The Terror Dactyl

Terror Dactyl

CR: 2     Small Magical Beast
HD: 2d10+4     Hp: 19
Init: +3     Spd: 10', fly 60' (average)
AC: 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural), t: 15, ff: 14
Attacks: (BAB +2/Grap -5); +7 Talons: 2d4-1
SA: Bloodcurdling Scream
SQ: Darkvision 60', Immune to fear effects, Low-Light Vision
Align: N     Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2
Str: 8, Dex: 17, Con: 10, Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 7
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Ability Focus, Weapon Finesse (b)

Treasure: Standard (shiny objects only)
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: - -

The orange-feathered bird's head bobs up and down as it stares at you. Suddenly, it's beak opens, revealing serrated teeth before a horrifying scream fills the air. Your heart nearly explodes in your chest as fear overtakes you before you flee into the forest.

Terror Dactyls are tropical birds with feathers ranging from orange to green. They use their bloodcurdling scream to terrify prey into running off of cliffs or cowering in fear and unable to resist their attacks.

Bloodcurdling Scream (Su): 3/day, the Terror Dactyl can release an piercing scream in a 30' cone that causes fear in whoever hears it. Targets must make a Will save (DC13) or become panicked (drop anything it holds and flee at top speed from the source of its fear, as well as any other dangers it encounters, along a random path for 1d6+1 rounds. It can’t take any other actions. In addition, the creature takes a -2 penalty on all saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. If cornered, a panicked creature cowers). If the save succeeds, the creatures are shaken for 1 round.
Immune to Fear Effects (Ex): The Terror Dactyl is immune to all fear-based attacks.

Combat: The Terror Dactyl attacks with both of its talons at once. It will use its scream to scare predators away from its nest or to frighten prey into cowering and unable to fight back.

Habitat/Society: Terror Dactyls live on sheer cliffs or high atop jungle trees. They live in mated pairs, coming together in the spring to lay 1d4 eggs. The eggs hatch in about six weeks and both parents take turns tending the nest during this period. The hatchlings are born without feathers and their eyes are closed for the first week or so. They begin flying by two and one-half months.

Ecology: Terror Dactyls prey upon small mammals like mice, squirrels, and rabbits and will also scavenge. Their feathers are useful in the creation of scrolls that cause magical fear. A Wizard with the Improved Familiar feat can select a Terror Dactyl as his familiar. In addition to the regular benefits a familiar provides, the wizard gains a +2 bonus to saving throws against Fear if the familiar is within arm's reach.

AD&D stats
Climate/Terrain: Any Tropical
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary or Mated Pair
Activity Cycle: Day
Intelligence: Low (5-7)
Treasure: see below
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1-2, plus 1d4 young
Armor Class: 5
Movement: 1, FL 36 (B)
HD: 2
THAC0: 19
No. Attacks: 1 (talons)
Dmg/Att: 2d4-1
Special Attacks: Bloodcurdling Scream
Special Defense: Immune to Fear
MR: Nil
SZ: S (3' wingspan)
Morale: Average (8)
Xp Value: 65

The Terror Dactyl's scream is a cone of Fear (as spell, saving vs Spell to negate).  If a terror dactyl's nest can be found, it might contain 1d6 coins (30%), 1d2 small gems (3%), a piece of jewelry/art object.


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