Klimpaloon, the Magical Old-Timey Bathing Suit Who Lives in the Himalayas

Ever since writing the post about the Tri-State Area being its own dimension the other day, this unusual character has been on my mind. I thought about using the Incarnate Construct template for him but losing All of his abilities didn't appeal to me. Instead, I simply went with a permanent Animated Object spell followed by Awaken Construct.

Klimpaloon, the Magical Old-Timey Bathing Suit Who Lives in the Himalayas
"Male" Awakened Animated Object
Small Humanoid
HD: 1d10+10 (20 hp)
Initiative: +1
Spd: 30'
AC: (+1 size, +1 Dex, +2 Natural), t: 12, ff: 13
Attacks: (BAB: +0/Grap -4); +1 Slam: 1d4
SA: Blind; Constrict
SQ: Construct traits; Darkvision 60'; Low-Light Vision; Regeneration
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +1, Will -4
Str: 10, Dex: 12, Con: - -, Int: 8, Wis: 3, Cha: 3
Skills: - -
Feats: - -
Climate/Terrain: The Himalayas
Treasure: - -
Align: N
Advancement: by class
Challenge Rating: 1

Ht: 32"     Wt: about 2.5 lbs
Eyes: Yellowish-White sclera with black pupils     Hair: None
Age: at least 129 (date of birth is unknown)

Appearance: Klimpaloon is a green and white striped bathing suit in a style that was popular with men in the 1880s with his face in the middle of his chest. It makes a distinct call of "nang-nang-nang-nang".

Blind (Ex): Klimpaloon can wrap itself around the head of a creature up to Huge size on a successful Grapple check, blinding his opponent until he is removed.
Constrict (Ex): Klimpaloon can deal 1d4 damage per round on a successful Grapple check. He can grapple multiple creatures of Diminutive size or smaller if they fit beneath him.
Construct traits: Klimpaloon has no Constitution score,  Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60', Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasm, patterns, and morale effects), poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. Cannot heal damage on its own (see Regeneration below) but can be repaired. Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, and energy drain. Immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it affects objects or is harmless. Not at risk of death from massive damage. Cannot be raised or resurrected. 
Regeneration (Su): Pieces of Klimpaloon that are removed from him will seek to reattach themselves, traveling in a straight line toward his body no matter the distance that separates then. This gives Klimpaloon regeneration (1hp/rnd) against all attacks except for fire and acid.

Using Klimpaloon in your campaign:

This old-timey bathing suit that lives in the Himalayas could be a variety of Raggamoffyn or his threads are part of the Material components for making a more robust version of the cloth scrap monster. In the episode of the show centered around him, a wealthy industrialist kidnapped him for cloning and advertising purposes so maybe a wealthy merchant or aspiring noble has similar plans. Maybe you're running an adventure set on Earth in 1883 and your characters are part of Sir Alvin Shackleberg's Himalayan Expedition and are present when Klimpaloon is first sighted.  A creature this bizarre (although benign) would fit right in to a "Cthulhu by Gaslight" era campaign, giving the investigators something light-hearted as a break from the overwhelming tide of darkness they otherwise face.


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