
Showing posts from February, 2022

๐Ÿ Pineapple Pokopo and Pokoponesia ๐Ÿ

Pokoponesia Capital: Unrevealed  Population:  Unrevealed at time of episode, a reasonable estimate would be just under 300, making it the least populous nation in the world Government: Dictatorship  Religion: None, varies by individual  Imports: None, but trying to develop a tourism industry Exports: Pineapples Alignment: Neutral Evil  Pokoponesia is a small, jungle-covered island nation located in the South Pacific. The island is known primarily for pineapples and its shark-infested waters. It is ruled by General Pineapple Pokopo.  LIFE AND SOCIETY   Pokoponesia is a small island nation ruled by Pineapple Pokopo. Pokopo desperately wants to build a tourism industry but all his island has to offer is inhospitable jungle, pineapples, and sharks.  MAJOR GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES   Pokoponesia is a volcanic island covered in a tropical jungle. The volcano's caldera rises 1,250' above mean sea level. Pineapple trees are found in abundance. The ...

A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 10)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon, 1000 ALB) Kysek thinks to himself for a moment. “I flew without the use of spell components, I waved my tail and the spell seemed to work. Unless unicorns here fly, this could hold a bit of merit.”, he adds to the conversation with Abacus. “Since my telekinesis seems a bit ‘underdeveloped’ just yet, it would only seem to lend credence to the possibility?”, he continues. The elficorn then decides to try once again. He waves his tail in as close way as possible as he would his hands and attempts to cast mage hand. Once again his horn glows and the chalk stick rises into the air.  Abacus takes a few steps back to stay clear and asks, "Why are you swishing your tail like that? Are you having some sort of fit? Should I send for Nurse Tenderheart?" Ra'ziir slips one of the pouches Abacus motioned toward over his neck and falls in with the rest of the group as they head over to the defunct armory. With his unsullied pony body an...

A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 9)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon, 1000 ALB) Once Foil Hat returns from fetching Honey Bucket and Compass, Niklas approaches him and asks,  “The mention of the Castle of the Two Sisters appears to have caused you concern. What do you know of this castle?” "What? Oh, no, i mean, I'm sure the castle won't pleasant. It was nearly leveled one thousand years ago when the Princesses fought. It's the Everfree Forest that worries me." Compass Rose chimes in, “Forgive my friend, please.  It’s not very often that anypony willingly enters the Everfree Forest.  It can be a pretty scary place. The woods are unnatural – they don’t work the same as the rest of Equestria.  The plants grow on their own, the animals take care of themselves and the clouds move without anypony’s intervention.  The forest is much too dangerous for most ponies and filled with far many strange and dangerous creatures.  There are timberwolves, hydras, cockatrices, Ursas and vampir...

A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 8)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon, 1000 ALB) Ra'ziir frowns, "Who are these two sisters and what have they to offer us?" He reaches out with one of his front hooves for the book, trying to get a glimpse at the title and notes that it is called "Equestria - A History". Foil Hat sighs, "I told you about this. The princesses, their big fight, the banishment to the moon for one thousand years? They used to live in the castle, pretty much wrecked the place when their brawl went down. Excuse me, I have to go. Back in a few minutes!" Kysek steps aside to allow Foil Hat to depart and approaches the unicorn wizard, "Abacus, might I inquire just what it is you are trying to link in your spell research? Perhaps I could offer an opinion if you could enlighten me in what you are trying to accomplish." The yellow-haired horse replies, "Certainly. As you know, all Unicorns are able to use telekinesis with minimal concentration and Pega...

Blowhole, the Legendary Long-Distance Leviathan

I was watching the Tick with my youngest son the other day and got to thinking, "I could make Blowhole into a D&D character" so, with a little puttering about, I present yet another Tick-related post for your enjoyment. Blowhole : male Anthropomorphic Baleen Whale CR: 8     Gargantuan Monstrous Humanoid (Aquatic)     HD: 12d8+72     Hp: 124 Init: +1     Spd: 40', swim 40'     AC: 16 (-4 size, +1 Dex, +9 Natural); t: 7, ff: 15 Attacks: (BAB +12/Grap +36) ; +20 Slam: 2d6+12 (20/x2) or Trample: 2d6+18 (Ref ½ DC  28) SA: Swallow Whole, Trample SQ: Blindsight 120'; Hold Breath; Low-Light Vision Align: N     Saves: Fort +12, Ref +9, Will +9 Str: 35, Dex: 13, Con: 22, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 6 Skills: Listen +18*, Spot +18*, Swim +20 * additional +4 underwater with Blindsight Feats: Alertness, Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Run • Blindsight (Ex): Whales can “see” underwater by emitti...

Throwback Post (The Temple of Talos)

Background: The party had left Tsuragol and were headed east. A storm sprung up and the group took shelter in an abandoned roadside temple dedicated to Talos. The events that followed would launch them from the familiar environs of their own world into a foreign and hostile land. The Temple:   Originally built nearly fifty years ago, this temple has been abandoned for almost a decade after the worshippers were slain by members of a nearby druidic circle. An unsettling aura of evil still hangs over the ruin, almost as if the very stones used in the temple's construction remember the foul rites that were once performed here.  The temple was built along the western shore of the Easting Reach to take advantage of a naturally occurring weather phenomenon: tornadoes and thunderstorms.  Cold dry air sweeping down from the Earthspur and Galena Mountain range collide with warm humid air from the Sea of Fallen Stars to generate powerful storms. A series of metal rods in the t...

A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 7)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon, 1000 ALB) After Raven snaps at him , Grotto fires back, "I say this because it is the flesh I worry about. I want my dwarf flesh back and not this horseflesh! If we are to blindly trust an unstable mind then so be it! When it all goes to $#£+ because we are following him, then we will all be sorry! Under that foil could lurk a fiend or the dimwitted accomplice to a fiend!" He turns towards Foil Hat and barks, "So be it Foil Hat, lead us to the lions!" Grotto's tone turns sarcastic, "Come pretty ponies, let us trot to our doom!Doom! I hear there is a nice white, windowless carriage with 'FREE CANDY' written on the side we can investigate along the way!" His voice drops to a near growl, "Loki sent us here. We are trusting a stranger too easily for this to be realm the trickster god banished us to! This is surely some sort of Loki’s machinations" Kysek and Ra’ziir both look over the symb...

A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 6)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon, 1000 ALB) Ra'ziir follows along beside Foil Hat, "What makes you think this 'Abacus' knows anything about planar travel?" The conspiracy theorist replies, "Oh, he's a wizard, knows all kinds of things about conjurations and summonings. If he doesn't have your answers, he'll probably know who to ask." "My little ponies!" Grotto winnies, "The confection shop is this way! How can we expect to confront this unknown on the word of the paranoid pony? We should surely go to this confectionery and get some information from another source. Are we to trust this one only because it was the first we encountered? More information is needed! We should fill our bellies, get reliable corroborating information there! Are we to blindly trust this one to lead us to a trap in the vulnerable state we are in?!" Grotto insists. "Plus that is where these phillies are!" Grotto thinks to ...

A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 5)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon, 1000 ALB) Kysek shakes his head, "Perhaps your conclusion is true, perhaps it's not. Libraries truly fascinate me, is anyone allowed in?" Foil Hat nods affirmatively.  Kysek continues to question the small horse, "A princess with an apprentice? An apprentice to royalty or to a line of work?" "Perhaps 'apprentice' was too strong a word," Foil Hat admits, "think more along the lines of 'student' instead."  Finally Kysek finishes by asking, "And who is the 'They/Them' you concern yourself with?" "If I knew the NAMES of the players controlling everything, I would USE their names. Probably something normal like 'Matt' or 'Joe', maybe a 'Mike' but I can't Prove it," Foil Hat states matter-of-factly.  Ra'ziir, has attention still mostly focused on the library, asks, "Apprentice, huh? What happened to the princess?"...

A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 4)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon, 1000 ALB) Once the group makes it to town, Kysek lands. He stands tall, looking around and taking in the details of the village before turning to this strange horse, "You are a bit of an odd fellow. Perhaps you would be so kind as to enlighten us as to where exactly 'here' is. Starting with the broad strokes and gradually narrowing it down to this town?" Foil Hat stops his rambling and giggling for a moment and takes a breath, "You don't know, do you? Only beings from another plane of existence, sent to this dimension and taking on the forms you wear now in an effort to blend in would have to ask... yes, that is an answer that mostly makes sense. And, you don't seem to be hostile, so perhaps your arrival was unintended and you seek only to return from whence you came. Hmmm.... yes, yes. That must be it, or at least close enough," he mutters more to himself than to us. "In that case, I would like...