Idunn – Asgardian Lesser Goddess of Youth

Idunn – Asgardian Lesser Goddess of Youth

Align: NG     Race: Asgardian
Class: Druid 14/Ranger 7* (* Idunn's class levels are based on the AD&D 1st edition Legends and Lore sourcebook.)     Divine Rank: 6
Homeland: Asgard
Sex: Female     Age: Immortal 
Birthrank: unrecorded     # of Siblings: None

Height: 6’0”     Weight: 165 lbs.     
Hair: Blond     Eyes: Blue
Appearance: Idunn has blue eyes and long blond hair that reaches to the small of her back.  She prefers earth-toned garments and is most often seen carrying a wicker basket filled with golden apples.

Str: 24 (+7) Fortitude: +32
Dex: 24 (+7) Reflex: +27
Con: 24 (+7) Will: +28
Int: 22 (+6) Initiative: +7
Wis: 23 (+6) Speed: 60’
Cha: 24 (+7)

Armor Class: 43 (Bracers of Amor +8, Ring of Protection +5,+7 Dex, +6 Divine, +7 Deflection); t: 43, ff: 36 

Hit Points: 315: (14d8+70: Druid) plus (7d8+35: Ranger)

Attacks: (BAB +16/Epic +1; Grap +24); +36/+31/+26 Shepherd's Hook: 1d6+12 (20/x2) plus Divine Withering (1d4 Str and Con damage, Fort DC37 negates, also affects Divine beings)

Racial Abilities: Divine Abilities (see below); Rune-casting

Divine Abilities: Communication; Divine Aura (DC17, 30’ radius); Divine Immunities; Divine Portfolio; Divine Senses, DR15/epic; Fire Resistance 26; Godly Realm (200’ radius); Grant Spells; Immortal; Salient Divine Abilities; Spell-like Abilities; SR38, Spontaneous Divine Casting; Teleport Without Error (at will, CL20); Plane Travel (at will, CL20); add Divine Rank to all saving throws (included above), Skill, Ability, Caster Level, and Turning Checks; Does not Automatically fail on a natural roll of “1”

Class Abilities: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light armor and shields (except tower shields); May not use armor or shields made of metal or loses access to druid spells, supernatural and spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.
Druid: Divine Spells (CL14, DC14 + spell level; 6/7/7/5/5/4/4/2); Spontaneous Casting (Convert prepared Druid spells to Summon Nature’s Ally spells); Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy +32, Woodland Stride, Trackless Step, Resist Nature’s Lure, Wild Shape (5/day, Large, Tiny, Plant), Venom Immunity, A Thousand Faces, 
Ranger: Favored Enemy - gain bonuses to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival checks and damage rolls (includes ranged attacks within 30’): +4 vs. Giants, +2 vs. Svartaflar, Track, Wild Empathy (stacks with Druid ability – see above), Combat Style (Two Weapon Fighting), Endurance, Animal Companion (stacks with Druid ability), Divine Spells (CL3, 3); Improved Combat Style (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting), Woodland Stride

Special Qualities: Divine Qualities

Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common; Can speak, understand and read any language (including nonverbal ones) and speak directly to any being within 6 miles of herself or one of her remote sensing locations

Skills (May always take 10 on any check): Concentration +37 (additional +4 w/ defensive casting); Craft (Woodworking) +36; Diplomacy +30; Handle Animal +39 (+2 bonus to Wild Empthy – included above); Heal +24; Hide +23; Jump +21; Knowledge (Geography) +22; Knowledge (Nature) +36; Listen +28; Move Silently +23; Ride +27; Search +26; Spellcraft +30; Spot +29; Survival +38 (additional +2 to avoid getting lost and in aboveground natural environments or follwoign tracks); Swim +23; Tumble +15; Use Magic Device +13

Feats: Alertness, Animal Affinity, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Endurance (b), Improved Critical (Quaterstaff), Improved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (in light/medium armor), Natural Spell, Self-Sufficient, Two-Weapon Fighting (in light/medium armor), Track (b), Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff)

Possessions typically carried: 
Clothing: Cloak of Resistance +5
Armor: Bracers of Amor +8, Ring of Protection +5
Weapons: Shepherd's Crook Staff of Divine Withering +5
Gear:  Wicker basket of Golden Apples (never runs empty if in Idunn's possession, each apple restores Hp as Potion of Cure Critical Wounds and prevents 10 years of aging for whoever eats one)


Prepared Spells (Druid)
0th: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink
1st: Cure Light Wounds (x2), Endure Elements, Faerie Fire, Magic Stone, Produce Flame (x2)
2nd: Flame Blade (x2), Gust of Wind, Heat Metal (x2), Spider Climb, Warp Wood
3rd: Daylight, Neutralize Poison, Quench, Remove Disease, Windwall
4th: Dispel Magic, Freedom of Movement, Giant Insect, Ice Storm, Rusting Grasp
5th: Baleful Polymorph (x2), Wall of Fire, Wall of Thorns
6th: Antilife Shell, Fire Seeds, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Wall of Stone 
7th: Creeping Doom, Sunbeam

Prepared Spells (Ranger)
1st: Entangle (x2), Read Magic
  • Automatic Actions: Idunn can use any skill that directly involves her portfolio (Spring and Youth), even those she has no ranks in, as a free action if the DC for the task is 20 or lower.  She can perform up to five such free actions each round.
  • Create Magic Items: As a deity of nature, Idunn can create any magical items related to her portfolio (without any requisite item creation feats) as long as the item’s market price does not exceed 30,000 gp
  • Divine Aura: Idunn's mere presence can affect mortals and beings of lower divine rank within 600', who might find the experience either uplifting or unsettling (DC23 negates) for 24 hours.  She can choose from the following effects as a free action (Daze, Fright, or Resolve).  This is a mind-affecting, extraordinary ability.
  • Divine Immunities: Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Acid, Cold, Death effects, Disease, Disintegration, Electricity, Energy Drain, Mind-affecting effects, Paralysis, Poison, Sleep, Stunning, Transmutation, and effects that Imprison or Banish and Turning/Rebuking
  • Divine Senses: Idunn can see, hear, touch and smell at a distance of six miles. As a standard action, she can perceive anything within six miles of her worshipers, holy sites, objects or any location where her name has been spoken in the last hour.  She can extend her senses to five locations at once.  She can block the sensing power of deities of her rank to two locations at once for up to an hour.
  • Domain Powers: 8/day – Speak with Animals, Rebuke or Command Plant Creatures
  • Godly Realm: Idunn has a godly realm that serves as a workplace, personal residence, or audience chamber.  Within one mile of herself (or 600' on the Material Plane) she can set any temperature that is normal for the Plane where it is located, and fill the area with scents and sounds as she sees fit.  She has control over links to the Astral Plane, thus enabling or disabling teleportation and similar effects within the realm.  She can erect buildings but this must be done through her own labor, magic or other divine powers.
  • Grant Spells: Idunn automatically grants spells and domain powers to mortal who pray to her.  She can grant spells from the Cleric and Ranger spell lists, the Animal, Plant, and Weather domains and Druid spell list.
  • Immortal: Idunn is immortal and cannot die from natural causes.  She has no need to eat, breathe or sleep although she does age unless she eats one her golden apples every day.
  • Portfolio Sense: Idunn automatically senses any event that has to do with Youth or Spring as long as it affects 500 people or more.
  • Rune-casting (Sp): Idunn knows the following runes - Beorc, Hegal, Ing, Lagu, Man, and Wyn. She can cast 3/day, Runes are not affected by anti-magic shields, Dispel Magic, or any other force that impedes magic. For description of individual runes, please see "Viking Age" by Avalanche Press.
  • Salient Divine Abilities: Alter Size, Command Plants, Gift of Life, Lay Curse, Lay Quest, Mind of the Beast, Power of Nature, Speak with Creatures
  • Spell-like Abilities: (CL17, DC23 + spell level) at will – Animal Shapes, Animate Plants, Antilife Shell, Barkskin, Call Lightning, Call Lightning Storm, Calm Animals, Command Plants, Commune with Nature, Control Plants, Control Weather, Control Winds, Dominate Animal, Entangle, Fog Cloud, Hold Animal, Obscuring Cloud, Plant Growth, Repel Wood, Shambler, Shapechange, Sleet Storm, Storm of Vengeance, Summon Nature's Ally IV, Summon Nature's Ally VIII, Wall of Thorns, Whirlwind


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