Day Five of the Odinsleep (A Leader Rises)

Day Five of the Odinsleep (6 am, 1 hour until sunrise)

Idunn raises one hand, "Before the lot of you get sacrifice-happy, you must show Gladr that you are worthy. The Sleipnirs of Varldsliggard are the many great-grandfoals of Odin's mighty steed." She then asks the same question of the equine that is on everyone else's lips, "What does it take to be worthy and what is this sacrifice?" 

The horse neighs, whinneys, tosses its head, and tamps the ground with several of its forefeet. Hildr the Valkyrie nods, "Uh-huhs" and "I see's' a couple of times before turning back to the party.

"These beasts are the progeny of the All-Father's own steed. A demonstration of mastery over the sky should suffice. Surely at least one of you magicians ought to be capable of that." 

The minstrel-priest interjects. “Mastery over the sky can be many things from weather control to flight to a simple breeze.” He grasps the cloak, and flies overhead performing a loop and a twist midair. “Does this suffice, or should we seek to demonstrate a higher level of mastery?" 

Idunn glances over at the horse for a moment. The magnificent steed nods and Idunn inclines her head to indicate that Cedron's display of power of the air will suffice before continuing "As for the sacrifice, as a father is responsible for his family, a leader is responsible for his people. Therefore, your leader must make the same offering the All-Father made in his quest for wisdom."

Raven nods and asks, " And what did Odin sacrifice?"

The Valkyrie looks directly back at the elf, pulls a dagger from her belt, and holds it out to him before answering, "His right eye."

Kysek shakes his head. “How does pulling out one's right eye show mastery over the air? Strange world. But what do I know?”, the elf mutters to no one in particular.

Raven frowns, "I think the mastery and sacrifice are two different things."

Kysek nods, "I see."

Grotto leans over and whispers to Cedron. "A severe beating I could handle but I don't wish to loose an eye. I don't know a spell to regenerate an eye, do you?"

"Such healing is beyond even my reach presently. Perhaps one day, Malazzarr willing, but not today.”

Shadow says “I may be able to make a magical replacement eye at some point but right now I am not sure how.  Til then the 'leader' will be at a disadvantage.  Raven uses his bow too much.  The Dwarf already has a problem attracting the ladies.  Maybe an eyepatch will be more stylish on me or Raz.”

Cedron then addresses the group, “I say, today. Who leads the party today? As another day may require a new leader to share the burden."

Raven frowns, "Shadow, Ra'ziir, while I believe we veterans all share in the direction of our troupe, the burden must fall upon me."

Drax scowls. "They wish us to defend their world from subjugation and ask a literal eye for the privilege? Better an eye of their own. Or we make our own way to the target."

Nik remains quiet as he realizes that he would be of little use in either of the ventures, he knows only the magic of woodsmen and he is no leader of people.
The woodsman walks peacefully to Gladr, holding his hand palm up offering calmness as he attempts to soothe the steed.

The horse moves his head, avoiding the ranger and focuses on the proceedings as they unfold. Raven reaches out to take the dagger but when he tries to lift it, the blade refuses to budge, remaining firmly in the Valkyrie's hand. He tries again, straining slightly but the dagger continues to rest on Hildr's open palm.

Shadow steps forward and pulls up one sleeve as he reaches for the knife. His ebony fingers close around the handle and with no effort whatsoever, lifts the dagger from its resting place.

The dark elf takes a deep breath and aims the tip of the weapon at his eye. He steels his will and raises the blade until it fills his whole field of vision, the entirety of his focus on the needle-sharp point. He begins to press and then feels Hildr's hand upon his wrist.

"That is sufficient. You are brave but not foolish, ambitious without being vainglorious, and ready to sacrifice, even die," she pauses and looks at Raven, "without being suicidal. Gladr and his brethren will carry you to Loki's realm."


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