Odds and Ends

Today, I thought I would share a couple small things that I have had floating aroud for awhile that aren't quite meaty enough to get their own posts. 

"Suspicious Minds" is probably my favorite Elvis song and its title sounds more like the name of a feat for 3rd edition than any other song I can think of.

Suspicious Mind [General]

You aren't easily deceived.
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks to resist Bluff and Spot checks to see through a disguise.

(No, not THAT kind!)

"Seasoned With Butter - A Guide to Halfling Cuisine"

This book has thin wood front and back covers, allowing it to be used as a cutting board. Within, food stained pages hold dozens of recipes ranging from simple breakfasts to elaborate desserts and plans for entire banquets. Reading the entire book takes 20 hours but once complete, the reader gains a permanent +2 insight bonus to Craft (Cooking). 

Additionally, when any of the recipes within are served to a Halfling, the cook gains a +2 bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks in relation to his diners during the meal and for 1d4 hours afterwards.

In AD&D, the reader gains Cooking as a bonus Non-Weapon Proficiency and a +10% reaction adjustment when any of the recipes within are served to a Halfling during the meal and for 1d4 hours afterwards.

Lime Disease

Not actually a disease, but a curse carried by evilly-enchanted candied snacks, Lime Disease causes the eater's head to transform into a disfigured hybrid of their own head and the candied fruit. This reduces the victim's Charisma score by half. The effect is permanent until the victim receives a Break Enchantment, Limited Wish, Miracle, Remove Curse, or Wish spell. Shapechangers like mimics, dopplegangers, and lycanthropes are only affected until they assume another form.

Fort save DC14 negates.
In AD&D, save vs Spell to negate.
In both cases, the save is penalized 1 point for every piece of candied fruit after the first that is eaten.


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