Jack-O-Lanterns for D&D

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These lanterns, made from hollowed out pumpkins (or turnips or other gourds) have long been associated with warding away evil spirits. When freshly carved (until the next sunrise) and for as long as the candle within burns, a Jack-O-Lantern radiates an effect identical to a Magic Circle Against Evil spell (with the area of effect extending to protect the entire dwelling). Incorporeal undead must make a Will save (DC10 + Wis modifier of the lantern carver) or be shaken if within line of sight.  For AD&D, make these into a Protection from Evil 10' radius, a saving throw vs Spell and Morale checks respectively.

Additionally, the color of a Jack-O-Lantern's light changes to blood-red if a vampire comes within 30'*.

* I found several mentions of Jack-O-Lantern lights revealing vampires but no method was revealed in any of the articles I read.


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