Kurinost - Butch Cassidy and the Never Sun Kid

17 Hiddumont 348 AC Grotto scoffs at the dirty looks and murmurs. "Racist @$$ elves, just when i thought my friends change my mind you locals make me think otherwise!" Grotto says to the party. Grotto breaks away from the group to look through the shops. Grotto looks for healing and first aid materials. "Gonna have to heal my brothers the old fashioned way at this rate if we can't get some sort of magic" Grotto says to the group as he walks away. The great cleric of Hanseath find himself with feelings he hasn't felt since his captivity. A feeling of fear and uncertainty. The war priest's head hangs low, shoulders slumped. He fears the next battle may incur great losses if he is unable to heal his friends. A knot forms in Grotto's throat as he choaks back tears thinking of more loss in his life. "Not again!" Grotto says loudly as he walks into the next shop to ask about supplies. Grotto parts ways to allow the halfling to pass. "Not...