The Five-Fingered Foot Clan

🥷  Symbol

      A chimpanzee footprint inside of a white diamond on a red and orange striped background

🥷  Background, Goals, and Dreams 

The Five-Fingered Foot is one of several Clans operating a Ninja Burger franchise. Originally a band of spies and assassins, the group had nearly been driven into extinction through a series of conflicts with various superhumans in the late '80s and early 90's (Batman, Daredevil, Wolverine, etc).  After a catastrophic battle against a pair of Australian policemen at the Sydney Harbour Bridge, one of the few survivors declared that drastic action must be taken if the Clan was going to survive into the next millennium. Taking the last of the operating capital that the Clan had available, Chishikiarichikatu “Katu” Meikitaaimoto traveled to San Francisco to purchase exclusive rights to service the Greater Seattle area as a Ninja Burger franchisee. In the last 20 years, the Clan has prospered, earning a great deal of wealth, and despite fatalities incurred in the line of duty, have rebuilt their numbers.

🥷 Areas of Influence

Seattle and King County are the Clan's primary territory although Snohomish county and the US Naval installations in Bremerton (Puget Sound Naval Shipyard) and Silverdale (Bangor Trident Base) are also prime sources of income for the ninjas.

🥷 Enemies and Allies

Ninja Burger faces stiff competition from other fast-food franchises like Otaku Bell and Samurai Burger, as well as Chonky's, McDonald's, and Chick-fil-A.

🥷  Costs and Benefits of Membership

The Clan provides training (both on-the-job and classroom), three free meals per day, lodging, health care (everything from first aid to major surgery, vision, and dental), and a modest salary. The Clan also has a store from which weapons, vehicles, and other gear can be purchased.  On the downside, failing to complete missions results in a lose of honor that can result in the sacrifice of fingers or even being required to commit Seppuku to atone for the dishonor brought upon the Clan.

🥷 Acting Within the Clan

Junior members are assigned to a delivery team, fulfilling the roles of Chef, Deliverator, Driver, Navigator, and Spotter. Those who excel (or simply just survive log enough) may eventually be promoted to the position of Dispatcher or even... Assistant Manager.

🥷  Acting Outside of the Clan

Individual members may take on contract killings, theft, espionage, as long as no attention is attracted. However, they are expected to tithe 10% of their earnings to the Clan.  Any conflict with superhumans immediately results in being ostracized from the Clan.

Type: Business 
Scale: 11 (multiregional/duchy)

Affiliation Score Criteria: Joining the Clan is as simple as filling out an online application although there are spotters who will attempt to directly recruit individuals they feel are promising. Aspiring ninjas receive training at a hidden stronghold in the Seattle underground. This training period varies dependent on the applicant's skills and intended role in the Clan. Children born to Clan members are automatically considered to be members and receive a lifetime of training before they become field operatives.

Criterion (
Affiliation Score modifier)
• Character level (+½ level)
• Has 5 or more ranks in Climb, Disable Device, Hide, 
Move Silently, or Open Lock (+1)
• Has 10 or more ranks in Climb, Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, or Open Lock  (+2)
• Completes delivery on time (+1 per 4 missions)
Donates useful equipment to the organization (+2)
• Proficient in Wujenitsu (Ninja Magic) (+2)
• Loses or destroys company equipment (-1/1,000 gp value)
• Fails to complete a delivery mission on time (Commit Seppuku; may sacrifice a finger to regain honor of Affiliation Score is 11 or better)

Titles, Benefits, and Duties: As you advance within the organization, you may advance to the coveted position of Assistant Manager

Score          Title: Benefits and Duties
3 or lower    No Affiliation
4 - 10            Genin - you receive free lodging at your franchise location and may purchase equipment at the company store
11 - 20         Chūnin - you have received enough training to fill any three roles (Deliverator,  Driver, Chef, Spotter, Navigator, or Dispatcher) on a delivery team (your choice but only one per mission)
21 - 29         Jōnin - +2 competence bonus on a Climb, Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, or Open Locks checks
30+              Assistant Manager - you are the head of your franchise location, may automatically succeed on a single Skill check, regardless of difficulty, once per delivery mission

Executive Powers: Gift, Shadow War*, Trade

* Businesses can not typically engage in shadow wars. This power is a throwback to the group's days as a criminal organization. 

Note: The Five-Fingered Foot name is the result of an interrogation the players of the Marvel Superheroes campaign I ran in high school. A captured Ninja 🥷 became tongue-tied and blurted out "foot" instead of (I think) "fist" but everyone seemed to dig the name so I ran with it.

Using the Five-Fingered Foot in your campaign: For a more "class" approach to the Clan, you could introduce it earlier in its history when it carried out spying, sabotage, and assassinations. They served as one of  my campaign's primary group of antagonists (despite having pretty good stats, they were woefully inept) until their defeat by a pair of Australian policemen (both named Joey). You could also go with them as us for a more light-hearted group of
NPC enemies or allies as applicable. 


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