The World's Most Comfortable Chair

The World's Most Comfortable Chair is a green leather armchair with a cut-out area to provide support for the user's head and neck. Anyone who sits in it is subjected to the greatest level of comfort they have ever experienced. This sense of relaxation is so intense that those seated lose interest in anything beyond sitting in the Chair, abandoning all plans in the process.

June 14, 1953 - The first person who ever sat in the chair (Experimental Subject #1), announced it was comfortable and that sitting in it was the best thing he had ever done. He remained in the chair until September 20, 1976 (23 years, 3 months, 6 days). 

Those who sit in the Chair must make a Will save (DC20) or become so comfortable that their only desire is to continue sitting in the chair. While seated, they speak in a drowsy, disconnected manner. They may attempt additional Will saves to escape from the Chair's influence but many choose not to unless inspired by outside forces.


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