Day Five of the Odinsleep (One Down, Three to Go)

Day Five of the Odinsleep; 7 am, (Sunrise)

Grotto's vision continues. He moves through the tunnel, drawing ever closer to the mead hall and the brawny thick-bearded Hanseath. The god eyes his disfigured servant for but a moment and takes a deep breath. “I can let ye enter. Ye fought valiantly, died in battle or at least will in the next few seconds. I could send ye back, tell ye that the choice be yours but that it ain't. That be up to yer friends on the battlefield. I will tell ye that ye have more to do, more battles to fight, more tragedies to endure, more love to find, more hell to raise, more life to live. Fear not, my child. Ye will see me soon enough when the Cleft Shield will carry ye home.”

Grotto raises his eyes to look upon the face of his god and opens his mouth a question on his lips...

Cedron continues to cradle Grotto's broken body. The dwarf's blood soaks into the legs of the priest's trousers and the sleeves of his shirt. Cedron's fingers probe beneath the war-priest's beard, searching, desperately searching. Fingertips press against a thick artery for several seconds before they locate a faint throbbing. The pulse found, Cedron wipes blood away from Grotto's eyes. “You're just mostly dead, my friend, and that means you are still slightly alive! MALAZZARR! Hear my prayer and heal this warrior!” Energy flows through Cedron's fingers, suffusing every fiber of the scarred dwarf. The power knits bones back together, mends torn muscles and ruptured organs, creates new blood to replace that which was spilled, and burns through the haze of intoxicants swimming through the dwarf's system.”

Grotto's eyes suddenly open, his body mended. He turns his head to look out through the window of Cedron's extra-dimensional hiding place.

Kysek, seeing the spiked giant mired in the mud takes aim and shouts, “Цоне оф Цолд!” A blast of absoltely frigid cold sprays from his outstretched hand and freezes the top layer of mud. The hard surface gives Raven a place to regain his footing after Ra'ziir's conjured earthquake and slows the creature even further.

Shadow grins evilly. “And now, THIS ought to hold you! Μετατροπή Λάσπης σε Ροκ!” The liquid mud solidifies instantly, turning back into the stone from whence it came, The creature grinds to a halt, unable to move against the unyielding rock.

Drax drops from his steed and nimbly crosses the broken ground.  He whispers "مزيد من الخفاء" and vanishes.  Moving carefully so as not to provoke an attack, the assassin scrambles up the monster's back, moving from spike to spike as easily as he would cross a crowded dancehall until reaching the brute's shoulder.

Niklas comes racing in on his eight-legged horse, having finally gotten the beast turned and headed back toward the fight. His fingers fly across his bowstring as he launches arrow after arrow after arrow in rapid succession. All three shots fly straight and true, all hitting in the exact same spot on the giant's face. A spiked hand swipes at the Ranger from Spinnerbruch but the sleipnir rears and turns sharply, carrying the man out of harm's way before he can be struck down.

Ra’ziir and Raven both lay in the monster's legs. Chopping and slicing with blades of adamantite and smoking obsidian. Both elves dart around the giant's waist, its legs buried in the newly hardened stone. Deep gouges appear in the chest, sides, and back of the beast. Ra'ziir shears away several spikes on the monster's arms, his fiery blade trailing smoke that hides him from view as he follows his swordbrother around their shared foe. Raven's blade hews away the spikes that held Grotto's impaled body, leaving an exposed gap in the chest armor that Ra'ziir is able to drive his blade through. Fire erupts from the openings in the monster's armored plates, eyes, and mouth before it topples forward, crashing face first into the ground.

- - - - -

• Arthur: 100% health;
• Bubo: 100% health;
• Cedron: 100% health; Haste (13 rounds remaining)
• Drax: 100% health; Nondection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5am); Haste (13 rounds remaining); Greater Invisibility (9 rounds remaining)
• Grotto: 100% health; Haste (13 rounds remaining)
• Kysek: 100% health; by morning half of the Tome will have been read; Greater Invisibility (9 rounds remaining)

Niklas: 100% health;
• Raven: 66% health; Haste (13 rounds remaining); Enlarge Person (7 rounds remaining)
• Ra’ziir: (100% health; Haste (13 rounds remaining)
• Shadow: 97% health; Fly (16 minutes, 6 rounds remaining); Haste (13 rounds remaining)
• Spewer: 100% health; Haste (13 rounds remaining)


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