Chairface Chippendale

I have been holding on to this blog entry for awhile because I don't want to become the guy who posts characters from the Tick all of the time but I think it's time to share my latest interpretation of one of the greatest antagonists the Tick has ever faced. That said, Chairface, the Tick, and all associated characters are the property of Ben Edlund.

Chairface Chippendale is a criminal mastermind. He has parlayed his nefarious deeds into a vast fortune that supports a luxurious lifestyle.  His unusual deformity has made him an outsider all of his life.  Perhaps because of this, he takes great joy in carrying out his evil deeds.  The greatest of these was an attempt to burn his name into the face of the moon, a plan that was thwarted before it could be completely carried out. 

Chairface Chippendale: Human male Expert 10
CR: 10     Medium Humanoid (Human)
HD: 10d6+10     Hp: 45
Init: +1     Spd: 30'     AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +7, Grap +8); +8/+3 Unarmed Strike: 1d3+1 nonlethal or +8/+3 Longsword: 1d8+1 (19-20/×2)
SA: - -
SQ: No need to eat or drink because he has a chair in place of his head
Str: 12, Dex: 12, Con: 12, Int: 14, Wis: 12, Cha: 14
Align: NE     Saves: Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +9
Skills: Appraise +14; Bluff +12; Diplomacy +15; Escape Artist +14; Gather Information +13; Knowledge - Civics +12; Knowledge - Streetwise +15; Knowledge - Superhumans +12; Sleight of Hand +15
Feats: Archaic Weapon Proficiency; Combat Expertise; Leadership (leadership score: 12); Personal Firearms Proficiency
Gear: Fine Clothing, Incredible wealth (enough to build an energy weapon to carve his name across the face of the moon, a large mansion complete with a pit of crocodiles, etc)

• Class Features: Proficiency with Simple Weapons and Light Armor; Skill Versatility (chooses any 10 skills as Class Skills - has selected: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge- Civics, Knowledge - Streetwise, Knowledge - Superhumans, Sleight of Hand)

Cohort: Chromedome
Followers: The Forehead, Boils Brown, Zipperneck, and 5 others (the Triggermen)

Using Chairface Chippendale in a campaign: Chairface is a planner and schemer. His charismatic nature draws others to him in spite of his unusual appearance. While he works best in a lighthearted campaign based on the Tick comics or TV series, he could be portrayed as Dick Tracy (or Duck Twacy)-style villain or, potentially, as the victim of a curse. 


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