A Horse By Any Other Name (Part 9)

One Month after the Summer Solstice (Seventh Moon, 1000 ALB)

Once Foil Hat returns from fetching Honey Bucket and Compass, Niklas approaches him and asks, “The mention of the Castle of the Two Sisters appears to have caused you concern. What do you know of this castle?”

"What? Oh, no, i mean, I'm sure the castle won't pleasant. It was nearly leveled one thousand years ago when the Princesses fought. It's the Everfree Forest that worries me."

Compass Rose chimes in, “Forgive my friend, please.  It’s not very often that anypony willingly enters the Everfree Forest.  It can be a pretty scary place. The woods are unnatural – they don’t work the same as the rest of Equestria.  The plants grow on their own, the animals take care of themselves and the clouds move without anypony’s intervention.  The forest is much too dangerous for most ponies and filled with far many strange and dangerous creatures.  There are timberwolves, hydras, cockatrices, Ursas and vampire fruit bats and… depending on who’s doing the talkin’, there’s also DRAGONS.”

Honey Bucket takes a deep breath, “Well, if we’re gonna do this, let’s do this.  I have a lot of wells to check to make sure that there will be enough water for the winter before the Running of the Leaves next week.”

Kysek thinks to himself, “How hard can this telekinesis thing be?” He concentrates on the chalk next to the blackboard and attempts to write a reply. Sweat beads on his brow as he exercises mental muscle in a new way. At first, nothing happens but after a few moments, the chalk floats into the air. The elf-icorn mage spells out, “I think we may be able to help in your research." While his writing isn't the smooth flowing script he is used to, it is neat and legible. 

Ra'ziir watches Kysek's efforts and looks at one of the nearby books. His horn glows, an energy that soon spreads to the book. It jerks violently upward, hitting the ceiling and shaking dust loose from the rafters before the bladesinger manages to correct himself and slow its ascent, gently floating toward him smoothly and steadily. 

"Abacus," he asks, "where might we find materials to fashion one of those pouches?" 

"I have a couple on that top shelf over there, left over from my last few apprentices," the wizard replies.

Cedron sighs seeing that the other ponies have arrived and are travel ready, and seeing that Raven is more edgy than normal (which says a lot). “Fine!” Cedron declares. “We can move onward, or put our next actions up to vote. I’m simply concerned with our well-being, and to be honest getting ‘back’ doesn’t have much urgency with me anymore because…well there is no ‘back’, just moving onward.” 

“Thankfully I still have plenty of healing I can provide.” Cedron calls upon Malazzarr twice more to channel magic into mending Ra'ziir and Niklas' injuries. 

Raven raises one eyebrow at Grotto's comment of facing a hungry dwarf but just smiles before turning to the natives, "Cedron is right. I  am ready to leave as soon as possible." 

Drax listens to the back and forth of the party with only passing interest.  He shares Raven's concerns though but is outwardly calm.

"As much as Hanseath loves to be praised with a good battle, I agree with you my bard!" Grotto says to Cedron. Grotto then prays to Hanseath to heal himself and Cedron.

Nik says to no one in particular, “Before we go on an adventure, how do those of us with minimal, if any, magical ability defend ourselves?” While looking amongst his companions, “While some of us could probably hold our own in hand-to-ha.. hoof-to-hoof combat, we are much more useful with implements matching our skillsets.”

At the thought of acquiring weapons, Raven stops pacing and looks up, eager to hear where he might be able to get hands, er, hooves on a blade.

Honey Bucket's deep voice fills the room. "There's a crate of old weapons in what used to be the post from the town watch. Nothing fancy, and it hasn't been maintained but at least it's something."

The four locals lead the party through town. Honey Bucket stops at the derelict town watch armory and provides us with access to weapons, of which the party is allowed to take one each before crossing a bridge and heading out of town and into the woods.

- - - - -
• Cedron: 95% health;
• Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (lasts until about 10 pm), Undetectable Alignment (lasts until about noon tomorrow)
• Grotto: 94% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; Half of the Tome has been read
• Niklas: 100% health; 
• Raven: 80% health; 
• Ra’ziir: 80% health;
• Shadow: 97% health;


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