McRobots in a Modern Campaign

Robots, whether they are shapechangers or not, and innocuous-appearing animals adapted for spy missions seem to be a recurring theme for my NPCs of late. While watching videos on YouTube today, I was reminded of these little guys and promptly got to work adapting them for my campaign.

Macro Mac...
          Fry Force...
                    Krypto Cup...
                              Fry Bot...
                                                Gallacta Pounder...
                                                                    Turbo Cone...

In 1987, during what many consider to be the height of the "Burger Wars", McDonald's operating revenue and profits grew while its competitors Burger King and Wendy's were laying off employees and posting quarterly losses respectively.

McDonald's success can be attributed in no small part to its "Changeables". These McRobots were designed to perform corporate espionage, collecting valuable intelligence on competitors' business practices and giving McDonald's a leg up against its rivals. A line of "Happy Meal" toys were simultaneously released, saturating the public's consciousness and the market with hundreds of thousands of decoys, enabling the actual robots to operate almost without notice. They move by either rolling along the ground or floating via forced air like a hovercraft. They have "hands" (functionally tiny pincers) but the left can also function as a set of masterwork lockpicks.

While the Changeable Program was discontinued due to high operating costs, rumors abound that some of the original McRobots or a handful of more advanced prototypes remain functional.

McRobot/Changeable: Biomorph Robot
CR: 1     Fine Construct     HD: 1/16d10     Hp: 1
Init: +4     Spd: 5', fly 30' (clumsy)
AC: 33 (+16 size, +3 Plastic Casing, +4 Dex), t: 30, ff: 29
Attacks: (BAB +0; Grap -21); +20 various (see below)
SA: Self-Destruct, Variable Weapon Platform
SQ: Construct traits, Sensor Package
Align: N     Saves: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0
Str: 1, Dex: 18, Con: - -, Int: - -, Wis: 10, Cha: 1
Skills: Disable Device +4, Hide +20, Open Lock +10
Feats: - -
Gear: Integrated AV Transmitter, Integrated Class III Sensor System, Integrated Self-Destruct System, 2 Skill Programs

Class III Sensor System (Ex): This sensor system includes a video camera with infrared capability, a basic audio receiver, and a crude chemical sniffer.
Construct traits (Ex): Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60', Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (Charms, Compulsions, Phantasms, Patterns, and Morale effects), poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and Necromancy effects, not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage/drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain, immune to any effects that require a Fortitude save unless they are harmless or affect objects, not at risk of death from massive damage.
AV Transmitter (Ex): A transmitter connected to the Changeable's sensor system is able to broadcast signals to a receiver with a 1,000' range.
Self-Destruct System (Ex): If a Changeable is damaged (reduced to 0 or fewer hp) it will self-destruct, immolating all of its components until nothing but ash remains.
Skill Programs (Ex): The Changeables come with two "factory preset" skills - Disable Device and Open Lock, both with 4 ranks. They gain a +16 size bonus to Hide checks. Distinguishing a McRobot from its "toy" counterpart requires a successful Spot check (DC10).
Variable Weapon Platform (Ex): A McRobot can be outfitted with a single, one-use weapon before each mission. These are modular and can be traded out in 1 minute by a skilled technician (Repair check DC15).
     The first weapon is a pepper spray canister (5' range). A successful ranged touch attack results in the target being Blinded for 1d4 rounds if they fail a Fort save (DC15).
     The second choice of armaments is a compact taser. A pair of pneumatically-launched darts are fired at the target. Thin wires attached to these darts deliver a powerful shock, dealing 1d4 electrical damage. Additionally, the target must make a Fort save (DC15) or be Paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.
     The third type pf weapon carried by a McRobot is a dart that carries a potent knockout drug. The dart is too small to deal any damage but the target must make a Fort save (DC13) or be rendered unconscious. One minute later, a second Fortitude save (also DC13) must be made or sleep will continue for 1d4 hours. If both saves fail, the target suffers 1d3 Int damage, indicating short-term memory loss (usually a span of 5d6 minutes).


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