🐦 Government Spy Drone Program (Birds Aren't Real) 🐦

On Earth-218, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been exterminating birds and replacing them with highly sophisticated robots for decades. These robots are nearly indistinguishable from actual birds and are used to secretly conduct surveillance on the country's citizens. These drones are modelled after the most prevalent bird found in the area where they are to be deployed - most often pigeons in urban areas.

Government Spy Drone (a.k.a. Pigeon-bot)
CR: 1/2     Tiny Construct     HD: 1d10     Hp: 5
Init +2     Spd: 10', fly 40' (ave)    

AC: 14 (+2 size, +2 Dex), t: 14, ff: 12
BAB +0/Grap -13; +4 Claws: 1d2-5

SA: - -
SQ: Construct traits, Self-Destruct

Align: N     Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2

Str: 1, Dex: 15, Con: - -, Int: - -, Wis: 14, Cha: 6

Skills: Disguise +8 (to appear as a normal bird), Listen +6, Spot +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (b)

Gear: Integrated Camera with Thermographic and Low-Light Capabilities; Radio Transmitter with 50 miles range and automatic signal encryption; Parabolic Microphone; Inductive Charging Coil (in feet, landing on power wires charges onboard battery); Battery (capable of providing up to 16 hours of continuous power on a single charge); CPU (programmed to mimic typical "bird" behaviors); Self-Destruct Module

Environment: Any land (especially cities)
Organization: Pair, Flight (2d4), Flock (5d10)

• A Biomorph frame is essentially a hard plastic or metallic casing often, but not always, in a shape that suggests a living creature.  As a Small Construct, Bird Drones have 1d10 racial HD. Gains a +10 bonus to Disguise checks to appear as a normal bird. A Pigeon Drone is programmed with 4 ranks in both Listen and Spot as its factory default.

• Construct traits: Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60', Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (Charms, Compulsions, Phantasms, Patterns, and Morale effects); Immunity to poison, Sleep effects, Paralysis, Stunning, Disease, Death effects, and Necromancy effects; Not subject to Critical Hits, Nonlethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, Fatigue, Exhaustion, or Energy Drain; Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it affects objects or is harmless; Not at risk of death from Massive Damage but destroyed instantly if reduced to 0 hp

• Self-Destruct (Ex): If captured or destroyed, the Drone's internal components will melt down, leaving an organic sludge behind.

• Variant model examples: 1/2HD: Hummingbird, most Songbirds; 1HD: Chickens, Pigeons, Ravens; 2HD: Geese, Turkey; 3HD: Buzzards, Eagles; 4HD: Ostrich

Incorporating Pigeon-bots into your campaign: Pigeon-bots have the exact same stats as a normal pigeon but are immune to any effect that requires a biological component. Small constructs resembling Birds, either clockwork or magical, that serve as the focus for Scrying spells could be deployed to an area to gather intelligence or conduct patrols. Also, much like the Acoustic Kitty, a Pigeon-bot could be inserted into the party as a spy for the enemy.


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