Day Five of the Odinsleep (It Can't Be THIS Easy, Can It?)

Day Five of the Odinsleep; 12 pm (Noon)

Kysek climbs a nearby tree where he can watch the path while still remaining hidden. He calls his owl familiar, Bubo, to his side, instructing the bird to keep a keen watch and to alert him if any unexpected visitors begin to draw near to the camp. He then pulls forth the Tome he acquired in the house of Myrlund and continues to study. The pages, all filled with 1's and 0's, swim before his eyes but as he continues to read, the pattern of numbers take shape, forming words and revealing secrets previously unknown.

Cedron gives Raven a once over after expending three scrolls of healing upon the elven warrior. “UGH! That would have brought to life three normal men. I've forgotten you're lock a block of granite. Hard to break, and even harder to put together. I either heal ya' now, or bury ya' later. I prefer the healing. Let me see those other two scrolls.” The cleric reads off his prayers, pouring more energy into mending the elf's injuries before turning pensive, “Say, Raven, while I'm healing ya', what are your thoughts about once we make it inside? What's our plan here? You don't see us killing a god, do you?” Grotto bandages wounds, cleaning debris from the warrior's scrapes, silently lamenting the scars he received after being tortured and set aflame by the goblins who had enslaved him and his brother Jakkar after their village had been sacked. He watches as the magic from Cedron's scrolls heals the wounds with nary a scar and laments aloud, “I wish I had friends like these when those damned goblins abused me! One day I will see those goblins dead!” Sometimes he almost envied the deaths that his brothers Candor and Hegram had received – perishing nobly in battle, their place in Hanseath's Hall assured. The dwarf collects himself, grins, and shoots Raven a wink, “Want anything to dull the pain?” He opens his medicine pouch and pulls forth a vial. He pops the wax lid and drinks the contents in a single gulp. His smile grows even wider and his pupils dilate. “Let us now kill a god!' Grotto growls, glaring toward Loki's fortress.

Raven holds up one hand, declining the dwarf's potent potions. He takes takes a deep breath and exhales. “I don't know what we're going to do. These gods of Asgard seem much stronger than anything we have ever encounters before. Erlik and Melusine were tough but I suspect that even Idunn would be too much for either of them to face and she seems to be the least powerful deity we have met here.” Raven directs his thoughts inward, concentrating on the mindlink he shares with Ra'ziir and asks what the scouts have discovered.

The bladesinger responds, “Giant at the door, another that just got relieved possibly headed in your direction. Determining the best point of access now.” The half-earth elemental looks over at Drax, waiting for the assassin’s assessment before asking if they should eliminate the guard at the door. The assassin continues observing the tower, taking in the placement of the windows, the door, the texture of the plastered surface before giving a single shake of his head, “Guards are unimportant save in their placement and routes. We should see it this Jotun is likely to fall asleep. We already know when he'll be relieved." Niklas nods in agreement, "Best not to wake the sleeping bear." The assassin continues, "I'm thinking there are better ingresses on the opposite side of the tower. What does the priest's spell tell you?”

Ra'ziir concentrates on Cedron's spell, tracing routes in his mind and finds that there are no traps or wards in place to keep intruders out, none of the doors or windows are locked, and that several are, in fact, wide open even as the group lurks outside. He reports all of this to Drax and then “thinks” all of this information to Raven, who shares it with the rest of the party. Niklas frowns, "Not smart, even ground hogs make sure they have more than one path."

Shadow listens intently and casts another spell of flight. He takes to the air, circling in a wide arc around the tower so he can get a look at the far side, quickly confirming that the windows are aligned on all sides of the building.

The dark elf circles closer and though faint, hears a snippet of conversation, “Very well, Malekith. Proceed with the construction of your warriors. I am eager to see what you have come up with. I will be in my chambers, gazing upon the city in my scrying pool. I am not to be disturbed.”

A quiet, gravelly voice replies, “As you wish.”
= = = = = =
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 100% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am);
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read
• Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 94% health;
• Ra’ziir: 100% health; Find the Path (120 minutes, 5 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 97% health; Fly (16 min, 9 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health;


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