Ghostbusters Equipment for the d20 System

A few years ago, I came up with an crossover involving the Ghostbusters and Doctor Strange.  I have been batting this equipment around for a couple of years now as part of the first draft for Earth-218 but haven't put it to use yet. However, the original Ghostbusters RPG had the "Ghost Die". Whenever a character performs a Ghostbuster-related task, the Ghost Die must be rolled (a d6 can be substituted with a "6" representing the ghost if necessary).  If the Ghost comes up, Something Bad Has Happened.  This can range from something mildly annoying (if the task was successful) to something really embarrassing or dangerous (if the task failed).

Ghostbusters Equipment for d20

Ranged Weapon

Dmg (Type)





Purchase DC


Proton Pack (no feat needed)

3d6 electrical

- -





Res (+2)

Proton Pack: The proton pack emits a 5’ wide by 30’ long particle stream that deals 3d6 electrical damage to all creatures and objects in its path. The particle beam sets fire to combustibles and can melt metals with a low melting point, such as lead, gold, copper, silver or bronze. No attack roll is necessary (with one exception, see below), and thus, no feat is needed to operate the weapon effectively. Any creature caught in the path of the particle stream can make a Reflex save (DC15) for half damage. Creatures with cover get a bonus on their saving throws.

A proton pack has hardness 5 and 5 hit points. When worn, the proton pack has a Defense equal to 9 + the wearer’s Dex modifier + the wearer’s attack bonus.  A proton pack reduced to 0 hit points is rendered inoperable. If reduced to -10 hit points, the nuclear accelerator explodes dealing 10d6 points of damage to creatures and objects in a 10’ radius and 5d6 damage to creatures in adjacent 5-foot squares (treat as severe exposure for determining the effects of radiation sickness, see d20 Future pg. 81).

The weapon’s primary purpose is immobilizing ghosts and other incorporeal creatures. To grab an incorporeal creature with a particle stream, the wielder must make a ranged touch attack. If the attack is successful, both the target and wielder make opposed Grapple checks. If the target wins, it slips free and escapes. If it fails, it is entrapped with the coruscating containment field until it escapes or the wielder releases it.

As an attack action, the target can attempt to free itself by succeeding at an opposed Grapple check. The target may attempt to free itself once per round. A target held by multiple beams may attempt to escape all of the beams at once, but must beat the grapple check results of all opponents.

A proton pack’s nuclear accelerator effectively has an unlimited half-life and may be used continuously without recharging or refueling.

Professional Equipment




Purchase DC


Ghost Trap


2 lb


- -

PKE Meter


1 lb


- -

Ghost Trap

A ghost trap provides for the temporary containment of incorporeal beings. The trap can safely hold one incorporeal creature (regardless of size) indefinitely. If multiple creatures are confined in the trap, they can attempt a single Strength or Dexterity check once per round to escape (DC20). If the check is successful, the incorporeal beings escape and the trap is destroyed.

PKE (Psychokinetic Energy) Meter

This hand-held device measures the psychokinetic energy associated with incorporeal beings. As a full-round action, the user can gain the following information: strength (HD) of the incorporeal being and the number of incorporeal creatures present. The PKE meter gives readings ranging from dim to overwhelming. The maximum range is 50’ although it can be blocked by 1 foot of brick or wood, 1 inch of metal or composite alloys, and 3’ of wood, plaster or dirt. A thin sheet of lead also blocks detection.

Incorporeal Creature's HD                   

PKE Reading

1 or less


2 – 5 HD


6 – 10 HD


11 – 15 HD


16 or more HD



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