The Giant Slayer, Sir Jack Horner Nimble of the Beanstalk, King of the Grimmlands

The Giant Slayer, Sir Jack Horner Nimble of the Beanstalk, King of the Grimmlands

Jack appears to be a quiet and unassuming fellow. His dark blond hair is shaggy and he has blue eyes. He is unshaven, with at least a three-day growth of beard covering his face and chin.

Note: This Jack is most of those Jack's. He just hasn't reached the end of his stories yet.

Human male Fighter 11/Ranger 3/Rogue 4

CR: 18 Medium Humanoid (Human)

HD: 11d10+33 plus 3d8+9 plus 4d6+12 Hp: 145

Init: +4 Spd: 30’

AC: 24 (+4 Dex, Studded Leather +5; Ring of Protection +2); t: 16; ff: 24

Attacks: (BAB +18; Grap +21); +24/+19/+14/+9 Deus Misereatur: 1d8+10 (20/x2, plus 2d6+2 vs Giants) – or – +24/+19/+14/+9 Stalkchopper: 1d6+5 (20/x3) – or – +22/+17/+12/+7 Deus Misereater AND +22 Stalkchopper : 1d8+10 (19-20/x2, plus 2+2 vs giants) AND 1d6+4 (20/x3)

SA: Favored Enemy (Giants +2); Sneak Attack +2d6; Combat Style (Two-Weapon Fighting)

SQ: Fairy Tale Immortality; Evasion; Post-Traumatic Retrograde Declarative Amnesia

Align: LG Saves: Fort +15 Ref +15 Will +5

Str: 17 (+3), Dex: 19 (+4), Con: 16 (+3), Int: 14 (+2), Wis: 10 (+0), Cha: 12 (+1)

Languages: Read/Write and Speak Common and Giant

Skills: Balance +13 (additional +5 w/ Boots); Bluff +8; Climb +26 (+2 w/ rope, additional +5 w/ Boots); Diplomacy +8; Disguise (+2 to act in character); Escape Artist +13 (+2 from bindings); Handle Animal +5; Hide +13; Intimidate +14; Jump +21; Knowledge (Geography) +8; Knowledge (Nature) +4; Listen +7; Move Silently +13; Ride +9; Search +15; Sleight of Hand +6; Spot +7; Survival +6 (+2 to avoid getting lost/avoid hazards or follow tracks); Swim +15; Tumble +6; Use Rope +10

Feats: Agile; Athletic; Combat Expertise (b); Combat Reflexes; Dodge (b); Endurance (b); Improved Feint; Leadership (19) Mobility; Spring Attack (b); Stealthy (b); Track (b); Weapon Focus (Handaxe) (b); Weapon Focus (Longsword) (b); Weapon Specialization (Longsword); Whirlwind Attack (b);

Gear: Studded Leather +5; Ring of Protection +2; Deus Misereatur (Giant-Bane Longsword +2); Stalkchopper (Handaxe +2); Boots of Speed and Balance (as Boots of Speed but provide a +5 competence bonus to Balance and Climb checks)

Deus Misereatur: Giant-Bane Longsword +2 (names translates as “May God have mercy”)

Fairy Tale Immortality (Su): As a well-known fairy tale creature, Jack is functionally immortal and does not age; If reduced to fewer than zero hit points, he is still rendered unconscious but continues to heal at his normal rate until reaching at least 1 hp, at which point he awakens and may act normally.

Post-Traumatic Retrograde Declarative Amnesia (Ex): As a result of a head injury, Jack had no memory of his personal life although he retained his Class Abilities, Skills, and Feats and served as Cinderella and Humpty Dumpty's Captain of the Guard. His memory was restored with a True Love’s Kiss from his wife, Jill.

Jack and Jill's Castle


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