Day Five of the Odinsleep (Paranoid Bladesinger)

Day Five of the Odinsleep; 12 pm (Noon)

Kysek and Bubo continue to watch the trail as the Jotun approaches.  The two blend into the tree as best they can and even though the giant looks directly at them for a full second, it passes by with no reaction beyond a soft smirk that is nearly hidden by its thick beard.

Grotto signals the rest of the group to stay low, advising them all to stay low and let the massive enemy pass them by without raising an alarm.  Shadow flies back, landing and slipping into the group’s hidden alcove before the Jotun arrives and passes on what he overheard.  Raven immediately “thinks” that information to Ra’ziir via the mindlink they share.  Cedron, for his part, looks over Raven’s injuries before proclaiming that it’s “a good thing the ladies like scars.”

The priest takes a moment to pray to his god, “O, Malazzarr, guide my actions so that I always walk the path of progress.  Always moving forward, never dwelling on the past, and living in the present only long enough to take my next steps.  We once again face a great unknown challenge, but with your guidance I know we will prevail.”

The bladesinger replies with a question, “Shall we regroup and attempt to enter, or should we scout ahead some more first?”

Raven tells the elf-emental that they will be on their way as soon as the Jotun passes out of view.  

Niklas suggests that he, Drax, and Ra’ziir scout a little further, stating that animals rarely, if ever leave themselves cornered and that Cedron’s spell is showing the best path forward.  The bladesinger nods in agreement with the ranger and replies, “I agree, but with so many of us I just want to make sure that we all stay on the same page.”  The elf peers out toward the tower, “Perhaps we should make our way around to the back of the building… I just can’t shake the feeling that this is a trap.”

Drax agrees with the Ra’ziir’s suggestion.  “Normally, for such a high value target, there would be weeks of extensive research.  Movement patterns, layout, associates, guards, routes, and defenses.  It is hubris to attempt this by ‘winging it’ but considering our time frame we should at least do what we can to heighten our preparedness.  Let us check windows on the far side, hidden from view of the entrance.  From what Raven passed on, the target is likely in their ‘chambers’.  I surmise they will be on the top or penultimate floor.  I deem it unlikely a ‘deity’ would deign to have chambers below ground”.
The bladesinger scowls, “I feel like this structure is too small…expect to find something completely different once we enter.”

Drax signals his agreement and leads Ra’ziir and Niklas forward, skirting the edge of the tower and remaining as out of sight from the guard as possible.

Once the departing Jotun is out of sight, Raven leads his part of the group forward, reaching the hiding place that the forward scouts just left.  

Meanwhile, Ra’ziir, Drax, and Niklas reach the tower itself,  The stink of the pile of body parts is nearly overwhelming as they make their way to the back.  At the base of the tower, Drax runs his fingers along the plastered surface of the wall.  The texture is slightly pebbled, not offering much in the way of finger or toe-holds but certainly accepting of most climbing tools.  The assassin looks up, measuring the distance to the windows.  He estimates that the first is 25’ off the ground and the second is 25’ above that.  From their current location, no noises can be heard from inside the tower.  

= = = = = =
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 100% health; 
• Drax: 100% health; Nondection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am); 
• Grotto: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read
• Niklas: 100% health; 
• Raven: 94% health; 
• Ra’ziir: 100% health; Find the Path (119 minutes, 5 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 97% health;  Fly (15 min, 9 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health;


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