The Mysterious Miasma

The Mysterious Miasma is intended to serve as an antagonist for my players once they reach Earth-218. Like Chlorokill before him, I wanted to create a villain who had an understandable, perhaps even sympathetic motivation. Dr. Ashton Ward was a researcher for the Edmundson Center for Toxin Research and Defense when a laboratory mishap resulted in him being transformed into his current state. The change caused something inside of him to "snap". He blames the Center for what happened and wants revenge.

The Mysterious Miasma (Ashton Ward, M.D.)
Human male Expert 3/Metahuman 12
CR: 15     Medium Humanoid (Human, Mutant)
HD: 3d8 plus 12d8     Hp: 91     Energy: 35
Init +2     Spd: 30'     AC: 12 (+2 Dex), t: 12, ff: 10
Attacks: (BAB +11/Grap +15); +13/+8/+3 Unarmed Strike: 1d3 (on a successful Grapple, can force opponent to inhale him, displacing oxygen and causing suffocation) or +13 Acid/Fear/Poison Touch: see below for effects
SA: Powers (see below)
SQ: Racial Abilities
Align: NE     Saves: Fort +8, Ref +9, Will +11
Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 11, Int: 17, Wis: 14, Cha: 12
Languages: Read/Write and Speak English, Japanese, Latin, and American Sign Language
Skills: Concentration +18, Craft (Pharmaceutical) +15, Diplomacy +8, Drive +3, Heal +19, Knowledge (Superhumans) +15, Listen +7, Profession (Doctor) +19, Science (Biochemistry) +21, Science (Genetics) +10, Science (Toxicology) +15, Search +18, Sense Motive +9, Spot +17, Swim +7
Feats: Dodge, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Inner Strength (b), Maximize Power, Medical Expert (b), Power Focus (Contagion) (b), Quicken Power, Skill Focus (Craft - Pharmaceutical), Skill Focus (Heal) (b), Weapon Finesse

Racial Abilities: Bonus feat at 1st level, +4 skill points at 1st level, +1 skill point/level after 1st, Class with highest level is favored class for multi-class purposes; Mutant - gain 3 "levels" worth of power (3 standard or 1 improved and 1 standard), Optional Charisma penalty (-3 Cha in exchange for 1 additional "level" of power), Evolved Metabolism (+4 bonus on initial Energy score), LA +1, gains Metahuman as a bonus Favored Class
Class Abilities: Proficient with Simple Weapons, Pistols, and Light Armor, Skill Versatility (Class Skills are: Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge - Superhumans, Profession, Science - Biochemistry, Science - Genetics, Science - Toxicology, Speak Language, and Search); Chosen Metahuman Class Skills (Heal, Science - Biochemistry, and Search), 2 bonus Power or Metapower feats, 3 Power Enhancements

Ultra Body Transformation: (Energy Cost: 5, Duration: 3 min/level), Ashton can transform his entire body into a gaseous form (a 10' high x 20' long x 20' wide cloud) as a move action (he can pay an additional +1d3 energy to transform as a free action). While transformed he is immune to most physical attacks since they simply pass through him however he is still subject to attacks that directly target the material he has become (e.g. strong wind against gases). While transformed, he can pass through small holes or narrow openings, even mere cracks with all he was wearing or holding in his hands. However, he can't enter water, airtight areas, or manipulate objects. He is immune to falling damage (although he cannot fly as he is heavier than air).
     Amplifier: Non-Continuous Material
     Reducer: Single Material (Gases) only
Ultra Contagion: (Energy Cost: 1; can pay +1 energy to maximize power's effect), Ashton can alter his body's chemistry to create a variety of toxic compounds. Opponents touched must make a Fortitude save (DC16 + 1/3 Ashton's level) to resist or suffer 1d6 Con damage and then a second Fortitude save (same DC) one minute later. Physical armor does provide some protection against this attack but Natural Armor is treated just like skin and provides no resistance to this attack.
     Amplifier: Hyper-Immune System (gains a +8 bonus to save against poison)
Improved Empathy: (Energy Cost: 2, Duration: Concentration up to 1 min/level), Ashton can alter his body's chemistry to create a fear-inducing compound. Opponents touched must make a Will save (DC12 + 1/3 Ashton's level) to resist or become Panicked (drop anything held and flee, suffers a -2 penalty on all saving throws, Skill, and ability checks). If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering. If the Will save succeeds, the target is Shaken (suffers -2 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, Skill and ability checks) for one round. Physical armor does provide some protection against this attack but Natural Armor is treated just like skin and provides no resistance to this attack. Because this attack is chemical-based instead of mental, Ashton's Con modifier is used to determine the saving throw. Additionally, multiple targets can be affected, but only one per attack and each must be paid for separately.
     Reducer: Transmit only/Fear Only
     Reducer: Range reduced to touch
Improved Energy Blast: (Energy Cost: 1, can pay +1 energy to maximize power's effect), Ashton can alter his body's chemistry to create a corrosive gas that deals 7d6+1 acid damage (Ref 1/2 DC12 + 1/3 Ashton's level). Any target wearing physical armor automatically takes half damage (25% with a successful save). The target takes half of the initial attack's damage on the following round.
     Reducer: Range reduced to touch

• Ashton can not make use of his Contagion, Empathy, or Energy Attack powers unless transformed into his gaseous form.
Irrational Aversion: Ashton blames to Edmundson Center for Toxin Research and Defense for his condition and devotes his attention to causing trouble for them. He Will ignore everything else, short of immediate physical danger to carry out his plans against them.
Vulnerability to Fire: Suffers an additional +50% damage from fire-based attacks when transformed into his gaseous form.

For AD&D, Ashton's backstory remains largely the same with the exception of substituting an Alchemists' Guild for the Edmundson Center. His stats would be altered as well...

Ashton Ward: Human male Apothecary* 13

Str: 10, Dex: 14, Con: 11, Int: 17, Wis: 14, Cha: 12
AC: 10
THAC0: 16
Movement: 12
Hit Dice: 7+3
Hit Points: 19
Alignment: NE
No. of Attacks: 1
Dmg/Att: Varies (see below)
Special Attacks: Acid Touch, Fear Touch, Poison Touch, Spell Use (4/4/4/3/3)
Special Weaknesses: Takes +50% damage from fire in gaseous form; Unable to use spells in gaseous form

Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, Staff

Non-weapon Proficiencies: Ancient History, Brewing, Concocting*, Cooking, Fire-Building, Healing, Herbalism, Modern Language - Dragon, Modern Language - Elven, Reading/Writing Elven

Spells: 1st: Affect Normal Fires, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Grease; 2nd: Alter Self, Blur, Detect Poison, Fog Cloud; 3rd: Feign Death, Gust of Wind, Hold Person, Wraithform; 4th: Contagion, Fear; 5th: Animate Dead, Cloudkill

Gear: Ashton lost nearly all of his equipment following his accident. He carries no personal equipment but maintains access to his laboratory and where he still has several potions and other concoctions stored.

Xp Value: 13,000

*The Apothecary class and Concocting NWP appear in the AD&D supplement "Sages & Specialists".

Beginning at 7th level, Ashton gained the ability to male magical concoctions. This includes all potions, oils, and other kinds of miscellaneous magic of a concocted nature, including: Candle of Invocation, Dust of Appearance, Dust of Disappearance, Dust of Dryness, Dust of Illusion, Dust of Tracelessness, Dust of Sneezing and Choking, Incense of Meditation, Incense of Obsession, Keoghtom's Ointment, Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments, Smoke Powder, Sovereign Glue, and Universal Solvent.

After his accident, Ashton gained the ability to transform his body into a rolling cloud of gas (10' high x 20' long x 20' wide). In this form, he is able to sleep through small cracks and openings and is immune to weapon damage. As a cloud, his touch deals 7d6 acid damage (save vs Breath Weapon for half), causes Fear (as per the spell, save vs Poison to resist), or is a deadly contact poison (Type N; Death/25). He can change effects at will but can only use one effect per round.


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