

Small Monstrous Humanoid     HD: 1d8     Hp: 4
Init: +1     Spd: 20'     AC: 13 (+1 size, +1 Natural, +1 Dex); t: 11, ff: 12
Attacks: (BAB +1, Grap -3); +2 Unarmed Strike: 1d2 nonlethal or by weapon
SA: - -
SQ: Armless; Low-Light Vision
Align: Usually Good     Saves: Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +3
Str: 10, Dex: 13, Con: 10, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 10
Skills: Craft (Any) +4, Jump +4, Perform (Any one) +2, Tumble +3
Feats: Acrobatic

Environment: Temperate Plains or Hills
Organization: Company (1d3+1), Squad (2d4+2)
Challenge Rating: ½ 
Treasure: Standard
Advancement: by character class
Level Adjustment: - -

Nerds are a race of armless irregular gourd-shaped beings that stand between 2' and 3' tall. Their short, stumpy legs end in highly dexterous three-toed feet that can be used as hands.  Large bulbous eyes sit high atop their heads.  They have hard, glossy skin that comes in a variety of hues with pink, red, orange, yellow, green, and purple being the most prevalent.  Nerds speak Common.


Nerds prefer to avoid fighting but if pressed to defend themselves or their companions, they will.  They use hit-and-run tactics, flanking, and missile weapons and will try to avoid direct hand-to-hand combat as they are aware of their physical limitations.

Armless (Ex): Despite being armless, Nerds are capable of carrying and manipulating objects with their feet as if they were hands.  While doing so, they move around by hopping on their “free foot” at ¾ normal speed and are unable to move while wielding a two-handed weapon.

Nerd Society:
Most Nerds live in the City of Harmony, located near the Prismatic Well.  The city has a mayor but by and large, the population is largely self-governing with most working toward what they believe to be a common good.  They are a peaceful folk who enjoy racing and tumbling competitions, art, gardening, and music and love bright, vibrant colors.  They tend to be group-oriented, disliking solitude as a whole.
The City of Harmony is surrounded by the Darkwood Forest and has two mountains that are within a short hiking distance: Mystery Mountain and Candy Mountain.  Areas of interest within the city include the Prism Academy, a school of arcane magic; the Monastery of Inspiration, the Critical Strike Combat School, and a Central Market.  The Circus of Illusion, one of the main entertainment venues in the city is located near the the Market.  The Sweet Spot Candy Shop is also found in the here and is home to a secret society of Lorekeepers.
The Darkwood Forest has its own secrets as well.  These include an abandoned mausoleum and a Temple of the Scarlet Sentinel and another of Miel.  An old grove of oak trees serve as a point of reference for many woodsmen.  The woods are bordered by a chasm known as the Lemondrop Ledges, named for the yellow hues of its walls.
      While it is functioning, the Prismatic Well provides a +2 morale bonus to all Charisma-based skill checks made by the Nerds.

Magic Items on the Body
Having fewer limbs than other humanoids and an irregular shape, Nerds can only make use of/wear the following magical items:
  • One headband, hat, helmet, or phylactery on the head - OR - One pair of eye lenses or goggles on or over the eyes
  • One amulet, brooch, medallion, necklace, periapt, scarab, cloak, cape, or mantle around the neck
  • One vest, vestment, or shirt on the torso
  • One robe or suit of armor on the body (worn over a vest, vestment, or shirt)
  • One pair of bracers or bracelets on the shins or ankles
  • One glove or pair of gloves on each foot
  • One ring on each foot
They may wear boots, shoes, sandals, or slippers on their feet but doing so negates their ability to manipulate objects.  Also, armor must be designed specifically to fit them.

This post was inspired by the Dungeons & Dragons and Nerds Candy Crossover.  I make no claims of ownership and all artwork belongs to its creators.  All information regarding the City of Harmony is taken from the seven part "Restoring Harmony" campaign.

Spoiler: There were no mimics in any of the adventures.


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