Outrider - Autobot Reconnaissance Specialist

Outrider is an Autobot reconnaissance specialist. His job was to scout enemy positions and find defensible locations for his brethren. After his arrival on Earth, he became disillusioned and deserted, retreating into the wilderness and avoiding contact with others of his kind. 

Quote: "Get off my lawn..."

Outrider: "male" Cybertronian Robot (Transformer)
CR: 12
Huge Construct (Shapechanger)
HD: 12d10 plus 40; Hp: 105
Init: +2, Senses: Listen +14, Search +15, Spot +14; Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision

Spd: 40', 165 (16) vehicle scale (max speed of 90 mph)

AC: 20 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +10 Natural); t: 20, ff: 18

Attacks: (BAB +9/ Grap +27); +9 2 Slams: 1d8+10 or +9/+4 EMP Rifle: 3d8 plus robot/cybernetic beings Fort DC17 or stunned 1d4 rounds

SA: Alternate Form
SQ: Cybertronian Durability, Cybertronian Traits, DR10/--

Align: N, Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +6
Str: 30, Dex: 14, Con: - -, Int: 20, Wis: 14, Cha: 10

Height: 27'9" (robot mode)     Weight: 7500 lbs (3.75 tons)
Length: 19'9" (vehicle mode)
Optics: Green

Appearance: In his robot form, Outrider is a 27' tall metal humanoid with boxy limbs, a torso that looks like the cab of an RV, and a rounded head with an antenna on its left side. The Autobot insignia on his left shoulder has been scratched out. As an RV, he looks like a battered 1973 Winnebago with numerous dings, dents, and primer spots.

Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common and Cybertronian

Skills: Climb +15; Disguise (+10 to appear as a normal RV while in vehicle mode), Hide +2; Intimidate +2 (+12 if using Strength to display physical might); Knowledge (Geography) +13; Knowledge (Nature) +13; Knowledge (Tactics) +13; Listen +14; Move Silently +10; Repair +13; Search +15; Spot +14; Survival +17 (+19 in aboveground natural environments)

Feats: Alertness; Awesome Presence; Great Fortitude; Track; Universal Greeting

Possessions: None

Alternate Form (Ex): Outrider has two forms. The first is a giant humanoid robot with a boxy torso resembling the front of a large truck or van with rectangular limbs. His second form is that of a small 1970s Winnebago. To transform from camper-mode to his robotic form, his living area tips backwards at the rear bumper and splits to become legs. The overhead bunk pivots upwards to become his feet. His arms swing out from behind the cab, with the front wheels ending up next to his elbow. His head then rises out of the driver's cab. He gains a +10 racial bonus to Disguise checks to appear as a normal RV while in his vehicle mode. 

Cybertronian Durability (Ex): Cybertronians heal hit points and ability damage normally but are unaffected by Cure/Inflict spells.  The Heal skill has no effect on them but they may be repaired through use of the Repair skill. A Cybertronian is not permanently harmed by the loss of a limb, its head, or other vital components (although it's functions may be greatly reduced). A body part may be attached or detached by making a DC30 Repair check (time determined by DM). A Cybertronian reduced to 0 hp cease to function and stops healing but does not die unless its spark (typically a glowing blue crystal containing the Cybertronian's soul, usually located in the robot's chest) or brain module is destroyed by a specifically targeted attack. It can remain inert and unconscious indefinitely. It can be brought back from "death" by restoring its hit points to 1 or more.
Cybertronian Traits: Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Immune to Poison, Sleep effects, Paralysis, Stunning, Disease, Death and Necromancy effects, any effect requiring a Fortitude save unless it affects objects, Nonlethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or Energy Drain. Unlike other constructs, he must recharge (sleep) and consume crystallized or liquified energy. He has many delicate systems and is subject to Critical Hits. He does not need to breathe and can survive comfortably under water or in a vacuum.

* A note on Feats: Awesome Presence allows Outrider to substitute Strength for Charisma on Intimidate checks.

Using Outrider in your campaign:

The party is traveling through Alaska or Northern Canada in search of a mysterious creature and encounter Outrider instead of a Bigfoot. Maybe it's the 50s and they're part of Operation Blue Book and will either attempt to cover up the existence of giant robotic aliens or capture Outrider for research purposes. Could be the group is made of M.I.B. agents with largely the same mission. Maybe Carbombya is invaded by Decepticons and Outrider is the only Autobot to be found and the party has to convince him to get back in the war.


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