And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Program (Day Five of the Odinsleep)

Asgard: A Realm Besieged...

While Odin All-Father sleeps, the army of Loki the God of Mischief, Lies, and Deceit attacks the Realm Eternal. When last we left our heroes, they had decided to take the fight to the Trickster himself after spending two days defending the city alongside the Æsir and legions of Einherjar. The mystic bracer Raven had been given by the wizard Dickory in the Fortress of the Three Pigs had been damaged when the elf used it to reverse time to save his companions from certain death and while Ra'ziir had divined a method for repairing the powerful item, the ritual had not yet been carried out due to the risks involved. Korbin, meanwhile, as the newly risen incarnation of Cunning had gone off on his own in search of magic that would help him survive the deadly rigors of the battlefield.
= = = = = 
Day Five of the Odinsleep (5 am, 2 hours until sunrise)

Grotto spits on the floor, " Pay! How do we sneak up on a god? May as well just walk to his front door and barge in! He will see us coming!"

Kysek replies to Grotto, “It's not about sneaking up on Loki, it's about sneaking past his hordes. He can't get word out to them that quickly lest he speaks in the minds of the beasts themselves. Once past the majority, the minority becomes easier.”

"In this endgame, does Thor not have any friends that could help avenge us" Grotto chuckles before replying to Kysek, "Aye, your words make sense."  The scarred dwarf turns to the Valkyrie, "How might we move with the speed of the wind then?"

"And if it is to be the wind, very well!  Let us away!" Ra'ziir proclaims.  Shadow nods in agreement, "Yes, it is time to fly, fools!"

As the group heads out the door of the smith's abode, Drax pauses, considering his words before speaking, “My calling has put me on the hunt for many beings, from simple alley slayings to complicated fortress assassinations. I have succeeded, often when others failed, by ensuring that I used foresight and the proper tools. If this Loki is now our target, we must be properly prepared or failure will find us. 'Only the most powerfully enchanted weapons will harm him', we should ensure that we have such before we fly off prematurely and doom ourselves to failure.” The assassin draws his blades, “These have seen me through many trials. A matched set given me for a service well rendered.” He looks to the goddess, “Divine lady, with your sight, please tell me, are they powerful enough.”

Idunn gazes upon Drax's shortswords, her brow furrowed for but a moment, “In your hands, with your skill, they should suffice as long as you don't try to stand against the trickster in toe-to-toe battle. Strike from concealment as you always do and fall away while others distract him and your blades will serve you well.”

Realization dawns upon Cedron as Hildr's meaning becomes clear, “I have admired your flying steed from afar. I do hope you're referring to them. Regardless, Drax is absolutely correct. We must prepare if we are to be successful. What can we expect from this God of Deceit?”

Hildr shrugs, “His very nature makes him unpredictable. The few times my path has crossed with him have been neutral. He is well-spoken and clever, a silver-tongued charmer. Some accuse him of cowardice but he has saved Asgard on several occasions through wit and guile where the brute force of Thor and Baldur have failed. Even when he appears beaten or backed into a corner, expect him to have an 'out' already in place and that you have played into his hand – that he has You exactly where He wants you and not the other way around. Keep in mind, that he IS a god with more magic at his fingertips than more than half the lot of you combined. And if you fail, know that my sisters and I are saving your seats in Valhalla.”

Niklas cleans up after himself as he ponders the information given the party, “Does Loki know of us or is he simply attacking the city in the hopes of taking control?”

Idunn looks to the woodsman, “I find it unlikely that Loki is aware of your existence at all in truth. While mighty, you are all but mortals.”

The ranger nods, “Then perhaps we can flip the table on this god of deceit and offer our services to get closer to him. When we hunt predators, we found it easier to bait them in as their defensive nature was relaxed as they ate. I'd imagine we could use this against Loki.”

Arthur cleans up the last of his mess and joins the group as they head out the door. Cedron pauses and looks around, “Something is not right. Something is...” he pauses and corrects himself, “no, someone is missing. Has anyone seen Hansuke today?”

Morn slips past the minstrel, “Have you checked Raven? He seems to spend a great deal of time in the elf's hood.” Raven slips his cloak over his shoulders, “I have not seen our tattooed friend since last night.”

Grotto shakes his head, “I have not seen him. Nor have I seen the sergeant for the last day either.”

With two members unaccounted for and Korbin off doing whatever it is the crow does when he is away, the group sets out in the wake of Idunn and the Valkyrie. Hildr leads the procession through the streets of Asgard in the predawn light as the last wisps of snow begin to melt with the coming day. The road snakes back and forth between the town and as the party passes, warriors emerge from mead halls or private homes, kissing loved ones as they head out the door and talk off at a trot toward the wall. The dull thud of giant-hurled stones striking the wall can be heard off in the distance.

Finally, as the sun crests the horizon, the path the group follows begins to climb up the side of a steep mountain. Clouds obscure the slope and peak and the smell of ozone hangs heavily in the air. Hildr does not slow and plunges into the cloud, followed immediately by Idunn, and then the party members one-by-one. The mist parts, revealing a lush meadow.

The Valkyrie makes a shrill whistle and the sound of a neighing horse echoes down from above.

A huge horse swoops down from the heavens, its eight legs pawing the air as its great wings slow its descent. The beast rears up and lands delicately, bowing to Idunn before turning its head to eye Hildr. She raises one hand, palm first toward the massive horse. “Hail Gladr, these heroes seek to beard the Sly One in his lair. Will you and yours take them there?”

The horse shakes his head, moving it up and down and shaking it one way and the other while whinnying and neighing. The Valkyrie nods, “I understand. Yes, yes. I see. I will tell them.”

"Gladr says that his people will take you, should you prove worthy but a sacrifice must be made.  Which of you will volunteer?"

- - - - -
Across town, Korbin continues his conversation with the dwarf merchant, “What are the prices for the air elemental and the ram ones?”

"Ah! Fine choices ta be sure!  Truly, fer what they do, I ask but a pittance!  The ram kin be yers fer 170 pounds a gold er the equal value of some other precious metal an the elemental fer 40 flawless emeralds!"

= = = = = =
Arthur: 100% health; 
Bubo: 100% health; 
Cedron: 100% health;
Drax: 100% health; Nondetection (active until 7 pm), Undetectable Alignment (active until Day Six at 5 am)
Grotto: 100% health; 
Korbin: 100% health
Kysek: 100% health; half of the Tome of Intellect has been read
Morn: 100% health;
Niklas: 100% health;
Raven: 100 % health; 
Ra'ziir: 100% health;
Shadow: 100% health;
Spewer: 100% health;


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