "I suspect the All-Father's patience may have finally worn out." Thor seems almost deflated for a moment before he turns to face the party but then the god’s spirit seems to rally. "But, that is a matter for later. Now, we return to Valhalla! 

Kysek remains quiet and observant. The elf slowly sheathes his swords. He engages his boots and floats over closer to Abacus and Foil Hat. “Thank you for your help. While this is not truly our realm; it is the one we came to you from.” He says to the helpful ponies. He then turns his attention to the deities in the room. Ever watchful and wary, he awaits the next move. 

Grotto pulls out his pipe and stuffs it full of his finest leaf. Over it he sprinkles a bit of brown powder. He lights his pipe and takes a deep draw. "Feels good to be back to normal," thinks Grotto. He then struts over to his pony guides and says with a wry smirk, "And that my friends is how we do it from where I'm from!" Grotto laughs and stumbles forward, enjoying a much longed for smoke. He then walks to where the rest of the party has gathered and extend his hand offering any takers a draw of his prize long bottom leaf. He looks to Thor and asks, "What of the All-Father? Does he still sleep? How will he deal with this trickster trying to take control of his land? Surely Loki doesn't give up this easily! He has caused to much damage to not be dealt with!" 

The Valkyrie holds up one hand to forestall any more questions from the dwarf. "We expect Odin to awaken soon and these manacles will hold the Trickster long enough for something more lasting to be decided upon. I believe Loki's wife, Sigyn, awaits at Glitnir, the Hall of Justice. 

Niklas shoulders his bow and returns the arrow to his quiver. He remains vigilant to any clues of illusion while remaining quiet but asks Raven about this person named Algar. 

The elf smiles slowly, taken back several years and worlds by the question. "There is a magical item known as a deck of many things. Each card produces a special effect. The "knight" card summons a warrior who will serve the person who draws the card. Ra’ziir drew Algar - a gnome warrior who was raised among dwarves and fought with a pickaxe and hammer in tandem. He was unbelievably fierce in battle. In the Sunless City, we fought a massive sluglike creature and its minions, Aboleths, Kuo-Toa, Derro, even a pair of devils. Algar was turned to stone in the final battle. He, like Drax, got better but there are parallels." 

Cedron approaches Thor and Hildr “We are grateful for your arrival, but I’d like to think we could have handled Loki on our own.” he says with a wink. 

“The two of you must inspire many a great ballad. Perhaps once All-Father wakes , we can share some mead, and you can tell me some of your adventures?” inquires the ever curious minstrel-priest. 

Thor booms with laughter that is echoed by the thunder outside. "Indeed! Come, mortal! All of you have fought well in service of Asgard. Tales of your battles alongside Idunn have already spread amongst the Einherjar and no doubt your defeat of Malekith will as well!" The Odinson looks over at the ponies of Equestria and adds, "As will those of your strange companions." 

Shadow does his best to straighten his clothes out and asks Grotto “How does my hair look?” 

Grotto pulls Shadow to the side and pulls out some powder and a brush from his alchemy kit. He dusts Shadow with the make up and cleans him up a bit. "You look great!" Grotto says with hearts in his eyes! He then smacks Shadow on the butt and says, "Now go get 'em, tiger!" Grotto laughs at how the powerful spell caster melts at the site of his crush! 

Shadow thanks Grotto and then sheepishly walks his way towards the front and smiles and nods at his crush. 

Hildr turns to the dark elf, grabs him by the front of his shirt and pulls him in close. Her mouth finds his and she gives him a deep kiss. "I am pleased to see that you survive, wizard. Let us away, back to Valhalla!" She turns to lead the group away and pauses to look at Shadow, "Another adventure awaits."

- - - - -
• Cedron: 95% health; Light (79 minutes, 2 rounds remaining), Displacement (6 rounds), Prayer (7 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 7 rounds), Mass Haste (15 rounds),
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow), Prayer (7 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 7 rounds), Mass Haste (15 rounds),
• Grotto: 94% health; Prayer (7 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 7 rounds), Mass Haste (15 rounds),
• Kysek: 95% health; Half of the Tome has been read; Prayer (7 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 7 rounds), Mass Haste (15 rounds),
• Niklas: 100% health; Prayer (7 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 7 rounds), Mass Haste (15 rounds),
• Raven: 78% health; Protection from Evil (11 minutes, 7 rounds), Prayer (8 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 7 rounds), Mass Haste (15 rounds),
• Ra’ziir: 88% health; Prayer (7 rounds),  Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 7 rounds), Mass Haste (15 rounds),
• Shadow: 97% health; Overland Flight (18 hours, 57 minutes, 1 rounds remaining), Prayer (7 rounds), Mass Bull's Strength (16 minutes, 7 rounds), Mass Haste (15 rounds)

Note: Raven advances to 14th level as a Ranger and spends all of his skill allocation on Climb and Use RopeClimb and Use Rope.


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