Day Five of the Odinsleep (Grotto's Grim Plight)

Day Five of the Odinsleep; 7 am, (Sunrise)

Grotto gasps, "Hanseath, guide me." The scarred dwarf feels hot blood pooling in his plate armor as the rest of his body begin to grow cold. He reaches out and grasps the largest spikes piercing his body with one hand and begins to pull, straining with all of his might in am attempt to extricate himself. Cedron snaps his fingers, vanishing his crossbow into the depths of his glove of storing and makes a fist, leveling his Ring toward the pinioned fighter. As the bard concentrates, a blue, translucent beam strikes Grotto in the chest, enveloping him. Cedron makes a pulling motion, as if in a tug-of-war, contributing the magic of the ring, adding to Grotto's efforts. Inch by painful inch, the dwarf is lifted free. Gouts of blood pour from his wounds, his axe nearly falling from pain-numbed fingers.

Kysek frowns, not sure what spell would be best to use against his un-living foe. A thought suddenly occurs to him. “Metal; electricity? Okay!” He flicks his wrist and a slim mystic baton drops out of his sleeve and into his hand. He levels his wand of lightning at the spiked giant and shouts the command. A bolt of blinding, jagged electricity leaps from the end of the wand at the implacable giant. The roar of power drowns out all of the other sounds of battle as the lightning slams into the giant’s back and shoulders. Corsucating bands of energy surround the monster, spitting sparks while electricity arcs from one spike to the next.

Shadow, floating above the group, glances over one shoulder, measuring the distance between the creature the party faces and the next monster in line. His eyes dart to and fro, gauging the amount of ground covered with each ground-shaking step and quickly determines that there is at least 30 seconds before the group will find themselves facing off against another beast. The fingers of his right hand slide around the slim metal wand hanging at his hip which he draws in a smooth, practiced motion. He too takes aim at the spiked giant and whispers a single word. Lightning pours from his weapon, joining Kysek’s in a thunderous cacophony of thunder that threatens to deafening all those nearby.

Both elves find their delight turning to dismay as the dancing sparks begin to solidify into steel, replacing damaged sections of metal and filling in the gaps torn in the armor.

Ra’ziir wheels his mount to circle around the lumbering behemoth and pulls forth one of his many wands. As he comes within range of Raven, Ra’ziir calls for the the magic contained within the wand and directs it at his old friend, causing the elven warrior to double in size.

Raven, now standing slightly more than ten-feet tall, continues his assault on the spiked monster. The spiked armor is still resilient enough to fend off three blows from Nightwatcher. The two that penetrate split the steel like an overripe melon. The entire foot is severed at the ankle, causing the creature to falter and fall to one knee.

The creature seems not to notice and lunges forward, reaching for Grotto, determined to let none of its specimens to escape. It closes a massive fist around the dwarf and crushes him in its grasp. Bones snap and fluids begin leaking from the dwarf's pulverized body. The other hand reaches out to swat at Raven. The blow drives the elf deep into the snow. Fingers close around the warrior as he is lifted into the air. He twists and squirms, the magic of his ring, allows him to slip from the creature's grasp and he drops back to the ground, snarling in pain and anger.

= = = = = =

 Arthur: 100% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 100% health; Haste (15 rounds remaining)
• Drax: 100% health; Nondection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am); Haste (15 rounds remaining)
• Grotto: -7% health; Haste (15 rounds remaining)
• Korbin: 100% health;
• Kysek: 100% health; by morning half of the Tome will have been read

• Morn: 100% health;
 Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 66% health; Haste (15 rounds remaining); Enlarge Person (9 rounds remaining)
• Ra’ziir: 100% health; Haste (15 rounds remaining)
• Raven: 66% health; Haste (15 rounds remaining); Enlarge Person (9 rounds remaining)
• Ra’ziir: 100% health; Haste (15 rounds remaining)
Shadow: 97% health; Fly (16 minutes, 8 rounds remaining), Haste (15 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health; Haste (15 rounds remaining)


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