Plutonic Capybara

The Plutonic Capybara is a salvage ship that operates in the Kepler system. It is 1500' long and is capable of carrying a ship up to 600' long on its external cargo deck. The rounded bow is designed for pushing large debris away from damaged ships while its six drones assist in recovery operations. Two-thirds of the Capybara's crew have been replaced by robots who perform repair work outside on the cargo deck. The ship also engages in limited mining by grappling entire asteroids and bringing them aboard as it would a client vessel.

Type: Heavy         
Size: Colossal
Subtype: Salvage Ship
Tactical Speed: 3000'
Length: 1,500'
Weight: 150,000 tons
HD: 300d20 (6000 hp)
Defense: 7
Flat-footed: 5
Autopilot Def: 5
Initiative Modifier: +2
Targeting System Bonus: +3
Hardness: 20         
Crew: 15 (plus 30 robots)
Passenger Capacity: 200
Cargo Capacity: 80,000 tons
Pilot Class Bonus: +3
Pilot Dex Bonus: +2
Gunner's Attack Bonus: +2
Grap Modifier: +16
Base Purchase DC: 64
Restriction: None

-3 2 Fire-linked Rail Guns: 9d12 (20/x2)
-1 Battery of 3 Lasers: 6d8 (19-20/x2)
Attack of Opportunity: 
+3 Point Defense System: 4d12x10
PL6 Design Specs:
Power Core: Fission Generator
Engines: Fusion Torch, Thrusters
Armor: Alloy Plating
Defense Systems: Improved Autopilot System, Improved Damage Control, Radiation Shielding, Sensor Jammer
Sensors: Class II Sensor Array, Targeting System
Communications: Laser Transceiver, Radio Transceiver
Weapons: 2 fire-linked Rail Guns, Battery of 3 Lasers
Grappling Systems: Grapplers

MSH statistics 

Type: Space
Cost: Un
Control: Ex
Spd: CL3000
Body: Rm*
Protection: Gd*

* Receives a +2CS when struck on/blocking with the reinforced bow.

Both the Rail Guns an Laser Battery deal Incredible (40) damage on a hit. The Grapplers have Unearthly Strength for purposes of lifting and holding objects. If used to strike a target, they deal Excellent (20) damage.

Using the Plutonic Capybara in your campaign:

The ship could serve as a mobile base of operations for a group of spaceborne adventurers. Alternatively, your PCs could be recruited to find and rescue it if it should go missing. Potentially, a huge asteroid, codenamed SURTUR by the government could be on a collision course with the earth and the Capybara is sent out to either destroy or redirect it. Or, maybe it has crashed onto your campaign world and the party ends up exploring it just like in "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks". 


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