🍍 Pineapple Pokopo and Pokoponesia 🍍


Capital: Unrevealed 
Population: Unrevealed at time of episode, a reasonable estimate would be just under 300, making it the least populous nation in the world
Government: Dictatorship 
Religion: None, varies by individual 
Imports: None, but trying to develop a tourism industry
Exports: Pineapples
Alignment: Neutral Evil 

Pokoponesia is a small, jungle-covered island nation located in the South Pacific. The island is known primarily for pineapples and its shark-infested waters. It is ruled by General Pineapple Pokopo. 


Pokoponesia is a small island nation ruled by Pineapple Pokopo. Pokopo desperately wants to build a tourism industry but all his island has to offer is inhospitable jungle, pineapples, and sharks. 


Pokoponesia is a volcanic island covered in a tropical jungle. The volcano's caldera rises 1,250' above mean sea level. Pineapple trees are found in abundance. The sand beaches are a mixture of white, yellow, and brown sands with large rock formations. 


Royal Pineapple Hotel - This hotel has two floors plus an attic with an attached three-story tower. A solarium serves as a dining room for guests. A flight of stairs leads directly from the beach to the front deck of the hotel, which is covered by a wooden awning. Surveillance cameras in the lobby feed directly into monitors in Pokopo's Palace. 

Pineapple Pokopo's Palace - This fortified structure is located just off the north shore of the main island and is surrounded by deadly riptides. Shark launchers, essentially torpedo tubes capable of launching great white sharks into the air, form a defensive perimeter around the island.

Pokoponesia International Airport - Despite its name, this International Airport is a simple wooden shack at the end of a short runway. It is serviced by a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar jetliner. The airport runway is far too short to accommodate an aircraft of this size so partial water landings (landing on water and coasting up onto land) are common despite being incredibly dangerous. 


Pokoponesia first came to international notice following the crash landing of a National Space Agency probe piloted by a monkey named Yank. Yank had developed a super-genius level of intelligence following exposure to cosmic rays. General Pokopo captured Yank and tried to force him to build a machine that would allow Pokopo to conquer Hawaii. A trio of American agents rescued the monkey before Pokopo's plans could come to fruition. 

General Pineapple Pokopo: NE Warrior 3

CR: 4     Large Humanoid (Human, Mutant)
HD: 3d12+9     Hp: 33
Init: +2     Spd: 40'      AC: 15 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +4 Natural); t: 11, ff: 13 (DR6 vs all kinetic attacks,  DR2 vs all non-mental attacks)
Attacks: (BAB +3; Grap +22); +4 Unarmed: 1d4+11 (Nonlethal or Lethal, 20/×2)
SA: Class Abilities, Mutant abilities 
SQ: Class Abilities, Mutant abilities 
Align: NE     Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +0
Str: 33, Dex: 14, Con: 16, Int: 8, Wis: 8, Cha: 8

Skills: Intimidate +5 (+17 if using Strength to display physical might), Jump +14, Swim +14
Feats: Awesome Presence, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack 
Gear: Military Uniform 

Eyes: Whie, no visible iris      Hair: None, although there a patch of brown leaves growing from the top of his head
Height: 8'     Weight: 625 lbs.
Appearance: Pokopo is a large, heavily muscled man with a pineapple for a Head. He typically dresses in a red military jacket with gold epaulattes and two rows of service medals although it is unknown if he earned these medals or awarded them to himself along with rank of "General". 

Racial Abilities: Human: Bonus feat at 1st level, +4 bonus skill points at 1st level, +1 bonus skill point/level, Class with highest level is preferred Class for multiclass purposes 
     • Mutant: gain three "levels" worth of powers (3 Standard or 1 Improved and 1 Standard). Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional "level" of power); +4 bonus to initial Energy Score, LA +1, Metahuman is preferred Class for multiclass purposes 

Class Abilities: Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all types of armor, and shields, gains a bonus Exotic Weapon Proficiency at 1st level*, 1 bonus feat
* Pineapple Pokopo selected Improved Grapple instead of an Exotic Weapon Proficiency 

Standard Growth: Pineapple Pokopo is a very big man. He is considered to be a Large creature (+10 Str [included above], -1 attack/AC, +10 base speed, 10' reach, and DR2 vs all non-mental attacks)
     • Reducer - persistent ability, no energy cost, power is always "on"
Improved Brawn (+20 Str/DR4 vs kinetic attacks, use the lower of Strength or Dexterity to determine attack bonus)
Standard Natural Armor - Pineapple Pokopo's skin is incredibly tough, providing a +4 Natural bonus to his Armor Class. 
Standard Damage Resistance (damage from all non-mental attacks reduced by 1/6) 

Obvious Mutant: Pineapple Pokopo is an incredibly large man with a pineapple for a head. He suffers a -3 Racial penalty to Charisma.


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