Street Hawk

 "This is Jesse Mach, an ex-motorcycle cop, injured in the line of duty. Now a police troubleshooter, he’s been recruited for a top secret government mission to ride Street Hawk, an all-terrain attack motorcycle designed to fight urban crime, capable of incredible speeds up to three hundred miles an hour, and immense firepower. Only one man, federal agent Norman Tuttle, knows Jesse Mach’s true identity. The man, the machine, Street Hawk."

Jesse operated as Street Hawk for five months in 1985. Cost overruns for the Street Hawk project, collateral damage, and a changing political landscape brought the project to a close. Jesse and Norman, the designer and technician who performed all of the maintenance on the motorcycle, have been trying to get the project reinstated ever since.

Street Hawk (Jesse Mach): old male Human Fast Hero 3/Daredevil 1/Speed Demon 3
CR: 7     Medium Humanoid (Human)
HD: 3d8 plus 1d10 plus 3d8     Hp: 33     Rep +2
Init +3     Spd: 30'
AC: 22 (+3 Dex, +2 Armored Racing Suit, +7 Class), t: 20, ff: 20 (Uncanny Dodge)
Attacks: (BAB +4, Grap +4), +5 Unarmed: 1d6+0 (nonlethal) or +4 Cane: 1d6 (20/×2) or +6 .38 Colt Revolver: 2d6 (20/×2, 30', semi-auto)
Starting Occupation: Law Enforcement (gains +1 bonus to Drive, gains Investigate as a Class skill, gains Personal Firearms Proficiency as a bonus feat
SA: Hit the Weak Spot
SQ: Class Abilities; Fearless; Uncanny Dodge 1; Uncanny Dodge 2;
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +4
Str: 10, Dex: 15, Con: 10, Int: 11, Wis: 15, Cha: 15
Skills: Concentration +6; Craft (Mechanical) +3; Drive +15 (+2 on all checks involving civilian motorcycles); Gather Information +9; Hide +4; Knowledge (Streetwise) +6; Move Silently +4; Navigate +4; Profession (Policeman) +8; Read/Write and Speak English; Spot +5
Feats: Defensive Martial Arts (b); Endurance (b); Firearms Proficiency (b); Simple Weapons Proficiency (b); Vehicle Dodge; Vehicle Expert; Vehicle Specialization (Civilian Motorcycles) (b)
Gear: Streethawk Motorcycle; Armored Racing Suit (+2 AC, -0 ACP); Colt Mark V .38 Special Double Action Revolver; Cane

Height: 6'0"     Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Light Brown     Eyes: Brown     Age: 57
Appearance: Jesse Mach is a late middle-aged white male with gray shot through his light brown hair. He walks with use of a cane, the result of injuries suffered in his younger days and in the line of duty.

• Fast Hero Talents: Evasion, Uncanny Dodge 1
• Fearless: +4 morale bonus on Will saves to resist fear effects and on level checks to oppose Intimidate checks
• Hit the Weak Spot: when attacking a vehicle with a weapon or another vehicle, the Speed Demon ignores the first 5 points of Hardness. 

Street Hawk Motorcycle: heavily modified Honda XR-500 
Crew: 1     Passengers : 1     Cargo: N/A
Init: +1
Top Speed: 315 (31), +100 (10) with Hyperthrust
Defense: 9     Hardness: 11     Hp: 22
Size: L (about 7' long)

• Armaments: Concealed Laser: 2d10 Fire (20/2, 50'), can be fired at a reduced setting to Stun living targets (Fort DC15 or paralyzed 1d6 rounds)
• Fire-linked Machine Guns: 2d10 (20-×2, 100', autofire), 50 round belt each
• Rockets: 3d6 (20/×2, 150', 10' burst, Ref half DC15), 6 total rockets

Modifications (included in statistics above):
• Airfoils: grant a +1 bonus to Drive checks at speeds over 100 mph
• Armor: grants +3 bonus to Hardness, reduces Top Speed by 50 (5) - selected twice
• Big Engine/EngineRebuild: increases Top Speed by 50 (5) each
• Ejector Seat: Will jettison any driver the bike is not programmed to accept
• Electronics Package: GPS, Police Band Radio, Encrypted Radio Communication with base of operations
• Hyperthrust: grants an increase of 100 (10) to the Top Speed of the Motorcycle for 1 round (may be used for up to 5 nonconsecutive rounds)
• Improved Brakes/Shocks: grants +2 bonus to Drive checks involving sudden deceleration and +1 bonus to Drive checks where suspension is important (i.e. jumps or driving across obstacles)
• Jump Jets: Used as part of a jump maneuver, a vehicle fitted with jump jets will clear twice the normal distance. In addition, a jump maneuver may be performed at any time without the benefit of a ramp, usually to clear obstacles. A vehicle jumping without a ramp will clear the normal distance in feet equal to twice its current speed in miles per hour, achieving a maximum height of 3d10'
• Off-Road Suspension: A raised suspension and special tires allow the vehicle to drive cross-country at two-thirds of the on-road top speed. The extra suspension weight also means -5 mph to road speed. 
• Puncture Resistant Tires: solid puncture-resistant tires that run while flat
• Supercharger: Increases Top Speed by 40 (4) and provides a +2 bonus to Initiative

Using Street Hawk in a Modern Campaign:

• The motorcycle is currently stored at the Sierra Army Depot, the same place as the EM-50. Maybe the heroes "borrow" the bike in an attempt to recover the armored RV.
• The government recruits a new team to operate the motorcycle. They combat crime on the Interstate, bringing down smugglers and illicit racing organizations.
• Jesse once again takes up the mantle of Street Hawk. Will the party help him in his war on crime or will they attempt to bring the motorcycle-riding vigilante to justice?


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