The Unstoppable Mr.Darcy

It started out as an idea for a quick, hopefully humorous one-shot. Over the course of the last year as other, similar material became available, it has grown into a short, but full-blown campaign.

Based on the one-page RPGs "Pride and Extreme Prejudice" and "Trapped in a Cabin with Lord Byron" combined with "Sentai & Sensibility" and a smattering of the "d20 Anime" by Guardians of Order and d20 Paragon, I find myself continuing to expand on what was supposed to be a bit of a spoof set during the Napoleonic War.

The party, based on the quartet of sisters from P&EP, hail from the Campbell family. Borrowing from Sentai, I think I have settled on the Mecha to be magically powered, summoned by magical combs the girls have, each linked to an iconic British animal - Bull, Raven, Boar, and Stag.

By activating their magical focus, they first transform into superhuman warriors, armed with powerful melee weapons and armored in distinctively colored costumes, capable of mowing through platoons of rank-and-file soldiers and supernatural threats. When the battle turns against them or they just need more power, they can call forth powerful fighting machines that can, in turn, combine into an even more devastating form for a limited time.

Because I want to incorporate this adventure into my ongoing campaign's timeline, I have been looking at ways to translate the "flavor" of the characters into 3.5e, with the sisters' starting class to be the Aristocrat from the DMG. 

The Campbell Sisters (left to right)
Iris, Lily, Marigold, Violet

Violet Campbell (a.k.a. Scrofa the Green Boar):
Sense and Sensibility Class: Premier 
Human female Aristocrat 1/Sentai Member 2
CR: 5    Medium Humanoid (Human)    
HD: 1d8+1 plus 2d6+2    Hp: 17
Init: +2    Spd: 30'     AC: 12 (+2 Dex), t: 12, ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +1/Grap +3); +2 Unarmed Strike: 1d3+2 (20/×2)
SA: Class Abilities
SQ: Class Abilities
Align: LG     Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4
Str: 14, Dex: 15, Con: 13, Int: 12, Wis: 8, Cha: 10
Skills: Read/Write and Speak English, Balance +6, Craft (Sewing) +3, Diplomacy +6, Gather Information +3, Handle Animal +4, Jump +6, Listen +3, Ride +6, Spot +3
Feats: Alertness; Improved Unarmed Strike; Weapon Focus (Spear)
Gear: Noble's Outfit, Merlin's Comb

• Racial Abilities: Additional +4 skill points at 1st level and +1 additional skill point per level after 1st, bonus feat at 1st level, Class with highest level is Favored Class for multiclass purposes
     * for purposes of d20 Paragon, Merlin's Combs should be considered a Unique Focus, allowing the Campbells to take levels in the Metahuman class but all Power Enhancements apply to the Combs and not the users.
• Class Abilities: Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons and all types of armor and shields; Sixth Sense (Danger to Team Members) 20'; Personal Gear +1 (Merlin's Comb); Massive Damage +1*

• Guardian Form: as above except: 
Init: +4    Spd: 20'     AC: 19 (Guardian Armor, +1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 18; -5 ACP
Attacks*: (BAB +1/Grap +6); +6 Unarmed Strike: 1d3+5 (20/×2) or +7 Spear: 1d8+5 (20/×3, 20') and +1 Tusks: 1d6+2 (20/×2)
* gains +2 damage on melee attacks for each
 team member within 20'
Saves: Ref +7
Str: 20, Dex: 18
Skills: Balance +8, Jump +9, Ride +8
Energy: 14

Standard Damage Reduction: DR4 vs all non-mental attacks 
 Standard Meta-Ability: +3 Dexterity 
Standard Meta-Ability: +6 Strength 
Standard Natural Attack: Tusks (1d6+ ½ Str bonus)


Scrofa is a boar-shaped quadrupedal dragoon mecha with iron tusks. A cannon is mounted on its back. Scrofa forms the right leg when the Colossus is summoned.

Size: Huge (-2 size)   Bonus Hit Points: 200
Superstructure: Iron     Hardness: 10
Armor: Wood     Bonus to Defense: +8 
Armor Penalty: -5     Reach: 10 ft.
Strength Bonus: +16   Dexterity Penalty: - - 
Speed: 50 ft.

Gains +4 Stability bonus to resist Bull Rush and Trip attacks

AC: 20 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +8 armor), t: 10, ff: 16
Str: 34

Attacks*: (BAB +1/Grap +22); +12 Slam: 2d6+13 (20/×2) or +12 Tusks: 2d8+6 (20/×2) or +3 Cannon: 5d12 (20/×2, 45')
* gains +2 damage on melee attacks for each team member
 within 20'

Standard Equipment Package: Pilot's cockpit (Visor and Shoulders), Tusks (Helmet), Life-support System (Belt), Cannon (Back), Metabot link (1 slot equivalent)

Personality Traits: Violet is brave to a fault and unfailingly polite. She is the youngest of the sisters and believes that it is her family's privilege to defend the kingdom. She relaxes by doing needlepoint. 

Iris Campbell (a.k.a. Auroch the Red Bull): 
Sentai and Sensibility Class: Dragoon 
Human female Aristocrat 1/Sentai Member 2
CR: 5    Medium Humanoid (Human)    
HD: 1d8+2 plus 2d6+4    Hp: 20
Init: +1    Spd: 30'     AC: 11 (+1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +1/Grap +3)+3 Unarmed Strike: 1d3+2 (20/×2)
SA: Class Abilities
SQ: Class Abilities
Align: CG     Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6
Str: 15, Dex: 13, Con: 15, Int: 8, Wis: 12, Cha: 10
Skills: Read/Write and Speak English, Balance +3, Climb +4, Intimidate +4, Jump +4, Ride +5, Spot +3, Swim +7, Survival +5, Tumble +3
Feats: Athletic; Improved Unarmed Strike; Power Attack
Gear: Noble's Outfit, Merlin's Comb

Racial Abilities: Additional +4 skill points at 1st level and +1 additional skill point per level after 1st, bonus feat at 1st level, Class with highest level is Favored Class for multiclass purposes
     * for purposes of d20 Paragon, Merlin's Combs should be considered a Unique Focus, allowing the Campbells to take levels in the Metahuman class but all Power Enhancements apply to the Combs and not the users.
Class Abilities: Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons and all types of armor and shields; Sixth Sense (Danger to Team Members) 20'; Personal Gear +1 (Merlin's Comb); Massive Damage +1*

• Guardian Form: as above except: 
Init: +3    Spd: 20'     AC: 19 (Guardian Armor, +1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 18; -5 ACP
Attacks*: (BAB +1/Grap +6)+6 Unarmed Strike: 1d3+5 (20/×2) or +6 Warhammer: 1d8+5 (20/×3)
* gains +2 damage on melee attacks if a team member is within 20'
Saves: Ref +6
Str: 21, Dex: 16
Skills: Balance +5, Climb +7, Jump +7, Ride +7, Swim +11, Tumble +5

Energy: 15

• Standard Boost: (Energy Cost: 1, Duration: 1 minute/level), While in effect, gains an additional 1d4+1 bonus to Strength
Standard Damage Reduction: DR4 vs all non-mental attacks 
• Standard Meta-Ability: +3 Dexterity 
• Standard Meta-Ability: +6 Strength 


Auroch is a 16' tall quadrupedal Dragoon with the head of a bull. Thick horns adorn its head and a fire projector is mounted inside of its massive shoulders. Auroch forms the chest and arms when the Colossus is summoned.

Size: Huge (-2 size)   Bonus Hit Points: 200
Superstructure: Iron     Hardness: 10
Armor: Wood     Bonus to Defense: +8 
Armor Penalty: -5     Reach: 10 ft.
Strength Bonus: +16   Dexterity Penalty: - - 
Speed: 50 ft.

Gains +4 Stability bonus to resist Bull Rush and Trip attacks

AC: 21 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +8 armor), t: 11, ff: 16
Str: 36

Attacks*: (BAB +1/Grap +22); +12 Slam: 2d6+13 (20/×2) or +12 Gore: 2d8+13 or Fire Projector: 5d12 (30' cone, Ref ½ DC13)
* gains +2 damage on melee attacks for each team member within 20'

Standard Equipment Package: Pilot's cockpit (Visor and Torso), Tusks (Helmet), Fire Projector (Shoulders), Life-support System (Belt), Metabot link (1 slot equivalent)

Personality Traits: Iris is the third sister. She is impulsive and often acts without considering the consequences of her actions. Her confidence often comes across as arrogance. 

Lily Campbell (a.k.a. Elaphus the Yellow Stag):
Sentai and Sensibility Class: Hussar
Human female Aristocrat 1/Sentai Member 2
CR: 5    Medium Humanoid (Human)    
HD: 1d8+1 plus 2d6+2    Hp: 17
Init: +2    Spd: 30'     AC: 12 (+2 Dex), t: 12, ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +1/Grap +0)+0 Unarmed Strike: 1d3-1 (20/×2)
SA: Class Abilities
SQ: Class Abilities
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +6
Str: 8, Dex: 15, Con: 13, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 14
Skills: Read/Write and Speak English, Balance +4, Jump +1, Gather Information +8, Perform (Dance) +8, Perform (Sing) +8, Perform (Wind Instruments) +4, Search +2, Sense Motive +5
Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike; Investigator, Weapon Finesse
Gear: Noble's Outfit, Merlin's Comb

• Racial Abilities: Additional +4 skill points at 1st level and +1 additional skill point per level after 1st, bonus feat at 1st level, Class with highest level is Favored Class for multiclass purposes
     * for purposes of d20 Paragon, Merlin's Combs should be considered a Unique Focus, allowing the Campbells to take levels in the Metahuman class but all Power Enhancements apply to the Combs and not the users.
Class Abilities: Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons and all types of armor and shields; Sixth Sense (Danger to Team Members) 20'; Personal Gear +1 (Merlin's Comb); Massive Damage +1*

• Guardian Form: as above except: 
Init: +5    Spd: 40'     AC: 19 (Guardian Armor, +1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 18; -5 ACP
Attacks*: (BAB +1/Grap +3)+3 Unarmed Strike: 1d3+2 (20/×2) or +5 Rapier: 1d8+2 (18-20/×2)
* gains +2 damage on melee attacks if a team member is within 20'
Saves: Ref +8
Str: 14, Dex: 18
Skills: Balance +6, Jump +3

Energy: 16

Standard Damage Reduction: DR4 vs all non-mental attacks 
Standard Hyperspeed: (Energy Cost: 0, Duration: Persistent), Base Speed is doubled and gains a +2 Haste bonus to Initiative and +1 to Reflex
• Standard Meta-Ability: +3 Dexterity 
• Standard Meta-Ability: +6 Strength 


Elaphus is an 18' tall humanoid Dragoon with the head of a stag. A pair of antlers frame its head. It carries an electrified spear. Elaphus forms the left leg when the Colossus is summoned.

Size: Huge (-2 size)   Bonus Hit Points: 200
Superstructure: Iron     Hardness: 10
Armor: Wood     Bonus to Defense: +8 
Armor Penalty: -5     Reach: 10 ft.
Strength Bonus: +16   Dexterity Penalty: - - 
Speed: 60 ft.

AC: 22 (-2 size, +4 Dex, +8 armor), t: 12, ff: 16
Str: 30

Attacks*: (BAB +1/Grap +19); +9 Slam: 2d6+10 (20/×2) or +9 Spear: 4d10+10/+15 if used two-handed (20/×3, ½ of damage is electrical)
* gains +2 damage on melee attacks for each team member within 20'

Standard Equipment Package: Pilot's cockpit (Shoulders and Torso), Life-support System (Belt), Speed Enhancement (+20'; Boots), Metabot link (1 slot equivalent), Electrified Spear (Hand)

Personality Traits: Lily is the eldest sister. She enjoys being the center of attention and attending parties. She looks forward to the end of the war and finding a husband who is both handsome and wealthy. 

Marigold Campbell (a.k.a. Corax the Blue Raven): 
Sentai and Sensibility Class: Ronin
Human female Aristocrat 1/Sentai Member 2
CR: 5    Medium Humanoid (Human)    
HD: 1d8-1 plus 2d6-2    Hp: 11
Init: +2    Spd: 30'     AC: 12 (+2 Dex), t: 12, ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +1/Grap +2)+2 Unarmed Strike: 1d3+1 (20/×2)
SA: Class Abilities
SQ: Class Abilities
Align: CG     Saves: Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +7
Str: 13, Dex: 14, Con: 8, Int: 15, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Skills: Read/Write and Speak English, French, Gaelic (Scot), German, Greek, Latin, and Spanish; Balance +4, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +6, Knowledge (Geography) +6, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Local - England) +6, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +6, Knowledge (Occult) +4, Perform (Oratory) +2, Spot +4, Tumble +4
Feats: Educated (Knowledge - History); Improved Unarmed Strike; Point Blank Shot
Gear: Noble's Outfit, Merlin's Comb

Racial Abilities: Additional +4 skill points at 1st level and +1 additional skill point per level after 1st, bonus feat at 1st level, Class with highest level is Favored Class for multiclass purposes
     * for purposes of d20 Paragon, Merlin's Combs should be considered a Unique Focus, allowing the Campbells to take levels in the Metahuman class but all Power Enhancements apply to the Combs and not the users.
Class Abilities: Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons and all types of armor and shields; Sixth Sense (Danger to Team Members) 20'; Personal Gear +1 (Merlin's Comb); Massive Damage +1*

• Guardian Form: as above except: 
Init: +3    Spd: 20', fly 60' (average)     AC: 19 (Guardian Armor, +1 Dex), t: 11, ff: 18; -5 ACP
Attacks*: (BAB +1/Grap +5)+5 Unarmed Strike: 1d3+4 (20/×2) or +4 Composite Longbow: 1d8+4 (20/×3, 110' - additional +1 hit vs targets within 30')
* gains +2 damage on melee attacks for each team member within 20'
Saves: Ref +6
Str: 19, Dex: 17
Skills: Balance +6, Jump +3

Energy: 15

Standard Damage Reduction: DR4 vs all non-mental attacks 
Standard Winged Flight: gains Fly 60' (average maneuverability), she can hover and charge but not "run" and cannot carry more than 80 lb, if carrying 27 - 53 lbs, flight speed drops to 40' and from 54 - 80 lbs her speed is reduced to 30'; cannot fly if wings are bound,
• Standard Meta-Ability: +3 Dexterity 
• Standard Meta-Ability: +6 Strength 


Corax is an 18' tall humanoid Dragoon with the head of a raven. A pair of wings emerge from its shoulders, allowing it to fly. It carries a Longbow that fires exploding arrows. Corax forms the head, shoulders, back, and wings of the Colossus when it is summoned.

Size: Huge (-2 size)   Bonus Hit Points: 200
Superstructure: Iron     Hardness: 10
Armor: Wood     Bonus to Defense: +8 
Armor Penalty: -5     Reach: 10 ft.
Strength Bonus: +16   Dexterity Penalty: - - 
Speed: 40 ft, fly 100' (poor)

AC: 19 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +8 armor), t: 12, ff: 16
Str: 34

Attacks*: (BAB +1/Grap +21); +11 Slam: 2d6+11 (20/×2) or +2 Longbow: 10d6 (20/×3, deals ½ fire damage in a 20' burst, Ref ½ DC13)
* gains +2 damage on melee attacks for each team member within 20'

Standard Equipment Package: Pilot's cockpit (Shoulders and Torso), Life-support System (Belt), Wings (Back and Shoulders), Metabot link (1 slot equivalent), Longbow (Hand), Quiver (1 slot equivalent)

Personality Traits: Marigold is the second daughter. She was sickly as a child and spent hours in her room studying in lieu of socializing with peers. She is a bit of prankster, enjoying practical jokes and word play. She loves her ability to fly as it gives her the chance to see the world beyond the pages of her books.

The Colossus:

Gogmagog is a 40' tall humanoid Dragoon formed by merging Scrofa, Auroch, Elaphus, and Corax when the individual Dragoons are not powerful enough to deal with a specific threat. Not liking the name, the sisters refer to the Colossus as "Mr. Darcy". Armed with a spear named Rhongimyniad, Mr. Darcy battles the kingdom's mightiest foes. Mr. Darcy can remain merged for up to 1 minute (see Strike Ad Infinitium below) before separating back into its component Dragoons.

Despite repeated attempts, I could not find a character generator that would color the limbs appropriately. 

Size: Gargantuan (-4 size)   Bonus Hit Points: 400
Superstructure: Iron     Hardness: 10
Armor: Wood     Bonus to Defense: +8
Armor Penalty: -5     Reach: 15 ft.
Strength Bonus: +24   Dexterity Penalty: -2
Speed: 50 ft, fly 100' (poor)

AC: 17 (-4 size, +3 Dex, +8 armor), t: 9, ff: 14
Str: 51     Dex: 16

Attacks*: (BAB +1/Grap +33); +17 Slam: 2d8+36 (20/×2) or +17 Rhongimyniad: 4d6+36 (+51 used two-handed) (20/×3, dbl damage if set to receive charge)
* includes +2 bonus to melee damage from each additional team member within 20'
SA: Strike Ad Infinitum

Strike Ad Infinitium (Ex): This powerful attack is a combined assault made by the Colossus that draws upon the power of each of its component Dragoons. The attack costs 2 points of energy per Dragoon involved (in this case 8 energy from each of the Campbell sisters). This strike, known as "Rhongimyniad's Unblockable Thrust", uses the lowest of the sisters' Attack Bonuses. The target has a -1 AC penalty per character involved in the attack. If successful, the blow's damage is quadrupled. After using this attack, the sisters revert to their normal, unarmored forms. (This ability replaces the Combined Attack +1 feature that Sentai Members receive at 4th, 11th, and 18th level).

Sample Adventures for the Campbells in Your Campaign

Adventure One

Our first adventure opens with the girls being invited to spend their holiday at the manor of Lord Byron. Despite his often scandalous reputation, he is a noble with a wide range of friends and contacts who may prove to be suitable matches for the sisters. Accompanied by their eldery tutor, Reginald Worthington and Yvette, a trusted maid, the girls arrive in the town of Herne Bay.

After a day of shopping and meeting various tailors, seamstresses, hatters, visiting several tea shops and curio stores, and socializing with the locals, a young woman runs into the town square crying out that her little brother has just been dragged into the river by monsters. The sisters respond instantly, racing to the banks where they discover a school of Grindylows swarming along the shoreline, chasing would-be rescuers and pulling them toward the water.

Leaping into the fray, the Campbells summon the Dragoons and start fighting the monsters. Despite their high hit points, the Dragoons are fairly easy to hit and their health is rapidly depleted.

After defeating the first wave, several much larger beasts, perhaps merrow, emerge from the river to attack. The girls battle desperately to stop this second onslaught only for a powerful hag to appear and cast a spell that causes one of its minions to grow to titanic proportions before retreating toward the river with whatever prisoners her minions have captured.

With time rapidly running out, the Colossus is formed and the giant monster is dispatched. (If the Strike Ad Infinitum was used, the girls have been transformed into their normal forms). The sisters have very little time remaining before the hag escapes with the prisoners that her minions have taken.

Adventure Two

Lord Byron is hosting a lavish party at his manor. Once again, the girls meet several potential suitors but, alas, French forces cross the Dover Strait under cover of darkness, seeking to establish a beachhead for an invasion.

The French are bolstered by a Dragoon of their own, which arrives several minutes after the main landing force. The sisters have to battle the enemy Dragoons and protect the British soldiers from the invaders.

Adventure Three

Back at home, the sisters write letters to their love interests and perhaps host a party of their own when trouble rears its ugly head. Goblins descend from the hills to raid neighboring pastures to make off with sheep, goats, and other livestock.

The Campbell family pledges to protect the herds from this predation only to incite attack from a horde of monsters. The goblins are soon bolstered by Ogres and when those behemoths begin to falter, the leader of the motley horde, a powerful Fire Giant, arrives to combat the would-be protectors.

Adventure Four

A return to the coast and further courting is interrupted by an invasion from the sea. Sahuagin emerge from the English Channel and assault the town. Giant crustaceans also come ashore to fight before the sisters finally face off against the master of these amphibious forces, a mighty Kraken!

Adventure Five

The Brits take the fight to France, confronting Napoleon's armies on their own soil. After enduring cavalry charges and several barrages of musket and artillery fire, the Campbells arrive at the gates of an enemy castle only to find that it is guarded by a powerful golem.

Adventure Six

Upon returning from France, the sisters go back to their lives of socializing and courtship. One day, a young man whom none of them had ever met arrives in town. He is a handsome, charming, and carries himself with a regal demeanor. He is named Medrawd and his mother, a beautiful but stern woman known as Morganne or Anne for short, begin making the rounds about town, insinuating themselves into the town's upper echelon.

Soon after, a band of black knights attack the town. Wave after wave of armored attackers assault the village and the sisters battle to repel them. Suddenly, without warning, the knights break off and flee into the countryside, leaving a confused populace in their wake. Morganne and Medrawd swoop in, providing aid to the injured and funds to help repair the damage caused during the attack.

Adventure Seven

The mystery of the Black Knights is the talk of the town. The sisters are called back to the front as the French have been sighted sailing along the coast.

Armed with a Dragoon of their own, Napoleon's troops cone ashore with the goal of capturing a coastal town they can use as a base of operations during the war. A man named Jason arrives at the English encampment and begins asking questions about "his missing sister, Morganne and nephew, Medrawd."

While the girls are away, Morganne and Medrawd continue to help with the rebuilding process.

Adventure Eight

Accompanied by Jason, the Campbells return home. There is a celebration hailing them as heroes in the war effort against France, possibly with marriage proposals being made (depending on how the various relationships have been progressing). Jason and Morganne encounter each other at the party and it is readily obvious that their relationship is "strained" at best, if not outright hostile.

As the evening's festivities near their conclusion, the Black Knights return. As before, the Campbells rally to oppose the attackers but they are soon joined by a rider in golden plate armor wielding a mighty sword. The sisters are joined in battle by Jason, who transforms into a fire-breathing, yellow-skinned demon named Etrigan. If this knight is defeated, he is revealed to be Medrawd. He rises and boldly proclaims that his real name is Morded Pendragon, heir to Arthur and rightful King of England. Morganne disappears in the chaos.

Adventure Nine

The hunt for Morganne is on. Medrawd, now known as Mordred, is being transported to London for imprisonment in the Tower until his identity can be verified. The girls and Jason escort the prison carriage, along with a handful of soldiers.  En route, black knights attack the transport in an attempt to free him. Jason suddenly yells in pain as Etrigan is drawn from his body with a rune blazing upon his forehead. Etrigan quickly lays waste to the soldiers before turning his attention to the Campbells and Jason. Speaking with Morganne's voice, Etrigan claims that Morganne and her son would soon take their rightful place on the throne before vanishing.

Adventure Ten

Jason devises a spell to locate Etrigan. He and the girls race there to stop the witch from enacting her plan. Jason and the sisters arrive at Morganne's hidden lair and are confronted by the black knights and Etrigan once again. As they fight their way through to the witch, they find a branding iron with the same image that is emblazoned on Etrigan's forehead. Breaking the iron releases the demon from Morganne's control and remerges the demon with Jason.

The Campbells and Jason fight Mordred and Morganne until a white dragon appears overhead. The heroes then fight the white dragon. Morganne disappears in the confusion, leaving her son behind.


One, if not more, of the Campbell girls should be getting ready for a wedding by this point. Jason bids them farewell and departs, continuing his hunt for Morganne le Fey.


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