Grimace of McDonaldland

This weird NPC comes by request of my brother. I hereby present Grimace of McDonaldland!

male Grimace
CR: 2     Medium Humanoid (Grimace)
HD: 3d8 plus 3     Hp: 19
Init: -1     Spd: 30'
AC: 11 (-1 Dex, +2 Natural), t: 9; ff: 11
Attacks: (BAB +2; Grap +4); +4 Unarmed Strike: 1d3+2 nonlethal
SA: - -
SQ: Metamorphosis
Align: NG     Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2
Str: 14, Dex: 8, Con: 10, Int: 5, Wis: 5, Cha: 10
Skills: Speak English; Balance +1; Jump +3; Perform (Dance) +1
Feats: Great Fortitude; Toughness
Gear: Grimace is often shown with roller skates*

Ht: 6'     Wt: ~ 300 lbs.    Hair: Purple (covers entire body)     Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Grimace has a large, gumdrop-shaped body with short legs and arms ending in three-fingered hands. He is covered in short purple fur and has thick black eyebrows.

• Grimace traits: Medium-sized; 3 racial HD gives BAB +2, Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1, and 2 feats.

* Performing special maneuvers on roller skates requires use of the Balance skill.

Metamorphosis (Ex): Some Grimaces have an additional set of arms, an addiction to milkshakes, and are of Neutral Evil alignment. Upon reaching adulthood, these arms are absorbed into the body and the Grimace becomes Neutral Good. 

Using Grimace in your campaign: Grimace was once one of the four-armed Evil Grimaces. At some point, he went through his metamorphosis, lost his extra arms, and became good. This event is not spoken of by anyone who knows him as it is considered rude. He is on excellent terms with his mother and father, Grandma Winky and Great-great Grandma Jenny, as well as his Aunts Millie and Tillie and Uncle O'Grimacey. Little is known of his relationship with King Gonga, his brother and ruler of all the Grimaces but perhaps a minor political situation needs attention and the player characters are the only truly neutral party available to mediate.

Grimace is a native of McDonaldland, a pocket dimension tied to the Prime Material Plane (with suspected but unconfirmed links to the Faerie Kingdoms). It is can be accessed through any McDonald's restaurant although most employees are unaware of this. It is possible that a child has accidentally entered the realm. Grimace and McDonaldland's other inhabitants can help find the child who refuses to return home. Maybe some McRobots have gone rogue and are trying to reach McDonaldland in search of sanctuary. 

McDonaldland Planar Traits

Normal Gravity
Normal Time
Self-contained - McDondland appears to be a small town with some nearby wilderness areas like the Sea of Milk that become accessible at irregular, but apparently seasonal, intervals. Beings who reach the "far end" of McDonaldland find themselves re-entering the realm from the opposite side.
Alterable Morphic - In McDonaldland, objects and creatures can be affected normally by outside forces.
No Elemental Traits - No one element dominates in McDonaldland; are all in balance as on the Material Plane.
Minor Positive Dominant - McDonaldland is filled with vibrant life. Many objects which would be inanimate on the Prime Material Plane are alive and will interact with travelers and inhabitants alike. Colors are brighter and more lively and the air feels fresher. All individuals in McDonaldland gain Fast Healing 2 as an Extraordinary ability for as long as they remain here.
Mildly Good-Aligned - Evil creatures in McDonaldland suffer a -2 penalty to all Charisma-based checks.
Normal Magic - Magic functions normally within McDonaldland


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