The Gift of the Mogwai

Christmas will be upon us soon so I thought it would be nice to write another holiday themed post. With that in mind, I present to you the Gift of the Mogwai.... But remember, with every gift, there comes certain responsibilities.

There are conflicting rumors regarding the origin of the Mogwai.  Some say that they were created on a distant planet to spread peace and happiness, as well as to stop wars and extinctions on distant planets. Another rumor claims that they are devilish spirits (as a side note, "Mogwai" is Cantonese for "devil") given bodies who enjoy wreaking havoc and spreading death and destruction.


CR: 1/2    Tiny Magical Beast
HD: 1/2d10     Hp: 5
Init: +2     Spd: 10'
AC: 6 (+2 size, +2 Dex), t: 8, ff: 8
Attacks: BAB/Grap: +1/-9; +5 Unarmed: 0
SA: - -
SQ: Darkvision 60', Daylight Vulnerability, Low-Light Vision, Metamorphosis, Reproduction, Transformation
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Str: 6, Dex: 14, Con: 10, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 14
Skills: Diplomacy +3, Perform (Singing) +7*
Feats: Skill Focus (Singing), Weapon Finesse (b)

* Mogwai singing sounds like a trilling hum.

Daylight Vulnerability (Ex): Exposing any Mogwai or Gremlin to direct sunlight disorients it: It can take only a single move action or attack action and is destroyed utterly in the next round if it cannot escape, leaving behind a gooey, melted corpse.
Metamorphosis (Su): If a Mogwai that is fed after midnight (local time), it creates a cocoon. The Cocoons made by a mogwai are large, gray-brown objects that resemble a moth's cocoon. After 2d4 hours, the mogwai has now transformed into a scaly gremlin, which hatches from the cocoon.
     After the transformation is complete, the Mogwai gain a +2 natural bonus to Armor Class, a +2 bonus to Strength, two claw attacks that deal 1d2-1 damage, a bite that deals 1d3-1 damage, and Multiattack as a bonus feat. Its Alignment also shifts to Chaotic Evil and its Challenge Rating increases to 1.

Reproduction (Ex): If a Mogwai gets wet, it spawns 1d6+1 new Mogwais from its back - small balls of fur approximately the size of a marble pop out and grow in size before unfolding themselves into new physically mature Mogwais. This process takes 1d6+4 rounds. There is a 95% chance that the newly grown Mogwai will be Neutral Evil.

AD&D stats:
Climate/Terrain: Any 
Frequency: Very Rare
Organization: Solitary, Pack (1d4), Throng (3d4), Mob (3d12+10)
Diet: Omnivore
Int: Averge (10) to High (12)
Alignment: NG (as Mogwai), CE (as Gremlin)
Treasure: Incidental
AC: 6 (as Gremlin), 8 (as Mogwai)
MV: 6
HD: 1 (4 hp)
THAC0: 20
# att: 3 (as Gremlin), 1 (as Mogwai)
Dmg/Att: 1d3/1d3/1d4
SA: Reproduction, Metamorphosis
SD: Nil
MR: Nil
Size: T (1' tall)
Morale: Steady (12)
Xp Value: 15 (as Mogwai), 35 (as Gremlin)


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