Day Five of the Odinsleep (A Familiar Tactic Revisited)

 Day Five of the Odinsleep; 12 pm (12:05)

Ra'ziir takes note of the red and black clad figure and wills himself to rise, floating to the next level and edges around to the south side of the tower.  Niklas whispers to Drax, asking if they should go up or in.  The assassin takes a breath, pausing to think and then motions with a tilt of his head that they should continue upwards.  The ranger nods in acknowledgment and the two continue on.  Bubo, spurred on by instructions from his master lands on the the next windowsill and peers inside.  Kysek concentrates on the owl, seeing what his familiar sees.  The bladesinger, assassin, ranger, and thief-turned-wizard all see the same thing: a small bedroom with a heavy wooden-framed bed topped by a thick mattress and heaped with furs, a small writing table with a padded chair, a delicate silvered ewer, and more furs on the floor.  Of Loki, or anyone else for that matter, there is no sign.

Cedron cranes his neck, looking up toward the top of the tower and all around the immediately surrounding area.  Aside from the front door guarded by a semi-dozing Jotun, there appears to be no other entrances aside from the windows on the upper levels.  “Perhaps we should see if there is a way for us to enter the tower from the top, and work our way down?”  We spend so much energy and resources going through the front door, let's consider a new approach.”

Grotto, for his part, relishes in the touch of his companions, the memories of his torture at the hands of his goblin masters, drowning out whatever recent gentle reminisciences he has experienced.  He watches in amazement as Drax and Niklas climb, whispering in awe, “They crawl the walls like an insect!  Like some sort of spider-man!”

Shadow nods in agreement, “I will fly to the top and see what I can find.  I think you may be right.”  The dark elf flies upward and as he draws away from the party members on the ground, they become visible.  The group moves in closer to the wall, trying to remain concealed as best as they are able.  The party leader floats up past Drax, Niklas, and Ra'ziir and reaches the top. He finds that the top is a 40' square with a domed gazebo.  Several chaise lounges and a side table are present but currently empty.  There is a hatch in the northwest corner fitted with a stout iron pull ring.  He looks around, taking in the glorious view of the expansive Sea of Marmora to the south and east, the plains of Ida leading back to the city of Asgard, and across the fjord, he spies towering forest-shrouded mountains that rise to meet the blue sky.  As the sun passes noon, he also notes a change in the weather.  Flowers bloom, the wheat or barley or whatever grain that grows on the meadows begin to turn a golden hue as the summer begins.  By sunset, the leaves will begin to change, becoming red and yellow as autumn begins and by the time midnight comes, the snows of winter will begin once more, only to be replaced by the spring thaw in the morning.

Raven thinks back to the last time the group infiltrated a tower.  It had been on the world of Hyboria and their target at the time was the wizard known as Yara.  Malazzarr had re-ascended to godhood and Ra'ziir had had his heart replaced with one of living crystal, thus beginning his transformation into a half-elemental.  Half of the group had started at the bottom while the rest entered via the roof.  The ensuing battle had been fierce but the party had prevailed and discovered the location of a mystical gate on the Isle of Iron Statues.  After wondering what sort of changes the group would experience after trying the same tactic at this tower, the elven warrior looks up and draws his bow.  He ties a thin cord around one of his arrows and takes a few steps back, aiming and firing at the roof.  The arrow flies true and sinks deeply into the wooden railing at the highest level of the tower.  He returns the bow to his quiver and pulls on the line to make sure the arrow is firmly embedded and prepares to climb.

= = = = = =
• Bubo: 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 8 rounds remaining),
• Cedron: 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 8 rounds remaining), True Seeing (11 minutes, 9 rounds remaining), 
• Drax: 100% health; Nondection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am); 
• Grotto: 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 8 rounds remaining),  Protection from Evil (8 minutes, 8 rounds)
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read, Bless (12 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)
• Niklas: 100% health; 
• Raven: 94% health; Bless (12 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)
• Ra’ziir: 100% health; Find the Path (119 minutes, 2 rounds remaining), Greater Invisibility (15 rounds remaining), Fly (16 minutes, 8 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 97% health; Fly (15 min, 6 rounds remaining), Bless (12 minutes, 8 rounds remaining), Mass Invisibility (16 minutes, 7 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health; Bless (12 minutes, 8 rounds remaining), Mass Invisibility (16 minutes, 7 rounds)


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