
Showing posts from September, 2018

Char's Public Service Announcement

The things that pop into my head: I sent one of my players a text message of the Captain America Patience PSA from the end credits for Spider-Man Homecoming and it got me to thinking.   First of the Guns ‘N Roses song and then of an older superhero sitting down and giving some advice and within a minute or three it turned into this snippet of story that takes place on Earth-218 … R udy/Char was my main superhero character for the old Marvel Superheroes campaign I was part of back in high school.   Rudy’s uncle (Juan) trained him in wrestling and helped provide alibis for his secret identity.   Pablo is Juan’s son and has tested positive for the X-Gene and wants to become a superhero too.  Do not try this at will not get superpowers.  You will die. Rudy’s Story - The Public Service Announcement Pablo kicked the soccer ball in disgust and it sailed away into the darkness.   “I just don’ get it, man!   If my DNA says I’m s’pposed to have ...

Brain Eating Geese

A few years ago, while working at my night job, I watched a flock of geese descend into the cemetery behind the hotel.   Because my brain does weird things, I started to wonder if the geese could smell the bodies that were buried there (I said my brain does weird things – don’t judge).   One thing led to another and I eventually arrived at the concept of brain-eating geese and started putting a “documentary” together in my head. I now present to you, the Brain-Eating Geese of my Imagination.   I hope you enjoy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brain-Eating Goose CR: ½ Neutral Small Animal Init +1; Senses: Low-Light Vision, Scent Languages: - - AC: 13 (+1 size, +1 Dex, +1 Natural); t: 12, ff: 12 HD: 1 (6hp) Immune: - - Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3 Spd: 10’ (2 squares), fly 50’ (average) (10 squares), swim 15’ (3 squares) Attack: Melee +2 Bite 1d4 Melee +2 Wing Buffet 1d3 Str: 12, Dex: 13, Con...