Turbo the Racing Snail

"Turbo" was a 2013 animated movie about a snail who gains speed powers and competes in the Indianapolis 500. I am strongly considering making this official history (with some minor changes) for Earth-218. In a world with aliens, superhumans, robots, and the paranormal, a racing snail would not be entirely out of place so here is my take on the character.

The "Mutant template" is based on d20 Paragon created by D. Jon Mattson.

Theo (a.k.a. Turbo) "male" Talking Garden Snail
CR: 1     Fine Animal (Mutant)     HD: 1/16d8.    Hp: 1
Energy: 16 (+1/HD or class level after 1st)
Init: +6     Spd: 60' (see below), climb 60'
AC: 30 (+16 size, +4 Dex), t: 30, ff: 26
Attacks: (BAB +0; Grap -21); N/A
SA: Mutant Abilities
SQ: Mutant Abilities
Align: N     Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +0
Str: 1, Dex: 18, Con: 11, Int: 10, Wis: 10, Cha: 10
Skills: Jump -2 (max distance with running jump is multiplied by 8), Sport (Auto-Racing) +4*, Profession (Gardener) +1
Feats: Run
Gear: Racing Shell (spoiler grants a +1 bonus to any maneuver made at over 100 mph; grants a +1 bonus to AC)

* Sport, like Craft or Profession covers a variety of skills. Most tasks are based on Strength or Dexterity but recalling statistics or rules relies on Intelligence.

Height: 1"     Length: 2.5"     Weight: 1.58 oz.
Eyes: Blue     Hair: N/A
Appearance: Turbo is a thin orange snail with blue eyes and a brown spiral shell. His racing shell is made of blue plastic with red and white highlights, a spoiler, and the number "5" emblazoned on it. It fits over his natural shell.

• Mutant: Gain three “levels” worth of powers (3 Standard or 1 Improved and 1 Standard).  Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional “level” of power); +4 bonus on their initial Energy scores, LA +1; Metahuman is preferred class for multiclass purposes


Standard Hyperspeed: One night while crossing a highway, Theo was sucked into the supercharger of a Chevy Camero. When the driver activated the car's nitro boost, the Chamber Theo was in flooded with Nitrous Oxide, which bonded with his DNA, granting him superspeed. When using his speed, Turbo leaves a faintly glowing blue trail behind him. His base speed is increased to 60'. He gains a +2 Haste bonus on Initiative and a +1 Haste bonus on Reflex saves (both included above)
     Amplifier: Hyper-running (x2): Theo's running multiple (×5 with Run feat) is doubled twice (×2 the first time, ×4 the second time) to 2,400'.  This makes his maximum speed about 272 mph (although he has only reached 226 mph thus far).
Standard Light; (Energy Cost: 1, 20' cone, Duration: 3 rounds/HD)
     Reducer: Cone, front arc only emitted from eyestalks
Standard Meta-Sense, Radio-Hearing: Theo can tune into radio waves to listen to broadcasts.
     Amplifier: Creatures With 25' can also hear the radio stations due to Theo's shell acting as a speaker of sorts.
     Reducer: AM/FM bands only, no Radar detection


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